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Analog CMOS Integrated Circuit Design Opamp Design

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Presentation on theme: "Analog CMOS Integrated Circuit Design Opamp Design"— Presentation transcript:

1 Analog CMOS Integrated Circuit Design Opamp Design
References: “Analog Integrated Circuit Design” by D. Johns and K. Martin and “Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits” by B. Razavi All figures in this set of slides are taken from the above books Dr. Jawdat Abu-Taha Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Islamic University of Gaza 1

2 General Considerations
Gain Small-signal bandwidth Large-signal performance Output swing Input common-mode Linearity range Noise/offset Supply rejection 2

3 One-Stage Op Amps 3

4 One-Stage Op Amp in Unity Gain
Configuration 4

5 Cascode Op Amps 5

6 Unity Gain One Stage Cascode 6

7 Folded Cascode Op Amps EECE488 Set 7 - Opamp Design 7

8 Folded Cascode Stages 8

9 Folded Cascode (cont.) 9

10 Folded Cascode (cont.) 10

11 Telescopic versus Folded Cascode 11

12 Example Folded-Cascode Op Amp 12

13 Single-Ended Output Cascode Op Amps 13

14 Triple Cascode 14

15 Output Impedance Enhancement 15

16 Gain Boosting in Cascode Stage 16

17 Differential Gain Boosting SM EECE488 Set 7 - Opamp Design 17

18 Differential Gain Boosting
SM 18 EECE488 Set 7 - Opamp Design

19 Differential Gain Boosting SM 19 EECE488 Set 7 - Opamp Design

20 Two-Stage Op Amps SM 20 EECE488 Set 7 - Opamp Design

21 Single-Ended Output Two-Stage Op Amp SM 21
EECE488 Set 7 - Opamp Design

22 Two-Stage CMOS Opamp

23 Two-Stage CMOS Opamp Example 23

24 Gain of the Opamp 24

25 Gain of the Opamp 25

26 Frequency Response 26

27 Frequency Response 27

28 Frequency Response 28

29 Frequency Response 29

30 Slew Rate 30

31 Slew Rate 31

32 Slew Rate 32

33 Systematic Offset Voltage

34 Systematic Offset Voltage 34

35 N-Channel versus P-Channel Input Stage

36 Feedback and Opamp Compensation 36

37 Stable and Unstable Systems 37

38 Time-domain response of a feedback system 38

39 One-pole system 39

40 Multi-pole system 40

41 Phase Margin 41

42 Phase Margin 42

43 Phase Margin (Cont.) 43

44 Phase Margin (Cont.) 44

45 Phase Margin (Cont.) 45

46 Frequency Compensation 46

47 Telescopic Opamp (single-ended) -example 47

48 Compensation (Cont.) • Assume we need a phase margin of 45o (usually
inadequate) frequency. and other non-dominant poles are at high 48

49 Compensation of a two-stage opamp 49

50 Compensating Two-Stage Opamps 50

51 Compensating Two-Stage Opamps 51

52 Compensating Two-Stage Opamps

53 Design Procedure 53

54 Design Procedure 54

55 Design Procedure 55

56 Process and Temperature Independence

57 Process and Temperature Independence

58 Process and Temperature Independence 58

59 Stable Transconductance Biasing 59

60 Stable Transconductance Biasing

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