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Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

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1 Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition
Chapter 14 Risk Mitigation Chapter 14 Risk Mitigation

2 Objectives Explain how to control risk
List the ways in which security policies can reduce risk Describe how awareness and training can provide increased security Objectives Explain how to control risk List the ways in which security policies can reduce risk Describe how awareness and training can provide increased security Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

3 Introduction Risk is at heart of information security
Some risks have small impact and can be easily managed, other risks can threaten very existence of business Multifaceted approach to managing risk in information security: Control risk Develop security policy Maintain user awareness and training Introduction Risk is at heart of information security Some risks have small impact and can be easily managed, other risks can threaten very existence of business Multifaceted approach to managing risk in information security: Control risk Develop security policy Maintain user awareness and training Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

4 Controlling Risk Risk - Situation that involves exposure to some type of danger Not all events that first appear to be risk may actually result in a risk: False positive - Event considered be a risk yet turns out not to be one False negative - Event that does not appear to be risk but actually turns out to be one Controlling Risk Risk - Situation that involves exposure to some type of danger Not all events that first appear to be risk may actually result in a risk: False positive - Event considered be a risk yet turns out not to be one False negative - Event that does not appear to be risk but actually turns out to be one Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

5 Risk Classifications (Table 14-1)
A table with three columns and eight rows. The first row is composed of column headers: Risk category, Description, and Example. Row 2. Risk category: Strategic Description: Action that affects the long-term goals of the organization Example: Theft of intellectual property, not pursuing a new opportunity, loss of a major account, competitor entering the market Row 3. Risk category: Compliance Description: Following (or not following) a regulation or standard Example: Breach of contract, not responding to the introduction of new laws Row 4. Risk category: Financial Description: Impact of financial decisions or market factors Example: Increase in interest rates, global financial crisis Row 5. Risk category: Operational Description: Events that impact the daily business of the organization Example: Fire, hazardous chemical spill, power blackout Row 6. Risk category: Environmental Description: Actions related to the surroundings Example: Tornado, flood, hurricane Row 7. Risk category: Technical Description: Events that affect information technology systems Example: Denial of service attack, SQL injection attack, virus Row 8. Risk category: Managerial Description: Actions related to the management of the organization Example: Long-term illness of company president, key employee resigning Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

6 Reducing Risk: Modify Response
Several different approaches used to reduce risk Can modify the response to the risk instead of merely accepting the risk Different risk responses: Transference - Make third party responsible for the risk Risk avoidance - Identifying the risk and making the decision not engage in activity. Mitigation - Address the risk by making it less serious Reducing Risk: Modify Response Several different approaches used to reduce risk Can modify the response to the risk instead of merely accepting the risk Different risk responses: Transference - Make third party responsible for the risk Risk avoidance - Identifying the risk and making the decision not engage in activity. Mitigation - Address the risk by making it less serious Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

7 Reducing Risk: Simple Risk Model
Simple Risk Model organizes risks as: Preventive - Considered most effective since they minimize possibility of loss by preventing the risk from occurring Detective - Least effective but most often used that identify event after has occurred Corrective- Minimize impact by restoring system to its state at point before event; may still result in some degree of loss Reducing Risk: Simple Risk Model Simple Risk Model organizes risks as: Preventive - Considered most effective since they minimize possibility of loss by preventing the risk from occurring Detective - Least effective but most often used that identify event after has occurred Corrective- Minimize impact by restoring system to its state at point before event; may still result in some degree of loss Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

8 Reducing Risk: Risk Control Types
Management risk control types - Administrative in their nature and are laws, regulations, policies, practices, and guidelines that govern overall requirements and controls Technical risk control types - Enforcing technology to control risk (Examples: antivirus software, firewalls, encryption) Operational risk control types - Cover operational procedures to limit risk; may include using video surveillance systems and barricades to limit access to secure sites Reducing Risk: Risk Control Types Management risk control types - Administrative in their nature and are laws, regulations, policies, practices, and guidelines that govern overall requirements and controls Technical risk control types - Enforcing technology to control risk (Examples: antivirus software, firewalls, encryption) Operational risk control types - Cover operational procedures to limit risk; may include using video surveillance systems and barricades to limit access to secure sites Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

9 Reducing Risk: Managerial Perspective
One approach looks at mitigating risk from managerial perspective Most common elements: Privilege management Change management Incident management Various methods are used to calculate risk Reducing Risk: Managerial Perspective One approach looks at mitigating risk from managerial perspective Most common elements: Privilege management Change management Incident management Various methods are used to calculate risk Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

10 Privilege Management Privilege management - Process of assigning and revoking privileges to objects and covers procedures of managing object authorizations Privilege auditing - One element of privilege management that is periodic review of subject’s privileges over object Auditing IT security functions serve to verify that organization’s security protections being enacted and that corrective actions can be swiftly implemented before an attacker exploits vulnerability Privilege Management Privilege management - Process of assigning and revoking privileges to objects and covers procedures of managing object authorizations Privilege auditing - One element of privilege management that is periodic review of subject’s privileges over object Auditing IT security functions serve to verify that organization’s security protections being enacted and that corrective actions can be swiftly implemented before an attacker exploits vulnerability Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

11 Change Management Change management - Methodology for making modifications and keeping track of changes Ensures proper documentation of changes so future changes have less chance of creating a vulnerability Involves all types of changes to information systems Two major types of changes that need proper documentation: Changes to system architecture Changes to file or document classification Change Management Change management - Methodology for making modifications and keeping track of changes Ensures proper documentation of changes so future changes have less chance of creating a vulnerability Involves all types of changes to information systems Two major types of changes that need proper documentation: Changes to system architecture Changes to file or document classification Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

12 Change management team (CMT)
Change management team (CMT) - Body responsible for overseeing the changes Composed of representatives from all areas of IT, network security, and upper-level management Proposed changes must first be approved by CMT CMT duties: Review proposed changes Ensure risk/impact planned change are understood Recommend approval, disapproval, or deferral Communicate proposed and approved changes to co-workers Change management team (CMT) Change management team (CMT) - Body responsible for overseeing the changes Composed of representatives from all areas of IT, network security, and upper-level management Proposed changes must first be approved by CMT CMT duties: Review proposed changes Ensure risk/impact planned change are understood Recommend approval, disapproval, or deferral Communicate proposed and approved changes to co-workers Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

13 Incident Management Incident response - Components required to identify, analyze, and contain an incident Incident handling - Planning, coordination, and communications functions needed to resolve incident in efficient manner Incident management - The “framework” and functions required to enable incident response and incident handling within an organization Objective of incident management is to restore normal operations quickly with least possible impact on business or users Incident Management Incident response - Components required to identify, analyze, and contain an incident Incident handling - Planning, coordination, and communications functions needed to resolve incident in efficient manner Incident management - The “framework” and functions required to enable incident response and incident handling within an organization Objective of incident management is to restore normal operations quickly with least possible impact on business or users Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

14 Risk Calculation Qualitative risk calculation - Uses an “educated guess” based on observation Quantitative risk calculation - Attempts to create “hard” numbers associated with risk of an element in system by using historical data Quantitative risk calculations can be divided into the likelihood of risk and impact of risk being successful Risk Calculation Qualitative risk calculation - Uses an “educated guess” based on observation Quantitative risk calculation - Attempts to create “hard” numbers associated with risk of an element in system by using historical data Quantitative risk calculations can be divided into the likelihood of risk and impact of risk being successful Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

15 Risk Likelihood Historical data valuable in providing information on risk likelihood Mean Time To Failure (MTTF) - Basic measure of reliability for systems that cannot be repaired and is average amount of time expected until first failure of equipment Failure In Time (FIT) - Can report number of expected failures per one billion hours of operation for device Annualized Rate of Occurrence (ARO) - Likelihood of risk occurring within one year Risk Likelihood Historical data valuable in providing information on risk likelihood Mean Time To Failure (MTTF) - Basic measure of reliability for systems that cannot be repaired and is average amount of time expected until first failure of equipment Failure In Time (FIT) - Can report number of expected failures per one billion hours of operation for device Annualized Rate of Occurrence (ARO) - Likelihood of risk occurring within one year Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

16 Risk Impact Single Loss Expectancy (SLE) - Expected monetary loss every time a risk occurs; computed by multiplying Asset Value (AV) by Exposure Factor (EF), which is proportion of an asset’s value that is likely to be destroyed by particular risk Annualized Loss Expectancy (ALE) - Expected monetary loss be expected for asset due to risk over a one-year period; computed by multiplying SLE by ARO, which is the probability that a risk will occur in a particular year Risk Impact Single Loss Expectancy (SLE) - Expected monetary loss every time a risk occurs; computed by multiplying Asset Value (AV) by Exposure Factor (EF), which is proportion of an asset’s value that is likely to be destroyed by particular risk Annualized Loss Expectancy (ALE) - Expected monetary loss be expected for asset due to risk over a one-year period; computed by multiplying SLE by ARO, which is the probability that a risk will occur in a particular year Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

17 Reducing Risk Through Policies
Security policy is another means of reducing risks Important considerations regarding security policies: Understanding what it is Knowing how to balance trust and control Understanding the process for designing a policy Knowing what the different types of policies are Reducing Risk Through Policies Security policy is another means of reducing risks Important considerations regarding security policies: Understanding what it is Knowing how to balance trust and control Understanding the process for designing a policy Knowing what the different types of policies are Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

18 What Is a Security Policy?
Security policy - Written document states how an organization plans to protect company's information technology assets Outlines protections that should be enacted to ensure that organization’s assets face minimal risks Security policy can serve several functions What Is a Security Policy? Security policy - Written document states how an organization plans to protect company's information technology assets Outlines protections that should be enacted to ensure that organization’s assets face minimal risks Security policy can serve several functions Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

19 Security Policy Functions
Documents management’s overall intention and direction Details specific risks and how to address them Provides controls to direct employee behavior Helps create a security-aware organizational culture Helps ensure employee behavior is directed and monitored Security Policy Functions Documents management’s overall intention and direction Details specific risks and how to address them Provides controls to direct employee behavior Helps create a security-aware organizational culture Helps ensure employee behavior is directed and monitored Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

20 Balancing Trust and Control
Approaches to trust: Trust everyone all of the time Trust no one at any time Trust some people some of the time Security policy attempts to provide right amount of trust Builds trust over time Level of control must also be balanced Balancing Trust and Control Approaches to trust: Trust everyone all of the time Trust no one at any time Trust some people some of the time Security policy attempts to provide right amount of trust Builds trust over time Level of control must also be balanced Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

21 Designing a Security Policy
Standard - Collection of requirements specific to system or procedure that must be met by everyone Guideline - Collection of suggestions that should be implemented Policy - Document that outlines specific requirements that must be met Designing a Security Policy Standard - Collection of requirements specific to system or procedure that must be met by everyone Guideline - Collection of suggestions that should be implemented Policy - Document that outlines specific requirements that must be met Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

22 Characteristics of A Policy
Communicates a consensus of judgment Defines appropriate user behavior Identifies needed tools and procedures Provides directives for Human Resource action in response to inappropriate behavior Helps if necessary to prosecute violators Characteristics of A Policy Communicates a consensus of judgment Defines appropriate user behavior Identifies needed tools and procedures Provides directives for Human Resource action in response to inappropriate behavior Helps if necessary to prosecute violators Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

23 Security Policy Cycle Three phases of the security policy cycle
Vulnerability assessment Asset identification Threat identification Vulnerability appraisal Risk assessment Risk mitigation Create the policy using information from risk management study Review the policy for compliance Security Policy Cycle Three phases of the security policy cycle Vulnerability assessment Asset identification Threat identification Vulnerability appraisal Risk assessment Risk mitigation Create the policy using information from risk management study Review the policy for compliance Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

24 Security Policy Cycle (Figure 14-2)
A circle that is labeled at the top “vulnerability assessment” pointing to “security policy” that is pointing to “compliance monitoring and evaluation” that is pointing to “vulnerability assessment.” Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

25 Steps in Development Security policy design should be the work of a team Development team representatives Senior level administrator Member of management who can enforce the policy Member of the legal staff Representative from the user community Team should first decide on policy goals and scope and how specific the policy should be Steps in Development Security policy design should be the work of a team Development team representatives Senior level administrator Member of management who can enforce the policy Member of the legal staff Representative from the user community Team should first decide on policy goals and scope and how specific the policy should be Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

26 Policy must and should statements (Table 14-4)
A table with two columns and four rows. The first row is composed of column headers: Security policy must and Security policy should. Row 2. Security policy must: Be implementable and enforceable Security policy should: State reasons why the policy is necessary Row 3. Security policy must: Be concise and easy to understand Security policy should: Describe what is covered by the policy Row 4. Security policy must: Balance protection with productivity Security policy should: Outline how violations will be handled Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

27 Due Care Due care - Obligations imposed on owners and operators of assets Owners must exercise reasonable care of assets and take precautions to protect them Examples of due care policy statements: Employees should exercise due care in opening attachments received from unknown sources Technicians will exercise due care when installing new operating system on an existing computer Students will exercise due care when using computers in a crowded lab setting Due Care Due care - Obligations imposed on owners and operators of assets Owners must exercise reasonable care of assets and take precautions to protect them Examples of due care policy statements: Employees should exercise due care in opening attachments received from unknown sources Technicians will exercise due care when installing new operating system on an existing computer Students will exercise due care when using computers in a crowded lab setting Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

28 Policy Development Guidelines
Notify users in advance of development of and reasons for a new security policy Provide affected users an opportunity to review and comment on policy prior to deployment Give users with responsibility the authority to carry out their responsibilities Security policies often broken down into subpolicies Policy Development Guidelines Notify users in advance of development of and reasons for a new security policy Provide affected users an opportunity to review and comment on policy prior to deployment Give users with responsibility the authority to carry out their responsibilities Security policies often broken down into subpolicies Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

29 Types of Security Policies (Table 14-5)
A table with two columns and rows. The first row is composed of column headers: Name of security policy and Description. Row 2. Name of security policy: Acceptable encryption policy Description: Defines requirements for using cryptography Row 3. Name of security policy: Antivirus policy Description: Establishes guidelines for effectively reducing the threat of computer viruses on the organization’s network and computers Row 4. Name of security policy: Audit vulnerability scanning policy Description: Outlines the requirements and provides the authority for an information security team to conduct audits and risk assessments, investigate incidents, ensure conformance to security policies, or monitor user activity Row 5. Name of security policy: Automatically forwarded policy Description: Prescribes that no will be automatically forwarded to an external destination without prior approval from the appropriate manager or director Row 6. Name of security policy: Database credentials coding policy Description: Defines requirements for storing and retrieving database usernames and passwords Row 7. Name of security policy: Demilitarized zone (DMZ) security policy Description: Defines standards for all networks and equipment located in the DMZ Row 8. Name of security policy: policy Description: Creates standards for using corporate Row 9. Name of security policy: retention policy Description: Helps employees determine what information sent or received by should be retained and for how long Row 10. Name of security policy: Extranet policy Description: Defines the requirements for third-party organizations to access the organization’s networks Row 11. Name of security policy: Information sensitivity policy Description: Establishes criteria for classifying and securing the organization’s information in a manner appropriate to its level of security Row 12. Name of security policy: Router security policy Description: Outlines standards for minimal security configuration for routers and switches Row 13. Name of security policy: Server security policy Description: Creates standards for minimal security configuration for servers Row 14. Name of security policy: VPN security policy Description: Establishes requirements for remote access virtual private network (VPN) connections to the organization’s network Row 15. Name of security policy: Wireless communication policy Description: Defines standards for wireless systems used to connect to the organization’s networks Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

30 Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) - Policy that defines actions users may perform while accessing systems Users include employees, vendors, contractors, and visitors Typically covers all computer use Generally considered most important information security policy Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) - Policy that defines actions users may perform while accessing systems Users include employees, vendors, contractors, and visitors Typically covers all computer use Generally considered most important information security policy Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

31 Privacy Policy Privacy policy - Outlines how organization uses personal information it collects Privacy Policy Privacy policy - Outlines how organization uses personal information it collects Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

32 Privacy Policy (Figure 14-3)
Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

33 Data Policies Data policies - Address different aspects of how data should be handled within an organization Data storage policy - Set of procedures designed to control and manage data within organization by specifying data collection and storage Data retention policy - Outlines how to maintain information in user’s possession for predetermined length of time Data wiping and disposing policy - Addresses how and when data will ultimately be erased Data Policies Data policies - Address different aspects of how data should be handled within an organization Data storage policy - Set of procedures designed to control and manage data within organization by specifying data collection and storage Data retention policy - Outlines how to maintain information in user’s possession for predetermined length of time Data wiping and disposing policy - Addresses how and when data will ultimately be erased Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

34 Security-Related Human Resource Policy
Security-related human resource policy - Include statements regarding how an employee’s information technology resources will be addressed May include statements regarding: Due process - The principle of treating all accused persons in an equal fashion, using established rules and procedures Due diligence - Any investigation into suspicious employee conduct will examine all material facts Covers actions to be taken if employee terminated Security-Related Human Resource Policy Security-related human resource policy - Include statements regarding how an employee’s information technology resources will be addressed May include statements regarding: Due process - The principle of treating all accused persons in an equal fashion, using established rules and procedures Due diligence - Any investigation into suspicious employee conduct will examine all material facts Covers actions to be taken if employee terminated Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

35 Ethics Policy Ethics - Study of what group of people understand be good and right behavior and how people make those judgments Morals - Values are attributed to system of beliefs that help individual distinguish right from wrong Ethics policy - Attempts to establish culture of openness, trust, and integrity in business practices Ethics policies contain topics of executive commitment to ethics, employee commitment to ethics, how to maintain ethical practices, and penalties for unethical behavior Ethics Policy Ethics - Study of what group of people understand be good and right behavior and how people make those judgments Morals - Values are attributed to system of beliefs that help individual distinguish right from wrong Ethics policy - Attempts to establish culture of openness, trust, and integrity in business practices Ethics policies contain topics of executive commitment to ethics, employee commitment to ethics, how to maintain ethical practices, and penalties for unethical behavior Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

36 Password Management and Complexity Policy
Password management and complexity policy - Address how passwords are created and managed Cover implementing controls through technology (such as setting passwords to expire after 60 days and not allowing them to be recycled) Also include reminder to users on how to select and use passwords Password Management and Complexity Policy Password management and complexity policy - Address how passwords are created and managed Cover implementing controls through technology (such as setting passwords to expire after 60 days and not allowing them to be recycled) Also include reminder to users on how to select and use passwords Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

37 Weak Password Information (Figure 14-4)
A figure that contains the text: “A weak password has the following characteristics. Contains fewer than 12 characters. Is a word found in a dictionary. Is a common usage word such as names of family, pets, friends, coworkers, fantasy characters, and so on, computer terms and names, commands, sites, companies, hardware, and software. Contains birthdays and other personal information such as addresses and phone numbers. Uses word or number patters like qwerty, , and so on. Includes any of the preceding spelled backward or preceded or followed by a digit (secret1, 1 secret). Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

38 Awareness and Training
Providing users with security awareness training is key defense in information security All computer users in organization have shared responsibility to protect assets of organization Cannot be assumed that all users have knowledge and skill to protect assets Awareness and training topics: Compliance Secure user practices Awareness of threats Awareness and Training Providing users with security awareness training is key defense in information security All computer users in organization have shared responsibility to protect assets of organization Cannot be assumed that all users have knowledge and skill to protect assets Awareness and training topics: Compliance Secure user practices Awareness of threats Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

39 Compliance Users should be informed regarding:
Security policy training and procedures Personally identifiable information Information classification Data labeling, handling, and disposal Compliance with laws, best practices, and standards Compliance Users should be informed regarding: Security policy training and procedures Personally identifiable information Information classification Data labeling, handling, and disposal Compliance with laws, best practices, and standards Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

40 User Practices (Table 14-6)
A table with two columns and six rows. The first row is composed of column headers: Category and Instruction. Row 2. Category: Password behaviors Instruction: Creating strong passwords that are unique for each account and properly protecting them serve as a first line of defense that all employees must practice. Row 3. Category: Data handling Instruction: No sensitive data may leave the premises without prior authorization. All data that is temporarily stored on a laptop computer must be encrypted. Row 4. Category: Clean desk policy Instruction: Employees are required to clear their workspace of all papers at the end of each business day. Row 5. Category: Prevent tailgating Instruction: Never allow another person to enter a secure area along with you without displaying their ID card. Row 6. Category: Personally owned devices Instruction: No personally owned devices, such as USB flash drives or portable hard drives, may be connected to any corporate equipment or network. Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

41 Threat Awareness Peer-to-peer (P2P) networks - Users connect directly to each other Typically used for sharing audio, video, data files Tempting targets for attackers Viruses, worms, Trojans, and spyware can be sent using P2P Most organizations prohibit use of P2P due to high risk of infection and legal consequences Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

42 Social Networking Social networking - Grouping individuals based on some sort of affiliation Web sites that facilitate social networking called social networking sites Social networking sites carry risks: Personal data can be used maliciously. Users may be too trusting Accepting friends may have unforeseen consequences Social networking security is lax or confusing Social Networking Social networking - Grouping individuals based on some sort of affiliation Web sites that facilitate social networking called social networking sites Social networking sites carry risks: Personal data can be used maliciously. Users may be too trusting Accepting friends may have unforeseen consequences Social networking security is lax or confusing Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

43 Social Networking Defenses
Users should be cautious about what information posted Users should be cautioned regarding who can view their information Users should be instructed to pay close attention to information about new or updated security settings Good idea to disable options and then enable them only as necessary Social Networking Defenses Users should be cautious about what information posted Users should be cautioned regarding who can view their information Users should be instructed to pay close attention to information about new or updated security settings Good idea to disable options and then enable them only as necessary Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

44 Facebook Features and Risks (Table 14-7)
A table with three columns and six rows. The first row is composed of column headers: Feature, Description, and Risks. Row 2. Feature: Games and applications Description: When your Facebook friends use games and applications, these can request information about friends like you, even if you do not use the application. Risks: Information such as your biography, photos, and places where you check in can be exposed. Row 3. Feature: Social advertisements Description: A "social ad" pairs an advertisement with an action that a friend has taken, such as “liking” it. Risks: Your Facebook actions could be associated with an ad. Row 4. Feature: Places Description: If you use Places, you could be included in a “People Here Now” list once you check in to a location. Risks: Your name and Facebook profile picture appear in the list, which is visible to anyone who checks in to the same location, even if he is not a friend. Row 5. Feature: Web search Description: Entering your name in a search engine like Google can display your Facebook profile, profile picture, and information you have designated as public. Risks: Any web user can freely access this information about you. Row 6. Feature: Photo albums Description: Photos can be set to be private but that may not include photo albums. Risks: The albums Profile Pictures, Mobile Uploads, and Wall Photos are usually visible to anyone. Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

45 Recommended Facebook Profile Settings (Table 14-8)
A table with three columns and six rows. The first row is composed of column headers: Option, Recommended setting, and Explanation. Row 2. Option: Profile Recommended setting: Only my friends Explanation: Facebook networks can contain hundreds or thousands of users, and there is no control over who else joins the network to see the information. Row 3. Option: Photos or photos tagged of you Recommended setting: Only my friends Explanation: Photos and videos have often proven to be embarrassing. Only post material that would be appropriate to appear with a resume or job application. Row 4. Option: Status updates Recommended setting: Only my friends Explanation: Because changes to status such as “Going to Florida on January 28” can be useful information for thieves, only approved friends should have access to it. Row 5. Option: Online status Recommended setting: No one Explanation: Any benefits derived by knowing who is online are outweighed by the risks. Row 6. Option: Friends Recommended setting: Only my friends (minimum setting) Explanation: Giving unknown members of the community access to a list of friends may provide attackers with opportunities to uncover personal information through friends. Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

46 Training Opportunities
Opportunities for security education and training When new employee is hired After computer attack has occurred When employee promoted During annual department retreat When new user software is installed When user hardware is upgraded Training Opportunities Opportunities for security education and training When new employee is hired After computer attack has occurred When employee promoted During annual department retreat When new user software is installed When user hardware is upgraded Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

47 Traits of Learners and Learning Styles
Learner traits impact how people learn Training styles: Pedagogical approach - Classic teaching method Andragogical approach - Art of helping an adult learn Learning styles: Visual Auditory Kinesthetic Role-based training - Specialized training customized to specific role an employee holds Traits of Learners and Learning Styles Learner traits impact how people learn Training styles: Pedagogical approach - Classic teaching method Andragogical approach - Art of helping an adult learn Learning styles: Visual Auditory Kinesthetic Role-based training - Specialized training customized to specific role an employee holds Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

48 Traits of Learners (Table 14-9)
A table with three columns and five rows. The first row is composed of column headers: Year born, Traits, and Number in U.S. population. Row 2. Year born: Prior to 1946 Traits: Patriotic, loyal, faith in institutions Number in U.S. population: 75 million Row 3. Year born: 1946–1964 Traits: Idealistic, competitive, question authority Number in U.S. population: 80 million Row 4. Year born: 1965–1981 Traits: Self-reliant, distrustful of institutions, adaptive to technology Number in U.S. population: 46 million Row 5. Year born: 1982–2000 Traits: Pragmatic, globally concerned, computer literate, media savvy Number in U.S. population: 76 million Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

49 Approaches To Training (Table 14-10)
A table with three columns and five rows. The first row is composed of column headers: Subject, Pedagogical approach, and Andragogical approach. Row 2. Subject: Desire Pedagogical approach: Motivated by external pressures to get good grades or pass on to next grade Andragogical approach: Motivated by higher self-esteem, more recognition, desire for better quality of life Row 3. Subject: Student Pedagogical approach: Dependent on teacher for all learning Andragogical approach: Self-directed and responsible for own learning Row 4. Subject: Subject matter Pedagogical approach: Defined by what the teacher wants to give Andragogical approach: Learning is organized around situations in life or at work Row 5. Subject: Willingness to learn Pedagogical approach: Students are informed about what they must learn Andragogical approach: A change triggers a readiness to learn or students perceive a gap between where they are and where they want to be Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

50 Summary A risk is the likelihood that a threat agent will exploit a vulnerability Privilege management and change management are risk management approaches A security policy states how an organization plans to protect its information technology assets Development and maintenance of a security policy follows a three-phase cycle Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

51 Summary (cont’d.) Security policies are often broken into subpolicies
Acceptable use policy Privacy policy Password management and complexity policy Disposal and destruction policy Classification of information policy Ongoing awareness training provides users with knowledge and skills necessary to support information security Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition

52 Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition
Chapter 14 Risk Mitigation Chapter 14 Risk Mitigation

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