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Digital Policing Portfolio Roundtable Presentation 1st November 2016

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1 Digital Policing Portfolio Roundtable Presentation 1st November 2016
Hacer Evans (Paul Williams), Digital Policing Portfolio

2 Digital Policing Portfolio
What is the purpose of the Digital Policing Portfolio ? The Digital Portfolio will be a single national owner of the policing vision for Digital Transformation. It will ensure that all digital change initiatives conducted by police, or for police, adhere to agreed strategic principles Digital Policing will fundamentally shift the ways of working for all police forces and change the way they interact with the public. Skills and capabilities needed to investigate and manage cybercrime will become mainstream, as the level of online use and crime increase. Increasingly, the police forces will be using social media tools to engage with the public, such as, Twitter. Frontline police officers will be equipped with smartphones that have apps to capture and store evidence at the crime scene, plus enhance the ability to obtain faster results when trying to identify victims and potential offenders. The portfolio, comprising three key digital programmes, will direct digital transformation initiatives to align to national strategic drivers and requirements

3 National Delivery How does the Digital portfolio fit into the National picture ? The Digital Policing Portfolio is an integral part of the National delivery landscape Collaboration across key national programmes is vital for successful delivery Having a joined up Transformational change approach is a fundamental requirement National delivery 3 programmes with Digital policing Digital public Contact DII DF Home Office Led Policing Programme NLEDS HOB ESMCP Criminal Justice Common Platform HMCTS Reform Other Agencies NCA CCD Research and Academia CAST Catapult Digital This work is being undertaken against a backdrop of 43 Forces on their own transformational journey, delivering local near term plans that have been in place for some time. So we are not operating in a green field site, this may cause some alignment tensions between local and national delivery and strategic direction. The scale of ambition and need is great and it raises 2 Questions Do we have the agility to be able to respond and absorb the business change requirements into a landscape that is varied in maturity and readiness? What can you and I do to take advantage of the opportunities that this busy landscape provides us with giving us the best chance of success? We commit to working together, responding to the requirements collaboratively rather than silo’d. Keep national programmes at the forefront of our minds when considering local plans and initiative. We harness good practice and consider where new capabilities are best delivered . We work to integrate national delivery into our local operating environments.

4 Digital Policing Portfolio
The Digital Policing Portfolio is a critical strand of transformation work and its final delivery will fundamentally shift the ‘ways of working’ across policing and with the Criminal Justice System. The Digital Policing Portfolio has been formed to join up the activities of three digital Programmes: Although the three Programmes are focusing on different aspects of the end to end Digital landscape of Policing, there are natural synergies and dependencies between these programmes that requires collaboration and joint-working to realise full benefits. Digital Policing Portfolio Digital Public Contact Vision To provide a simple, well known and reliable digital contact service between the Public and the Police that ensures the Public are informed and digitally enabled. Digital Investigations & Intelligence Vision To enable Policing to protect the Public through preventing and detecting crime in a society that is becoming increasingly digital. Digital First Vision To integrate digitised policing into the reformed Criminal Justice System, to deliver the best service to the Public.

5 Digital First Mission Objectives
To have all structured case-file data and unstructured multi-media relevant to a criminal prosecution, digitally captured and stored once and accessible on demand to all Criminal Justice partners, facilitating the effective use of video enabled justice Objectives Criminal Justice Reform Structured & Unstructured Data Video Enabled Justice Define, design and implement the necessary business change, standards, technical solutions and required process and policy changes across policing to facilitate Criminal Justice Reform. Demonstrate improved efficiency and effectiveness in processing, managing, storing and sharing structured and unstructured data with CJS partners and others. Improve end-to-end Criminal Justice System efficiency and effectiveness through the usage of virtual courts and live links.

6 Digital Public Contact
Mission To develop capabilities, services and national standards that allow the Public to report, transact and engage with policing digitally Objectives Online Home Online Crime & Incident Reporting Self Help Knowledge Base Social Media as a Contact Channel Financial Transactions Simple User Journey To provide a single, online 'home' for the Public and the Police. To provide an appropriate digital channel that enables Public choice for reporting and tracking online; allowing Police to respond appropriately. To provide a single source of relevant self-help information and advice to the public; reducing unnecessary contact and improving efficiency. To provide guidance on the role of Social Media as a contact channel. To provide a capability that enables the Public to undertake financial transactions online; increasing Police efficiency, enhancing the user experience and reducing contact. To provide a trusted access control model and simple user journey across the Digital Public Contact experience.

7 Digital Investigation & Intelligence
Mission To drive consistency and improvement of existing and emerging digital investigative and intelligence capabilities for Policing Objectives Enable Innovation Specialist Technical Capabilities Equip Officers Standardised Capabilities Access & Analyse Data To enable innovation and R&D to future-proof digital capabilities . To efficiently deliver specialist technical capabilities as a service to mainstream Policing To equip officers with skills and knowledge to operate in an increasingly digital society. To make appropriate standardised digital capabilities accessible to all frontline officers. To provide enhanced capabilities to effectively access and analyse data for policing.

8 Strategies What strategies will be used to deliver these objectives ?
Provide endorsed options or solutions for infrastructure Collaborative working across policing and with development partners Discovery People and Skills Deliver through a capability led approach Data Storage & Connectivity Proof of Concepts and Pilots Information security and assurance Standards / Principles / Policy Design, Develop and Integrate Industry Collaboration

9 Key Achievements Achievements
Surrey/Sussex live with online crime recording (OCR) Prototype Website developed for TVP/Hampshire API developed for Niche interface to OCR Collaboration with CJS Common Platform Programme Publication of Landscape Review detailing policing maturity & readiness Completion of pilot of Digital Case File in South Wales Establishing CDRIC as a research and development hub Achievements We are establishing CDRIC as a research and development hub to match requirement sets from law enforcement with industry and academia and harness the opportunities for a collaborative approach We are working with forces to develop national approaches to high priority capabilities such as unattributable internet access, data fusion tools and triage tools for frontline investigators Work with the CJS Common Platform Programme to articulate their requirements of policing. Publication of Landscape Review detailing policing maturity and readiness in relation to meeting the requirements of the CJS Common Platform Programme. Completion of pilot of Digital Case File in South Wales, the results of which are currently being analysed by Digital First and Home Office economists. Corralling of Police Innovation Fund bids relating to digital evidence to ensure a smaller number of coherent, collaborated bids were submitted.

10 Challenges Ahead Significant Challenges
Determining accurate volumetrics for storage & sharing of digital evidence Risk of duplication and conflict with PCCs exploring proposals for local criminal justice reform Ownership of Police.UK  website Landscape Review for DPC Too many forces are independently trying to procure or develop capabilities Challenges Determining accurate volumetrics with regards to the storage and sharing of digital evidence to enable appropriate scaling of solutions. Risk of Police Transformation Fund perpetuating the challenges experienced with the Police Innovation Fund in supporting bids which are not aligned to national strategy. Funding structures and levels within policing make it difficult to meet the needs of national criminal justice reform, where budgets for relevant programmes total £1bn. Risk of duplication and conflict with PCCs exploring proposals for local criminal justice reform, where significant investment in reform has been made by MoJ at a national level. The recent PTF round highlights that too many forces are independently trying to procure or develop capabilities without recognising the benefits of working with national programmes to develop requirements that  can be scaled across the service We need to move away from the approach that digital capability is a bolt on to recognising it as core business that requires transformation of not just technology but people, skills and processes

11 Current State and Future State
This means the judiciary system can be slow and inefficient, mostly reliant on manual handling of evidence, including multimedia Paper- based files Separate multi-media storage In person court presence and custody hearings This will mean seamless sharing of evidence and use of digital technology to make the judiciary efficient and quick Digital case files Integrated digital data access Video enabled justice DII This means that the police forces are lacking technical skills and digital knowhow to effectively handle cybercrimes Limited digital investigation capabilities Technology behind current trends This will mean that police forces have advanced and modern technology and a digitally skilled workforce Digitally skilled and capable officers Advanced and cutting-edge technology DPC This means paper based handling of many transactions and no single route for public contact Multiple sources for online contact Paper based transactions This will mean that the public can process online transactions and have a single portal to connect to Single online portal Self-service online system Future state New systems and technology New standard processes New skills and capabilities Transition

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