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we help to improve social care standards

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1 we help to improve social care standards
Local Authority Return 2017

2 NMDS-SC 2017 LA workforce return
A Mandatory data return via NMDS-SC to the NHS Digital (formerly HSCIC) facilitated by Skills for Care Commissioned by the Department of Health NMDS-SC is on the Department of Community and Local Government Single Data List The window for your return is 11th September to 13th October 2017 All requirements remain the same as last year and can be found at : then click on ‘Help & Guidance’ then ‘click on Help & Guidance for Local Authorities’.

3 Preparation Tips Identify roles and responsibilities throughout the LA and system suppliers, if appropriate. Agree a time plan for when others will get data to the inputter; use those who hold overall responsibility to unblock any barriers Complete a gap analysis – of all the data fields including your qualifications data. Ensure pay data will be actual pay and not full time equivalent. Agree a plan to fill any gaps and set clear deadlines. Set up a review for July. Check readiness and identify any areas for concern; seek help with unblocking any barriers. Set a date for uploading in the 1st two weeks of the window, to allow for adjustments and errors. Use the flow chart provided

4 Finding Information There is a “One Stop Shop” page for LAs which holds all information regarding the annual upload. This is updated throughout the year and frequently throughout the window We aim to add FAQs as we get questions from LAs that we know will relate to all We have developed this page further based on your feedback This is the first place you should go if you have a query then click on “Help & Guidance” then click “Help & Guidance for Local Authorities”. Have you watched the LA video? This can be found on the “One Stop Shop” page

5 Myth Busting Initial contact
We have to speak to you all at the beginning of the window – this is not us harassing you, we need to contact you to ensure we have the right contact details and that you are on track to complete We need to see activity on your accounts before we can mark you as active – working offline does not show up on our reports If we haven’t seen activity within the first couple of weeks we have to ring you back – please respond to either our voic s or s as we have to provide weekly updates to NHS Digital and no response can lead to concern that you are not working towards the return.

6 Changes to the system 1 release per year generally around March/April.
Changes are notified to all users a month before made Proposed changes are on the website when agreed generally by Oct prior to the release going live Guidance docs updated ready for go live – BUDI has a page which tells you which bits have changed in the document

7 Use of LA report This is mentioned every time we talk about the LA return Highlighted on the one stop shop page Discussed in our initial calls to LAs at start of the window Mentioned in the s we send out. Mentioned in the LA video

8 BUDI Is used by everyone not just LAs so it has to meet the needs of different types and sizes of organisations BUDI cannot tell whether you have met the LA criteria Successful validation of BUDI does NOT mean a successful return There are logical validation rules in place; BUDI doesn’t simply decide what to ignore To ensure your worker files are not deleted you MUST upload both organisation and worker files together Please remember to click the import button in order for changes to take place on your accounts

9 Confirmation Form Agency staff
Is mandatory – this is a requirement of NHS Digital (working on behalf of the DH) Numbers must match last years or explanations given as to why Numbers must match what is on NMDS-SC Agency staff Only require 3 data items – Pay, contracted hours and job roles. DOB, Ethnicity etc are NOT required for agency staff

10 Pay data Structure of NMDS-SC Is ACTUAL salary
If part time their salary has to be pro rated not the FTE Use hourly if its easier Structure of NMDS-SC Is up to each LA apart from CQC regulated services CQC regulated services must match what is held on CQC and must all be included in return

11 Completing the return You WILL receive an from me to say you are finished or you are not finished If you get one that says you are NOT finished re-check your progress report Once amended you must re-submit your confirmation form If the issues are data quality I will do my best to outline the reasons in the but sometimes a call is required You are NOT complete until you have finally received the congratulations from me.

12 Qualifications Are required for all staff on your return
Does include all qualifications not just Social Care or job related ones No set percentage of “not known” but we know that NHS Digital will ask questions if there are too many “No qualifications held” is not the same as “not known” Most Qualifications can only be added once Qualifications data has changed this year but the full list is still available if you wish to use it.


14 Does this worker hold a qualification relevant to social care? Yes No
Not Known If you click Yes What is the highest level of social care qualification? Drop down box with levels to select from Does this worker hold any non-social care qualifications? Yes No Not Known If you click Yes What is the highest level of non-social care qualification? Drop down box with levels to select from

15 Rules Social workers and Occupational Therapist must hold a social care qualification Agency staff even if they are a SW /OT do not need qualifications adding If worker has a social care qualification they may/or may not have a non-social care qualification If worker does not have a social care qualification then you MUST answer the non social care qualification question You cannot leave the first question blank it has to have an answer whether it is yes, no or not known. If you have said YES to social care qualification you must provide an answer to the level. You do NOT need the level of the non-social care qualification (but is helpful if you have it)

16 Type of service provided (main service)
Type of organisation Should be set to LA Adults (BUDI code 1) Type of service provided (main service) Parent account should be set to head office services (BUDI code 72) and should only include information about the team which is responsible for the return (not the whole LA.) If the LA has regulated services then the parent account should be set to CQC and the provider number entered. All CQC regulated services should have the correct main services in accordance with CQC (any main service that has three letters in brackets)

17 Number of staff by job role Vacancies
Capacity This is dependant on main service. All regulated services should have capacity but some teams will not. This has to be completed and cannot be left blank. Any set to head office services is exempt from capacity Utilisation Again, this is dependant on main service as above and must be completed. Number of staff by job role Head count of all staff at each team/service broken down by job role Vacancies Actual vacancies, these are ones that are advertised or you are intending to fill. The total vacancies should match the vacancies by job role

18 Starters and leavers Contracted hours Sickness Salary
Within the last 12 months, this is a rolling 12 month period Should add up with last year’s figures i.e. 10 staff last year – 2 leavers and one starter = 9 staff and 1 vacancy (if replacing) Total starters and leavers must match starters and leavers by job role. Contracted hours If staff are on a zero hours contract remember to fill out the new zero hours contract question and put zero in their contracted hours. Sickness Within last 12 months – actual days sick (a rolling 12 months) Salary Actual salary not pro rata ( e.g. if you are a service manager on a salary grade of £30,000 for full time, but you only work half time hours then you would enter’ £15,000’, not ‘£30,000 pro rata’.

19 Validation and what you need to do - Recap
The IMPORT must take place during the window but validations can happen just before and as many times as necessary until you are happy with the data. Run the LA Progress report to check you have met the required criteria, this is a live report so can be run after each import. BUDI validation does not tell you whether you have met the criteria for the return. Early validation of files gives time to correct any errors/issues. Remember, you must click IMPORT after validating.. You are deemed as not active until you have carried out your first IMPORT. After successful import send in your confirmation form to Confirmation form is available on the one stop shop page from 11th September. You will receive a reply to either say congratulations or you haven’t met the criteria. As we have to check each account thoroughly this may not happen immediately but we aim to do this within 1 working day Once you have been signed off do not update anything. Changing anything after you receive the sign off will mean you have to be signed off again and it could result in not meeting the criteria. Please wait to update till the 1st November.

20 NMDS-SC Support Service 0845 873 0129
Manager: Jackie Green Team comprises a Support Supervisor and 4 Support Assistants who can help you with any uploading issues whether it is general questions or technical issues. walk you through the system, show you how it works, what to avoid, show you how to manage BUDI, guide you on how to structure your NMDS-SC account. look at your NMDS-SC on-screen and offer help & guidance by working through it with you The LA return window is a very busy time for Support. The earlier you ring the better for everyone. If you leave it till the end of the window you may struggle to get through to us. Tip: develop a list of questions or issues and then either ring or Support Service.

21 Support Team and Locality Managers Once the ‘window’ has opened, all your queries will be dealt with by the Support Team. If you contact your Locality Manager they will direct you to the Support Team. They are not being unhelpful, just ensuring that you get clear and consistent guidance directly from the central resource.

22 Key practices to avoid:
No clear roles & responsibilities No clear action plan in place or no monitoring of a plan Not starting to collate data until end of August The single most problematic issue in the past has been the upload sitting with one key person, who for a variety of reasons is unable to manage the task (this might include lack of capacity, not being given data by other depts., leaving the authority, being new to the role, annual or other types of leave and so on) Thinking you will have no errors or issues to deal with so leaving it till the last minute to do the first import. Not checking the LA Progress Report – this is the only thing that will tell you if you have met the required criteria Not ringing our Support Team early enough – please do not struggle, my team can help you.

23 Making effective use of your data
Are the right people in your LA seeing what NMDS-SC data dashboards can tell them? Our experience is that when the right people get to see what the dashboards can tell them they are very excited at the possibilities for use. The ‘right’ people in our experience so far include: service commissioners, quality assurance and compliance directors, workforce analysts & planners, workforce leads, those involved with Joint Strategic Needs Assessments/ Market Position Statements

24 Support Service

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