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Deceptions of Freedom in Christ

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2 Deceptions of Freedom in Christ
Freedom to sin.

3 Deceptions of Freedom in Christ
Freedom to sin. Freedom to earn God’s favor.

4 Deceptions of Freedom in Christ
Freedom to sin. Freedom to earn God’s favor. Freedom to be indebted to God.

5 Galatians 4:21-31.

6 Abraham Children of Slavery Children of Promise Hagar Sarah Ishmael
Isaac Flesh/Natural Birth Spiritual/Supernatural Birth Law Promise Offspring of the Law - Slave Offspring of Promise - Adopted Sinai Zion Old Covenant New Covenant Bondage Freedom

7 Three Freedom Statements
Christ has set you free to be free. Stand firm in that freedom. Do not return to the bondage of slavery.

8 Examples of How We Return to the Bondage of Slavery
You try to earn dividends from Christ through your own spiritual investments.

9 Examples of How We Return to the Bondage of Slavery
You try to earn dividends from Christ through your own spiritual investments. You see Christ as a banker who needs your investments so he can produce dividends for all of his customers.

10 Examples of How We Return to the Bondage of Slavery
You see Christ as an overbearing lender that you are under pressure to pay back through righteous living and good works.

11 Examples of How We Return to the Bondage of Slavery
You see Christ as an overbearing lender that you are under pressure to pay back through righteous living and good works. You see Christ as a never satisfied perfectionist so you just give up and give in to sin.

12 Examples of How we Live in the Freedom Christ Has Provided
You realize that all dividends freely received from Christ have been paid by Christ’s investments not yours and can never be paid back, ever!

13 Examples of How we Live in the Freedom Christ Has Provided
You come to the freeing realization that you have no assets to invest, God does not need you but chooses to use you anyway.

14 Examples of How we Live in the Freedom Christ Has Provided
You realize that Christ’s investment for you on the cross was completely and totally sufficient for you to receive ALL the dividends of righteousness and life that he gives.

15 Examples of How we Live in the Freedom Christ Has Provided
You realize that Christ’s investment for you on the cross is the only investment capable of completely covering the debt of sin that you owed – and it was Paid In Full!

16 How do You Stand Firm in This Freedom?
Receive Grace

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