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Unlocking Your Employability Through Student Activities

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1 Unlocking Your Employability Through Student Activities

2 Through Student Activities
Soft Skills: Student Activities Our Strategic Plan Developing Skills Through Student Activities University provides students with many wonderful opportunities to develop soft skills, useful for prospective careers, through extra-curricular activities. There are lots of different ways you can develop these skills through the Guild of Students…through Student Groups, volunteering, part-time work and sport. kkk

3 Student Groups Key Skills Leadership Event Planning Engagement Budgets
Soft Skills: Student Activities Our Strategic Plan Student Groups There are over 250 incredible student groups, societies and associations at the Guild of Students! Joining a student group is an amazing way to try something new, make some incredible friends, pick up some handy skills and discover what you love whilst you’re on campus. Key Skills Leadership Event Planning Engagement Budgets Finance Organisation Communication Risk assessments kkk

4 Part-time Jobs Key Skills Time management Organisation
Soft Skills: Student Activities Our Strategic Plan Part-time Jobs There are around 500 part-time jobs available in the Guild each year – from Student Mentoring to Venues Assistants at Joe’s Bar. Our Guild Jobs service advertises around 6500 student-friendly job vacancies each year. Key Skills Time management Organisation Commercial awareness Teamwork Communication Professionalism Problem Solving kkk kkk

5 Volunteering Key Skills Leadership Event Planning Fundraising
Soft Skills: Student Activities Our Strategic Plan Volunteering There are 30+ student led volunteering groups at the Guild. So, whether you’re interested in conservation, working in the community or fundraising for a great cause, there’s bound to be a group for you. Our one-off volunteering opportunities allow you to get involved with a minimal time commitment. Key Skills Leadership Event Planning Fundraising Campaigning Finance Organisation Integrity Written communication kkk kkk

6 Sport Key Skills Leadership Teamwork Event Planning Organisation
Soft Skills: Student Activities Our Strategic Plan Sport Key Skills Leadership Teamwork Event Planning Organisation Self discipline Finance UoB is one of the UK’s leading sporting Universities and sport takes a central stage in many students lives. Whether you're a beginner or an elite athlete there are currently 53 sports clubs to get involved in; from American Football to Windsurfing! Sport helps students to gain the confidence and skills that carry over into their professional lives. kkk kkk

7 Soft Skills: Student Activities Our Strategic Plan 2011-14
Houmaa Chaudhry Psychology student looking to go on to further study in Management. Would love to work for a national A Capella charity. Student Groups A Capella Society(Secretary 14/15) A Capella Society (Chair 15/16, 16/17) Part-time Work Graduation Office Staff Studying BSc Psychology kkk

8 Soft Skills: Student Activities Our Strategic Plan 2011-14
Claudia Ghilardi Interested in clinical psychology and looking to go on to post-graduate study. Enjoys the responsibility of leading projects and working with different people. Student Groups Italian Society (President) Sexpression (Chair) Studying BSc Psychology kkk

9 Soft Skills: Student Activities Our Strategic Plan 2011-14
Adam Elmi Engineering Student. Gained a wonderful skillset through my degree, but my placement confirmed that I will not pursue a career in this field. Currently considering a career in stand-up comedy. Student Groups Islamic Society Footnotes Comedy (Stand Up Director) Part-time Work Reception Assistant Security Assistant Studying MEng Chemical Engineering kkk

10 Any Questions?

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