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Year 3 Curriculum Evening January 2017
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Autumn 1: Europe Spring 1: Stone Age Summer 1: Ancient Egypt
Topics in Year 3 Autumn 1: Europe Spring 1: Stone Age Summer 1: Ancient Egypt Autumn 2: Perfect Paint Spring 2: Building Buggies Summer 2: Food Glorious Food
Mathematics in Year 3 These are some of the main expectations
Compare & order numbers up to 1000. Read & write all numbers to 1000 in digits and words. Find 10 or 100 more/less than a given number. Count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 50 and 100. Recall & use multiplication & division facts for 3, 4, 8 tables. Recognise place value of any 3-digit number. Add and subtract: 3-digit numbers and ones 3-digit numbers and tens 3-digit numbers and hundreds Numbers with up to 3-digits using written columnar method. Estimate and use inverse to check. Multiply: 2-digit by 1-digit Count up/down in tenths. Compare and order fractions with same denominator. Add and subtract fractions with same denominator with whole. Tell time using 12 and 24 hour clocks; and using Roman numerals. Tell time to nearest minute. Know number of days in each month and number of seconds in a minute.
Helping at home Practising times tables (knowing the related division facts) Telling the time (to the nearest minute, 12 and 24 hour clocks) Counting (in jumps of 4, 8, 50 and 100) Mathletics Websites
Mathletics An individual online Maths website (also as an App) that can be used to improve your child’s mathematical understanding. Each child has their own individual password
The University of Oxford’s study, concluded that schools who made regular use of Mathletics did significantly better on a range of measures, compared to schools that did not use Mathletics.
Top Tips Be positive. Never say, ‘Ask your mum I could never do Maths’
Let your child know that you think Maths is important Praise for effort and that it is okay to make mistakes. Sometimes trial and error is the best way Ask your child to explain their thinking
Writing in Year 3 These are some of the main expectations
Use adverbs (e.g. then, next, soon). Use conjunctions (when, so, before, after, while, because). Use prepositions (e.g. before, after, during, in, because of). Experiment with adjectives to create impact. Correctly use verbs in 1st, 2nd and 3rd person. Use perfect form of verbs to mark relationships of time and cause. Use inverted commas to punctuate direct speech. Group ideas into basic paragraphs. Write under headings and sub-headings. Write with increasing legibility, consistency and fluency.
Helping at home: Spellings
Look, Cover, Check Pyramids Putting the words into sentences Access to a dictionary Spelling games such as scrabble Finding other words with the same spelling pattern or rule
Helping at home: Learning Logs
Encourage your child to write Encourage them to sound out words and check their spellings Read their writing to check that it makes sense Encourage them to join their sentences (when, so, before, after, while, because, then, soon, next, but) Ask children to add adjectives (describing words) or improve the ones they have used
Reading in Year 3 These are some of the main expectations
Comment on the way characters relate to one another. Know which words are essential in a sentence to retain meaning. Draw inferences such as inferring characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions. Recognise how commas are used to give more meaning. Recognise inverted commas Recognise: plurals pronouns and how used collective nouns adverbs Explain the difference that the precise choice of adjectives and verbs make.
Reading in school Whole class guided reading 1:1 reading with an adult
Targeted interventions for reading
Reading books Children change their reading books everyday
You don’t have to read a whole book every night
Reading at home Regular reading (2-3 times per week)
Discussion and question about what has been read If they are reading books other than school books, let us know Listen to stories being read to them Encourage them to ask what words mean Create a list of interesting words from their reading that can be used in their writing Let them see you read
Thank you for coming. Any questions?
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