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Unit E Chapter 1 Lesson 2 Pgs E14-E19

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1 Unit E Chapter 1 Lesson 2 Pgs E14-E19
The Elements of Matter

2 Elements An element is a pure substance that is made of only one kind of atom. It cannot be broken down into other substances by ordinary methods. There are 118 elements known today, but only 90 are found in nature. The rest are made by scientists. Let’s learn all of the elements through the magic of song! That’s right, I put a song in here. The Elements Song

3 Elements Hydrogen is the most common element in the entire universe.
Stars are all made of hydrogen, and scientists believe that every other element was created from hydrogen in the stars. Inside of stars, the tremendous heat and pressure combines hydrogen nuclei with other subatomic particles to form these other elements. This process of joining nuclei is called fusion. Hydrogen is the gas used in the Hindenburg, a German Zepplin that exploded over New Jersey in The following video might give you an idea of how quickly this airship was destroyed. Slow Motion Hydrogen Explosions

4 Types of Elements Most elements in their natural states are solids. A few are gases(oxygen, hydrogen,nitrogen) and only two are liquids (mercury and bromine) A metal is an element that conducts heat and electricity well. About 75% of all elements are metals. Most of them are shiny with a silver color. (except for gold and copper and a few others) Gold Iron Silver Copper

5 Types of Elements Malleability is a property of metals. It means that a metal can be bent and rolled into sheets. (Aluminum, gold, copper) Elements that do not conduct heat and electricity well, and are not malleable are simply known as non-metals. These three items all share something in common, the property of malleability.

6 The Periodic Table The first person to organize the elements was a Russian chemist named Dmitri Mendeleev. He arranged elements to their atomic mass. As he arranged them, he noticed they fell into patterns with similar properties. Dmitri Mendeleev developed the periodic table to help his students understand the elements. He ended up creating something that students would be studying for centuries.

7 The Periodic Table Later, his table was rearranged by the atomic number. This led to the modern Periodic Table of Elements which is how we arrange the elements today. In the periodic table, metals are to the left of the dark zig-zag line, non metals to the right. So Mr. Smartypants, you think you know the periodic table? Well I have a quiz for you that might be considered……evil?? If you can complete it you win 1 million dollars! Periodic Table Quiz The New Elements Song

8 The Periodic Table In the table, elements in the same row are said to be in the same period. They have similar arrangements of electrons. Elements in the same column are said to be in a group, or family. These elements have similar properties. If they have similar properties, they react in a similar manner.

9 The only element that does not fit into any family is hydrogen.
For example, Sodium and Potassium are in Group(Family) #1. These two elements both burst into flame when placed in water. The only element that does not fit into any family is hydrogen. This is potassium in its pure form, let’s see what happens when it comes in contact with water. Potassium Reactions Fire Water

10 Column 18 contains the least reactive family of elements.
They are known as the noble gases

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