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Porting your Unity Game to the Windows Store Jump Start

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1 Porting your Unity Game to the Windows Store Jump Start
Jaime Rodriguez @jaimerodriguez

2 Welcome!! Mickey MacDonald Jaime Rodriguez Games Evangelist, Redmond
Technical Evangelist, Toronto @scruffyfurn Jaime Rodriguez Games Evangelist, Redmond @jaimerodriguez

3 Join the MVA Community! Microsoft Virtual Academy
Free online learning tailored for IT Pros and Developers Over 1M registered users Up-to-date, relevant training on variety of Microsoft products “Earn while you learn!” Get 50 MVA Points for this event! Visit Enter this code: PortUnityWinStore (expires 10/13/14)

4 Today… Getting Started Porting Your Game Great Windows Games: Light-up
Deep dive into run-times Dealing w/ Hardware Great Windows Games: Light-up Optimizing & Troubleshooting Monetizing: Intro to Windows Stores Programs & Offers for developers

5 Getting Started Module #1 of 6

6 Pre-requisites      htthttp Windows Store Windows Phone
How to get?? Windows 8+ Free 90-day evals Unity 4.5+ Plugins are free (including Pro) Windows SDK Visual Studio Windows Phone SDK Visual Studio Free download Developer Account $19 includes both platforms Windows Phone (Optional) Porting Program htthttp

7 Tooling intro

8 Exporting a Windows Store & Windows Phone game

9 Platform & Versions OS version 8.0 8.1 8.1 8.0 Windows Phone 8
Unity targets Universal apps

10 Universal apps: Maximum reuse

11 Universal Apps (Supported on Unity 4.5.3.f3+ )
Project Types: XAML C++ XAML C# SDK Windows 8.0 (and 8.1) Phone 8.1 Universal (both projects) Universal apps == Windows Store apps [Throughout the sessions today!!]

12 Windows Store Build Settings
Project Types: XAML C++ XAML C# SDK 8.0 ( runs on 8.0 and 8.1) 8.1 ( runs on 8.1 only)

13 Platform specific configuration (Windows)
Unity VS (Package.appxmanifest) Name Icons Tile Splash Image Packaging Capabilities Unity preferences/settings Plugins Name Icons Tile Splash Image Packaging Capabilities Declarations (extensions/contracts) Content URIs ..

14 Windows Phone 8 Build Settings
Project Types: XAML C# SDK 8.0 ( runs on 8.0 and 8.1)

15 Player prefs and app manifest (Phone)
Unity VS ( WMAppManifest.xml) Name Orientation Unity preferences/settings Name Icons Tile Splash Image Packaging Capabilities Declarations (extensions/contracts) Content URIs ..

16 Tips on configuration (aka player settings)
Set as many as you can from Unity During development, plan to re-export to VS often Use source control Merge/Diff tool

17 Windows Phone emulator

18 Deploying your Windows Phone Build
Steps to deploy Windows Phone 8 steps: Open Build Settings. Optionally check Development Build [to profile your game]. Make sure phone is connected to PC and is unlocked. Click Build And Run. Select folder to build Visual Studio project to. Once the project is built and app is deployed to your phone it should appear on the screen.

19 Windows Simulator

20 Deploying a Windows 8.x build
Running on local machine: Make sure, that selected solution platform is x86 (or Win32) and Debug target is set to "Local machine" Press F5 or go to Debug -> Start debugging Running in simulator: Set Debug Target to "Simulator"

21 Target configuration in VS
Master What you should ship! Release Profiler Debug Safety checks, Profiler

22 Exported Solution (Folders)

23 Summary Develop your game as usual in the Unity Editor Unity exports Visual Studio solutions/projects Project settings to be set in Unity and Visual Studio Full deployment/debugging support


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