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What is the weather like today in your town? What season is it now?

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Presentation on theme: "What is the weather like today in your town? What season is it now?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the weather like today in your town? What season is it now?

2 What can the weather be in any season of the year?
These words can help you to describe the weather. Form adjectives from the following nouns. Cloud- (облако)-cloudy-(облачный ), sun-(солнце)-sunny- (солнечный). Fog,rain,snow,wind,storm,frost. Use the following expression in your answer. In…(summer,autumn,winter,spring) the weather is…

3 What is the weather like in your region?
In my region the weather in…is… Always-(всегда) Sometimes-(иногда) Often-(часто)

4 What is the weather like in…
What is the weather like in…? Where would you like to spend your holidays? Why?

5 My likes and dislikes about the weather.
I (dis)like when the weather is…(rainy,dry,sunny,hot) I (dis)like when it –(rains,snows,melts,freezes) I (dis)like when there is…storm,rain,frost,snow What weather does your friend like?

6 When can it be? Children go to the river when the weather is…
They stay at home when the weather is… They go to the beach when the weather is… They take an umbrella when the weather is… They put on their warm clothes when the weather is…

7 Find 12 words about weather!
l w t i v g f o e h r q s m y p b d c n x u k j

8 Read the poem about seasons and try to remember!
September mild, October gold Are followed by November cold. Spring is green, Summer is bright Autumn is yellow, Winter is white.

9 Try to continue these lines. September (cool, hot, mild, hot)
October…(cold, mild ,gold) Are followed by November (frosty,cold, foggy, snowy). Spring is…, Summer is… Autumn is… Winter is…

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