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AP/DJ AP: a generic technology

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1 AP/DJ AP: a generic technology
DJ: a low-learning-curve implementation of AP

2 Law of Demeter Principle
Each unit should only have limited knowledge about other units: only about units “closely” related to the current unit. “Each unit should only talk to its friends.” “Don’t talk to strangers.” Main Motivation: Control information overload. We can only keep a limited set of items in short-term memory.

3 Law of Demeter FRIENDS

4 Application to OO Unit = method
closely related = methods of class of this/self and other argument classes methods of immediate part classes (classes that are return types of methods of class of this/self) In the following we talk about this application of the Law of Demeter Principle to OO

5 Rumbaugh and the Law of Demeter
Quote: Avoid traversing multiple links or methods. A method should have limited knowledge of an object model. A method must be able to traverse links to obtain its neighbors and must be able to call operations on them, but it should not traverse a second link from the neighbor to a third class.

6 Law of Demeter (alternative formulation)
A method should have limited knowledge of an object model. AP is a reaction to this view of the Law of Demeter

7 Agreement that LoD Good Idea
How to follow LoD: good solutions exist but not widely known. Two approaches to following LoD: OO approach Adaptive approaches DJ APPC Demeter/Java

8 What if your friends are far away?
You pay them to travel to you or you send an agent to them to collect the information you need. Approximate Directions: You give them or your agent directions about what kind of information to collect but you don’t care about accidental details of the travel. Detailed Directions: You give them or your agent detailed travel directions.

9 Adaptive Following LoD
C A FRIENDS a S X c b a:From S to A b:From S to B c:From S via X to C

10 Traversal specifications create friends
Class ClassGraph is an intermediate class between classes that need to communicate ClassGraph.fetch(Object o, TravSpec s)

11 Adaptive Following of LoD: Key Idea
Collaborations are not explicit in the software. This is what APPCs will support. So why?

12 DJ An implementation of AP using only the DJ library and the Java Generic Library (JGL) All programs written in pure Java Intended as prototyping tool: makes heavy use of introspection in Java Integrates Generic Programming (a la STL) and Adaptive programming

13 Integration of Generic and Adaptive Programming
A traversal specification turns an object graph into a container. Can invoke 50+ generic algorithms on those containers. Examples: add, delete, find, etc. What is gained: genericity not only with respect to data structure implementations but also with respect to class graph

14 Algorithm Classes Applying Applies a function to every
element of a sequence Comparing Mismatches, performs equality tests, performs lexicographical comparisons Copying Copies a sequence Counting Counts unconditionally and conditionally Filling Fills a sequence with a single element Filtering Filters a sequence Finding Finds an object or an element that satisfies a predicate

15 Algorithm Classes Hashing Contains generic hashing algorithms
Heap Makes, pushes, pops, and sorts a heap MinMax Finds the min and max of a sequence OrderSetOperations Contains Generic set operation algorithms Permuting Cycles through permutations of a sequence Printing Prints sequences and containers Removing Removes an object or element that satisfies a predicate

16 Algorithm Classes Replacing Replaces an object or element that satisfies a predicate Reversing Reverses a sequence Rotating Rotates a sequence SetOperations Union, intersection, difference, and inclusion Shuffling Shuffles a sequence Sorting Sorts a sequence Swapping Swaps elements or sequences Transforming Maps one sequence to another

17 Collections JGL includes 11 highly optimized data structures that
satisfy most programmer needs. These data structures have been engineered for performance and ease of use, and their performance either meets or beats every other commercially available Java container library. In addition, all JGL containers work correctly in multithreaded situations.

18 Collection Interface add(Object) Add an object to myself.
clear() Remove all of my objects. clone() Return a shallow copy of myself. elements() Return an Enumeration of the components in this container equals(Object) Return true if I'm equal to a specified object. finish() Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last item.

19 Collection Interface isEmpty() Return true if I contain no objects.
maxSize() Return the maximum number of objects that I can contain. remove(Enumeration) Remove the element at a particular position. remove(Enumeration, Enumeration) Remove the elements in the specified range. size() Return the number of objects that I contain. start() Return an iterator positioned at my first item. toString() Return a string that describes me.

20 com.objectspace.jgl.algorithms. Filtering
reject(Container, UnaryPredicate) Reject elements in a container. reject(InputIterator, InputIterator, UnaryPredicate) Reject elements in a range. select(Container, UnaryPredicate) Select elements in a container. select(InputIterator, InputIterator, UnaryPredicate) Select elements in a range.

21 com.objectspace.jgl.algorithms. Permuting
nextPermutation(BidirectionalIterator, BidirectionalIterator, BinaryPredicate) Arrange a sequence to become its next permutation. nextPermutation(Container, BinaryPredicate) Arrange a container to become its next permutation. prevPermutation(BidirectionalIterator, BidirectionalIterator, BinaryPredicate) Arrange a sequence to become its previous permutation. prevPermutation(Container, BinaryPredicate) Arrange a container to become its previous permutation.

22 com.objectspace.jgl.algorithms. Transforming
collect(Container, UnaryFunction) Return a container that is the same class as the original and contains the result of applying the given unary function to each element in the original. transform(Container, Container, Container, BinaryFunction) Traverse two containers and add the results of invoking a BinaryFunction on corresponding elements to another container.

23 Sample DJ code // Find the user with the specified uid
Container libUsers = new Container(library, "from Library to User"); User user = libUsers.find("uid", uid); Check???

24 Methods provided by DJ On all objects: traverse, fetch, gather
On containers: Java Generic Library algorithms (in progress) traverse is the important method; fetch and gather are special cases

25 Traverse method: excellent support for Visitor Pattern
// class ClassGraph Object traverse(Object o, Strategy s, Visitor v); traverse navigates through Object o following traversal specification s and executing the before and after methods in visitor v ClassGraph is computed using introspection

26 Guidelines Abreviations IF you plan to use
1 sg with 1 o and several v THEN freeze(cg,sg,o)->ogs 1 sg with several (o or v) THEN freeze(cg,sg)->tg 1 o with several (sg or v) THEN freeze(cg,o)->og 1 tg with 1 o and several v THEN freeze(tg,o)->ogs 1 sg with 1 (o and v) THEN inline cg class graph s strategy tg traversal graph o object og object graph ogs object graph slice v visitor or generic algorithm Abreviations

27 DJ binaryconstruction operations

28 Who has traverse, fetch, gather? (number of arguments of traverse)

29 Methods returning an ObjectGraphSlice
ClassGraph.slice(Object, Strategy) ObjectGraph.slice(Strategy) TraversalGraph.slice(Object) ObjectGraphSlice(ObjectGraph,Strategy) ObjectGraphSlice(ObjectGraph,TraversalGraph) Blue: constructors

30 Traverse method arguments
ClassGraph Object, Strategy, Visitor TraversalGraph Object, Visitor ObjectGraph Strategy, Visitor ObjectGraphSlice Visitor

31 Traverse method arguments. Where is collection framework used?
ClassGraph Object, Strategy, Visitor TraversalGraph Object, Visitor / asList(Object) ObjectGraph Strategy, Visitor / asList(Strategy) ObjectGraphSlice Visitor / asList()

32 Where is collection framework used?

33 DJ unary construction operations
Class graph from TraversalGraph Class graph from all classes in package

34 Lack of parameterized classes in Java makes DJ harder to use
Consider the traversal: from A to B Let’s assume that in the class graph between A and B there is a Java collection class. The intent is: A = List(B) which we cannot express in Java. Instead we have: A = Vector(Object). Object : A | B. Let’s assume we also have a class X=B.

35 Lack of parameterized classes in Java makes DJ harder to use
We have: A = Vector(Object). Object : A | B | X. X = B. If the vector contains an X object it will be traversed!!! Vector * Object A X B

36 No X-object is allowed to be in vector A * X B Vector * Object A X B

37 Moral of the story If the Collection objects contain only the objects advertised in the nice class graph of the application the traversal done by DJ will be correct. However, if the Collection objects contain additional objects (like an X-object) they might be traversed accidentally.

38 Size of traversal graph
DJ might create big traversal graphs when collection classes are involved. DJ will plan for all possibilities even though only a small subset will be realized during execution. To reduce the size of the traversal graph, you need to use bypassing. In the example: from A bypassing {A,X} to B.

39 More info DJ Home Page

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