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Thank you everyone for the support and encouragement

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Presentation on theme: "Thank you everyone for the support and encouragement"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thank you everyone for the support and encouragement
Thank you everyone for the support and encouragement. This project was both difficult and inspiring. I hope to help others share their story and realize their value. Please share for awareness!

2 Deciding to do this project was challenging
Deciding to do this project was challenging. In the beginning the plan was to take a photo of myself before or after a panic attack to show the image of my anxiety. Then, I decided to reach out to my friend Samantha to help me capture it in a deeper way. We all have a story that makes us who we are.  The problem is when people judge and put a label on who they think you are. I always felt ashamed of my body, mind and spirit. I always felt like there was this heavy ache that just followed me around since childhood because the secrets I carried. Suffering from depression/anxiety/PTSD has impacted me greatly. Dealing with mental and sexual abuse for many years of my life caused such anger and pain.


4 After this photoshoot it took me four days to wash every bit of those words on my body. Seeing those words written on my body and seeing how hard it was to scrub them away made me realize that they might never go away. What you say and do to someone is forever. We may forgive, but forgetting is a whole new monster. I may have washed away those words, but what was said will be something I will never forget.

5 I’m writing this letter to make a difference
I’m writing this letter to make a difference. To make a change in not only my life, but to so many others. I believe we all have a story. We all have had obstacles that have brought us to so many places in life. For years I struggled to figure out who I was or where I belonged. I struggled to believe I was worth something, that my life had value. Creating my website and Facebook page I am starting to see that my story can truly have a happy ending. At age six I was sexually abused and raped. It continued for years and was something I didn’t dare to speak about. It smothered every bit of me effecting my life every day. It affected my relationships, friendships and motherhood.  There isn’t a day that goes by when I think what kind of person I would be if this never happened to me. It wasn’t till the age of 19 that I finally spoke out about my experience….

6 At age 17 I had my daughter and with going to high school focusing on grades and raising my child I put my mental health on hold. I believed that it was in the past and I might as well just forget it. In reality that was the worst thing I could have done. I was being mentally abused by students, teachers, family and strangers. No-one could see I was trying to own up to my mistake and do the best I can do. No one could see I wasn’t only struggling with having a two year old and graduating, but struggling trying to understand why I have night terrors. Why do I rip my hair out when I panic? Why do I black out when someone touches me? Why am I so terrified of killing myself? Why do I cut my body when I’m depressed? Feeling all of this I felt like there had to be something wrong with me. I felt like I didn’t deserve my beautiful daughter and that I ruined her life being her mother…

7 Most people don’t know this, but after graduating high school and going to college I had a nervous breakdown and tried to commit suicide. I struggled with PTSD and anxiety disorder for years and it was never taken care of or controlled. It got to the point that I had to put myself in an outpatient program at a Mental Facility at the age of 20. I was going there three days a week, plus going to college, working and being a mother. Life was beating me down when it truly didn’t have to. If I would have had the help I needed it wouldn’t have gotten to that point. If I would have had the support I needed my life would have been different. There are so many things I went through that I still till this day struggle to put in words. The abuse I went through changed the way I look at myself, my body and my mind. Life already throws you so much struggles, dealing with this is something no one should ever have to face…

8 To my audience.. followers.. readers…
You’re not a stereotype. You are worth more than a label. The obstacles that have been put in front of you are not to break you. Every experience that you have faced has created the person you are. Take your scars and build a masterpiece worth discovering. This project was a way for me to face my demons. In the end it’s not just about facing them, it’s about knowing how to leave them behind. This is only the first part of the photoshoot.


10 “It’s one of the hardest things a person can learn to do
“It’s one of the hardest things a person can learn to do. Loving themselves! We worry so much about what we’re bringing to the table that were forgetting to bring ourselves. All of us have insecurities, we all just wear them differently. It’s more than loving the skin you’re in, it’s seeing the value of the person inside.”

11 If your a mommy struggling with anxiety/depression, never let it change how you see yourself as a parent. Just look at how your child see's you. They don't see anxiety or mental illness because they're too busy looking at their hero❤.. you got this!

12 “This project is not about just standing up for something I believe in, it’s about bringing it to life so everyone can feel it.”

13 “The first step to loving yourself, is knowing how loved you truly are”

14 Sometimes children teach you more than you teach them
Sometimes children teach you more than you teach them. I worry so much that I won't be able to teach my girls how to stay strong and to never give up. I'm sitting here while my youngest has been trying to crawl for an hour, and finally wiggles her way to reach my hand. It's a beautiful feeling knowing someone is trying their very best to get to you. I hope to make others feel this very way with the message I'm trying to spread. I'll always try to be a friend and support system!


16 “The wounds you touch are a reminder that you’re stronger than you think. Wear them with confidence. The instant you appreciate the beauty of your tragedy, the quicker your masterpiece will be created.”

17 Sending out a special thanks to Samantha Marcasciano
Sending out a special thanks to Samantha Marcasciano. She took these amazing photo’s and gave me the opportunity to share my message! Check out her work! She is extremely talented! Love you Sam!

18 Song: ONE MORE LIGHT by Linkin Park
Chester, you will forever be missed… Your music helped me through some rough times…thank you so much for sharing your gift with the world…

Thank you for reading my story!! Feel free to check out my website!! Remember to share your story and inspire others! You never know who’s heart your touching!

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