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AUDIENCE/PURPOSE: To create an Amy Johnson museum

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1 AUDIENCE/PURPOSE: To create an Amy Johnson museum
NUMERACY: -count forwards and backwards to 100 in 1s -read numbers up to 100 -write numbers up to 100 -give one more/ one less than a given number to 100 -identify numbers using objects, pictures or on a number line -memorise the number bonds to 120 -read and write numbers up to 20 in words -recall doubles and corresponding halves up to 10 and 20 -subtract a one digit number from a one digit number -add a one digit number to a one digit number Division Can I find half of an object, find half of a shape, find half of a quantity. Can I find a quarter of an object, find a quarter of a shape, find a quarter of a quantity. - Can I make a whole by combining halves and quarters. Can I make a half by combining quarters. SCIENCE: Animals including Humans Identify and name a variety of common animals Identify and name a variety of common animals that are omnivores, herbivores and carnivores. Describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals. -Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part is associated with which sense. Working scientifically -performing simple tests -observing closely using simple equipment -asking simple questions -use observations to answer questions -gather and record data ENTERPRISE: ORGANISING AND PLANNING- City of culture – Amy Johnson museum FINANCIAL LITERACY- Hold a bun sale to raise funds for a trip Hold a tuck shop TEAM WORK- Work collaboratively as a class in order to organise our Amy Johnson Museum. LITERACY: (Spring term 1) READING- BIG book- twice a week throughout Autumn term -re tell key stories orally using narrative language -use picture cards to order key events in a story -make predictions based on events in the text WRITING Non fiction (2 weeks)- to create a class fact file of key figures in Hull -write simple labels, lists and captions (LA) -Writing sentences that have capital letters, full stops and finger spaces -use and and because, use simple adjectives, nouns -form lower case in the correct direction starting and finishing in the correct place. Narrative (5 weeks)- Amy Johnson Story (Use simple story language. Plans from known model, begins to re-write using plans. Retells in written form a simple story. Writes opening with character, setting, time of day and weather. Innovate original story) -punctuate sentences using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces Join words and sentences using simple conjunctions (and, because) -use a range of prefixes and suffixes. -read a sentence out loud before I write it and then to check it makes sense -identify a range of simple adjectives -sequence sentences to form a short narrative -write from memory simple sentences that include GPCs and common exception words taught so far. AUTHORS -Shirley Hughes TOPIC/PERSONALISED QUESTION: What was it like to in the time of Amy Johnson? AUDIENCE/PURPOSE: To create an Amy Johnson museum SMCS/LOCAL ISSUES (P4C/RP): -how can we help wildlife in our local area -pollution ICT: -understand what algorithms are, how they are implemented as programmes on digital devices (J2E) (coding a rocket ship to the moon) RE/ETHICS: Chinese new year Easter story HISTORY Sequence events in their own life's – Amy Johnson’s life Sequence 3 or 4 artefacts from distinctly different periods of time .Match objects to people of different ages. - Use a range of sources to find out characteristic features of the past Find out about people / events in other times - Collections of aretefacts. Historical enquiry – handle, question, observation and sketch a source. /GEOGRAPHY: -use aerial photographs and plan perspectives to recognise basic human and physical features -name and locate the world’s five oceans Devise a simple map – draw a map of real place -Use and construct basic symbols and a key -understand geographical similarities and differences of a small area of the UK and non-Europeon countrt MUSIC: -use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs -listen with concentration to a range of high quality, live and recorded music D&T/ART: -design, make and evaluate something for the Amy Johnson Museum (tbc) -use drawing and painting to explore and develop their ideas. -name the primary colours and use them in their work. sculpture- Develop and use texture for effect, incorporate known experiences or imagination- cut, roll and coil materials. - Learn about a famous artist – Sunflowers, Van Gogh. PE: -Tennis EXTERNAL OPPORTUNITES: -Trip to the city centre - Trip to Sewerby Hall? EXTENDED LEARNING:

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