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Business Technology Management (BTM)

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1 Business Technology Management (BTM)
Symposium on Business Technology Management (BTM) ESG UQAM ~ Monday, May 29, 2017

2 What is BTM? Business Technology Management (BTM) is a new professional designation created by ITAC Talent in 2009 Not just the rebranding of Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology Management (ITM) Recognition that changing industry reality is requiring new job roles, and more complex career paths that cross (blurred) traditional boundaries Ensuring that academic programs, graduates, and employers share a common focus on a hybrid acumen integrating Business, Technology, and Management

3 Organizers ITAC Talent BTM Forum
Addressing long term ICT talent and skills needs of all industries Inspiring young people to pursue ICT-related careers Accelerating the flow of talented people into emerging tech careers Leveraging diversity as a solution for prosperity and competitiveness Setting industry standards and raise the quality of education Founded in Fall 2016 to support a unified Canadian BTM profession Builds upon the BTM Initiative, an accreditation standard published in 2009, complete revision in 2016 Develop an alliance with existing ICT orgs. to build an umbrella certification program Build a new BTM BOK to guide professionals in their career Web community to create dialogue

4 Purpose of the BTM Symposium
To explore how to develop BTM as a new professional association, certification, and Body of Knowledge (BOK) To unite all IS and ITM graduates and create a strong BTM community and identity To engage participants in taking the lead and promoting the BTM profession

5 Program 9:00 - Welcome by organizers
9:10 - Session 1: BTM Profession Dynamics 10:30 - Health Break with Refreshments 10:40 - Session 2: Uniting BTM Professionals 12:00 - Lunch and Working Groups 13:00 - Session 3: BTM Body of Knowledge 14:20 - Health Break with Refreshments 14:30 - Session 4: BTM Stakeholders Alliance 15:50 - Closing Address

6 Participants Grateful to our 50 participants:
19 professors from 11 colleges and universities from across Canada 11 members and executives from 9 organizations and associations 20 professionals from all ranks and specializations of BTM Special thanks to ESG UQAM and their Professors for hosting this unique meeting, and accepting to join us in great numbers Affiliation Organizations Participants Academia 11 19 9 Professionals 20 Academic institutions: Athabasca, Calgary, Concordia, ETS, HEC, McMaster, Red River, Ryerson, TELUQ, ESG UQAM. Associations and professional groups: CPA, IIBA, ITAC, OMCP, PMI, TechnoComp., ITIL, Adm.A., European Com.

7 Communications ITAC must conform to privacy laws
Cannot share all the names and s of our 50 participants Please join stay in touch by joining our online communities BTM Forum web site and LinkedIn Group

8 Session 1: BTM Profession Dynamics
9:10 - Origins and Evolution of the BTM Initiative Gina van Dalen, Executive Director at ITAC, and Elie Elia, Prof. at ESG UQAM and Chair of the BTM Forum Governing Council 9:30 - Future of BTM as the new Profession for IS/ITM Stéphane Gagnon, Prof. at UQO 10:00 - Lessons in Growing a Profession, Certification, and BOK: The PM² Community in the EU-28 Nicos Kourounakis, Senior Consultant for the PM² Project Management Methodology at the DIGIT of the European Commission

9 Session 2: Uniting BTM Professionals
Moderator: Elie Elia, Prof. at ESG UQAM Objectives: Identify the necessary steps required to engage and unite all professionals identifying with BTM Format: Ask each participant to introduce herself/himself Discuss how they find interest in the BTM community Outcome: Synthesize the concerns from different perspectives Identify a set of key issues to promote the BTM profession Form Working Groups for brainstorming sessions during lunch

10 Session 3: BTM Body of Knowledge
Moderator: Stéphane Gagnon, Prof. at UQO Objectives: Explore what would be the best “architecture” for our Body of Knowledge (BOK), and what standards should be integrated therein Format: Reports by each Working Group on their proposed ideas Interactive editing of our BOK components on the board Outcome: Outline of key contributions by the our audience Design of a BOK logic and overall architecture

11 Session 4: BTM Stakeholders Alliance
Moderator: Raul Valverde, Prof. at Concordia U. Objectives: Engage the audience in contributing to this new profession, especially by representing BTM to their respective communities and professional groups Format: Call to action on specific objectives to promote BTM Opportunities for statements by representatives of key professional groups and communities Outcome: Priorities for action, target partners, activities to initiate Volunteers identified to take the lead of key initiatives

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