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The Riordan Foundation & Rx for Reading

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1 The Riordan Foundation & Rx for Reading
Grant Awareness Session Fall 2013

2 Meet the Team Staff Jessica Flores Jaime Kalenik President
Program Coordinator

3 Mission The Riordan Foundation's mission is to provide all students, especially those in low-income communities, with access to a high-quality education that will prepare them to compete successfully in the 21st Century.

4 History & Overview Founded by former Mayor of Los Angeles Richard J. Riordan in 1981. Rx for Reading is the nonprofit affiliate that makes it possible for the foundation to raise funds to support the grant programs.

5 Our Programs Instructional Innovation Grant (i2) Recreational Reading Mini-Grant (RRMG) Note: No longer offering Interactive Whiteboard or Computers in the Classroom

6 What is Instructional Innovation?
No “one-size-fits-all” model A non-traditional approach to classroom instruction in which the teacher-student relationship evolves, success is based on qualitative measures in addition to test scores, and students direct their own learning in some fashion. Not the right grant for every school

7 Examples of Instructional Innovation
Project-based Learning Complex projects based in real-world problems facilitate learning, and students are assessed on process and reflection rather than solely end-product. Inquiry-based Learning Students actively involved in determining what they learn, and they are assessed based on analytical skills rather than retention. Blended/Hybrid Learning A mix of learning environments often integrating computer-based, personalized learning with face-to-face teacher and peer interactions Integrated Studies Combines curriculum from two or more subjects or disciplines. Any combination/permutation of the above, or even something we haven’t heard of yet!

8 Examples of Projects Funded
Teacher Leader training through LMU CMAST Institutionalizes new problem-solving math and science curriculum by investing in teacher leaders Expansion of successful Chromebook pilot Online platforms facilitate student collaboration and emphasize a portfolio of student work PD and consultant for project-based STEM program Incorporates engineering and design into authentic learning experiences across the curriculum Support for Internship Coordinator and PBL Places students in real-world workplaces based on interests and centers learning around these experiences Release time to design interdisciplinary units Creates semester-long units that bridge all subjects and culminate in a defense of a final project

9 The Grant Provides up to 50% of a project related to instructional innovation Challenge grant: winning schools must contribute a check or PO for matching funds Cannot be used to compensate teachers directly Can pay for: Consultant Professional Development Hardware/software Other expenses

10 Eligibility Eligibility Requirements
Public and parochial PreK-12 schools Los Angeles County 50/50 Challenge grant Majority of students must receive free/reduced lunch

11 If not test scores, then what?
We want to see evidence of some of the following “Essential Competencies”: Design/Production Collaboration Self-directed Learning Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Analysis or synthesis of multiple streams of info Creativity Adaptability Working cross-curricularly and cross-culturally Authentic Learning

12 The Process Phase I Submit your school’s LOI by January 31st
You may be contacted for follow-up site visit or call Phase II If invited, receive application packet due March 21st Site Visit Phase III Funds distributed once challenge check or PO submitted Have until end of August to submit for September 2014 implementation

13 Letter of Inquiry LOI and Follow Up
LOI available online starting November 15th Due January 31st You will be asked to: Summarize instructional design concept and project to be funded List leadership and personnel involved Include a rough budget You may be contacted for follow up call or site visit

14 Application Application
If invited, receive an application February 17th which is due March 21st You will be asked to: Describe in detail your plan for instructional design, its implementation, timeline, and the project to be funded by this grant Indicate which of the “Essential Competencies” the project addresses List the goals and measures of the new instructional design and the project to be funded

15 Final Steps Site Visit If your application is approved, we will conduct a site visit to meet staff, see location, and ask questions about your proposal Winners Announced Awards announced by May 2nd

16 What makes a great application?
Presents a well thought-out plan and request with defined goals Explains how the learning experience will change for students Ties goals and measures to “Essential Competencies” in addition to test scores Integrates input from all invested/affected parties (ie. teachers, tech coordinators, district support, principal) Answers questions clearly and directly

17 Other Tips If in doubt, call the office Don’t procrastinate
Do your own research talk to/visit other schools talk to different vendors search the literature Be honest and realistic with your goals and request Proofread before submitting

18 THANK YOU FOR COMING! The Riordan Foundation/Rx for Reading
P.O Box Los Angeles, CA 90049 (310) Phone (310) Fax Check our website for frequent updates or follow us on Facebook!

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