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Soft Skills That Drive Project Success

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1 Soft Skills That Drive Project Success
Eric Bloom President, Manager Mechanics @EricPBloom Vendor_2510

2 Common Soft Skills Types Key Certifications and Methodologies
Presentation Agenda Common Soft Skills Types Key Certifications and Methodologies You! Let’s back up for a minute and define the different types of soft skills. I mentally divide soft skills into three basic categories. 2

3 Common Soft Skills Types
Interpersonal Communication Leadership Characteristics Analytical Skills Business Skills Management Tasks Business Knowledge Let’s back up for a minute and define the different types of soft skills. I mentally divide soft skills into three basic categories. 3

4 Soft Skills Types 1. Interpersonal Communication
Emotional intelligence Body language Asking purposeful questions Active listening Conflict resolution Difficult conversations Public speaking Business acumen Facilitation Written communication Understanding of others builds relationships and influence Fact finding ability, build interpersonal rapport Reduces stress, enhances productivity, facilitates teamwork and lowers attrition These skill, as the name alludes, are related tot the interaction between people. Active listening helps you listen to your boss and your spouse. Having difficult conversations with members of your staff and family members of all generations Enhances your visibility, influence and upward mobility 4

5 Soft Skills Types 2. Leadership Characteristics
Confidence Trustworthiness Respectful and humble Optimistic Open mindedness Influence Vision Motivation Proactive Opportunistic Commitment Flexibility Determination Accountability Builds a professional brand of integrity, trust and respect Creates your reputation as a change-agent The standard cast of characters When reviewing these lists, yes there are a few that I could easily move to one of the other categories. Having effective meetings at the office and leading successful volunteer efforts that that help others. Helps you get the job done 5

6 Soft Skills Types 3. Analytical Skills
Brainstorming Creative thinking Strategic thinking Root cause analysis Problem solving Decision making Innovation Theorizing what can be done Defining what must done and how to do it In many ways, it’s these people skills that determine a person’s ability to succeed in the previous two lists. Beyond communication, these skills help employee understand and respect their coworkers of all types and help people in general respect and have empathy for people unlike themselves. This brings us to our second key concept. Facilitates the conception, design, creation and implementation of new products, technologies, processes, revenue streams and markets 6

7 Soft Skills Types 4. Business Skills
Teambuilding Running meeting Building diversity Vendor management Consultative approach Negotiation Strategic planning Goal setting Time management Interviewing/Hiring Mentoring Staff reviews Helps build your team Maximizes your personal productivity and effectiveness Parent skills, story about first book Enhances one-on-one staff interaction 7

8 Soft Skills Types 5. Management Tasks
Delegation Giving constructive feedback Difficult conversations Risk reduction Managing change Stress reduction Builds management skill Helps deal with staff, user and stakeholders issues Parent skills, story about first book 8

9 Soft Skills Types 6. Business Knowledge
Business models and structures Competitive analysis Customer relationship and satisfaction Industry knowledge and standards Legal and regulatory compliance Market awareness and conditions Operational functions (finance, marketing, etc.) Helps drive project and professional success Helps maximize project value to stakeholders Parent skills, story about first book 9

10 Key Certifications and Methodologies
Common Soft Skills Types Key Certifications and Methodologies Parent skills, story about first book 10

11 PMI Triangle 11

12 PMI Triangle Leadership
Business Skills Brainstorming Coaching and mentoring Negotiation Problem solving Team building Interpersonal Communication Conflict management Emotional Intelligence Influencing Listening These are the leadership skills specifically listed in the leadership leg of the PMI Triangle. 12

13 PMI Triangle Strategic and Business Management
Business Skills Benefits management and realization Business acumen Business models and structures Competitive analysis Customer relationship and satisfaction Industry knowledge and standards Legal and regulatory compliance Market awareness and conditions Operational functions (finance, marketing, etc.) Strategic planning, analysis, alignment These are the leadership skills specifically listed in the Strategic and Business Management leg of the PMI Triangle. 13

14 Agile/Scrum 14

15 Agile/Scrum All Team Members
Primary communication skills Interpersonal communication Being an agent of change Leadership without authority (influence) Optional business skills (based on team need) Problem solving Decision making Working on a virtual team Internal client service 15

16 Agile/Scrum Scrum Masters
All primary core skills plus business and communication skills Running effective meetings Conflict resolution Negotiation skills Fostering innovation Plus leadership skills Leading virtual teams Leadership concepts Accelerated team building 16

17 Agile/Scrum Product Owners
All primary core skills plus business and communication skills Running effective meetings Conflict resolution Negotiation skills Fostering innovation Plus strategic and consulting skills Strategic thinking Strategic planning Consulting skills 17

18 IIBA BABOK Business Analysts

19 IIBA BABOK Underlying Soft Skills Competencies
Analytical thinking and problem solving Creative thinking Decision making Learning Problem solving Visual thinking Behavioral characteristics Ethics Personal accountability Trustworthiness Organization and time management Adaptability 19

20 IIBA BABOK Underlying Soft Skills Competencies
Business knowledge Business acumen Industry knowledge Organizational knowledge Solution knowledge Methodological knowledge Communication skills Verbal communication Non-verbal communication Written communication Listening 20

21 IIBA BABOK Underlying Soft Skills Competencies
Interaction skills Facilitation Leadership and influencing Teamwork Negotiation and conflict resolution Teaching Tools and technology Office productivity tools and technology Business analysis tools and technology Communication tools and technology 21

22 Now Let’s Talk About You!
Common Soft Skills Types Key Certifications and Methodologies You! Let’s back up for a minute and define the different types of soft skills. I mentally divide soft skills into three basic categories. 22

23 What Leadership and Soft Skill Do You Need?
I C S M P O B A Y o u Current Ability 1 - 5 Enhance Priority 1 – 5 Specific Action to Enhance Your Skills Interpersonal Communication Leadership Characteristics Analytical Skills Business Skills Management Tasks Business Knowledge IC = Individual Contributor SM = Scrum Master PO = Product Owner PM = Project Manager BA = Business Analyst 23

24 Exercise Personal Growth Assessment Worksheet

25 Group Discussion Are there any volunteers who would be willing to discuss what item they would like to enhance and why? For me, it’s: Industry knowledge Creative thinking and Innovation Written communication Public speaking Negotiation 25

26 Use These Skills to Your Advantage!
Enhance your current job performance Position yourself for promotion Pivot into a new role Business skills in the office are life skills at home Enhance your current job performance By enhancing the skills that will help you be more successful Position you for promotion By enhancing the skills in areas needed to grow professionally Pivot yourself to a new role Business Analyst to Project Manager Project Manager to Scrum Master Scrum Master to Product Owner Etc. This is all in addition to your technical craft You! 26

27 Example #1 Enhance Your Current Job Performance
As Project Manager Negotiation skills help reduce scope creep Mentoring your staff builds loyalty and enhance team skills Influence skills help you lead without authority and gain the support of business partners Conflict management reduces team stress As a Business Analyst Questioning techniques enhance requirements Business knowledge enhances requirements Enhanced listening increase understating You! 27

28 Example #2 Enhance Your Current Job Performance
As a Scrum Master Meeting skills enhances quality of daily scrum meetings Fostering innovation enhances product quality Teambuilding skills enhances productivity and creativity As a Product Owner Negotiation will assist in dealings with stakeholders Strategic thinking helps get a seat at the business table Consulting skills enhances client interaction Managing change eases implementation You! 28

29 Example #3 Position You for Promotion or New Role
Define your wanted promotion Observe those currently in the role Observe their business knowledge, leadership ability, interpersonal business skills and business skills Define the skills required to achieve that position Perform a gap analysis (needed skills vs. your skills) Build needed skills through training, mentoring, observation and practice You! 29

30 Final Thoughts Your business and technical knowledge combined with leadership, interpersonal and business skills perfectly position you for future professional growth and opportunity so take full advantage! 30

31 Thank you and Questions?
Eric Bloom President, Manager Mechanics @EricPBloom 31

32 Thank you and Questions

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