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Key features of an effective Compliance Strategy

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1 Key features of an effective Compliance Strategy
Stan Shrosbree Fiscal Affairs Department (PFTAC) Revenue Administration April, 2016

2 Questions to consider Do we really want to improve tax compliance?
What is a tax compliance program? What is the value of a tax compliance program? What are the steps in developing a taxpayer compliance program? Are we committed?

3 Some facts Improving tax compliance does not happen overnight
A Compliance Improvement Strategy challenges your current business model It challenges how things are currently done It’s about prioritizing It will impact on staff It requires new skills It needs to be driven from the top

4 The reality Its not easy It takes leadership and courage
Old processes and ways of doing things are hard to change It may involved developing new skills Your structure may have to change A CIS can drive your modernization It has massive potential to increase revenues Contemplate whether you have the courage

5 Where to start Acknowledge ….
“The primary goal of a revenue authority is to collect taxes payable in accordance with the law. It is inevitable that some taxpayers, due to ignorance or deliberate evasion will fail to comply – therefore the tax administrations should have strategies in place to ensure that non-compliance is kept to a minimum”

6 Compliance with what? The broad categories of taxpayer obligations are
Registration in the system Timely filing or lodgement of taxation information Reporting of complete and accurate information Payment of taxation obligations on time

7 Introducing the Process
Assess and prioritise risks Analyse compliance behaviour (causes, options for treatment) Determine treatment strategies Plan and implement strategies Identify risks Monitor performance against plan Operating Context Evaluate compliance outcomes Registration Filing Reporting Payment Assess and prioritize risks Analyze compliance behaviour

8 Shaping Internal Capability
Key internal issues that will impact heavily on managing risks Organizational culture Organizational structure Information technology Staff capabilities

9 Identifying the risks Key points Top-down techniques
(macro-economic analysis) Bottom up (risk assessment systems) Segmentation Key product A risk register

10 Assessing - prioritizing risk
Key points Size of the risk? How big a priority? Not all risks can be addressed Balanced approach – what can be done now? Do we need to build capacity? Key Product Register of risks Quantified Prioritized Documented priorities included in the CIS Data analysis is crucial in this exercise

11 Analyzing Compliance Behavior
Key points Understanding compliance behavior – more than guesswork Taxpayers respond differently to the demands of revenue authorities Laws and administration can have an impact Key products Treatment strategies that address non-compliant behaviors Products and tools to support the treatment strategies Remember the Compliance Model?

12 Determining the Treatment Strategies
Key points Easy for those who want to comply and enforcement for those who don’t Acting with integrity, being fair will encourage voluntary compliance – community confidence Treatment needs to address drivers of compliance behavior Capacity to influence taxpayer compliance behavior Influencing and changing social and personal norms Key products A compliance program Products and tools tailored for clients to be targeted through the compliance program “Compliance Marketing” – getting taxpayers to do the right thing

13 Applying the Strategies
Key points Strategy needs to be effective – efficient use of resources Involve those impacted by the strategy – for example Industry Partnership Engage staff to support the strategy Fair, consistent and flexible treatment reinforces credibility and encourages compliance Key products Business processes describing the strategies and intended impact Staff trained to carry out the strategies Industry consultative forums Project plan to guide implementation

14 Evaluating the outcomes
Key points Success criteria and measurement indicators – was the correct treatment strategy applied? Treatment objectives must look beyond immediate outputs – behavior takes time to change Was the strategy implemented effectively? Key products Evaluation methodology to assess the impact and what has been learnt Governance reports detailing efforts and progress made against the compliance program

15 Conclusion Introducing a risk based Compliance Improvement Strategy can be an exiting and rewarding experience Seeing taxpayer behavior and compliance trends improving is very rewarding It takes time and a lot of hard work but is worth the effort Take up the challenge!

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