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Liquid Nitrogen procedure

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1 Liquid Nitrogen procedure
All users must read this before using liquid nitrogen  Safety precautions when working with liquid nitrogen All persons using liquid nitrogen MUST be trained in storage, handling and associated risks BEFORE starting work. Contact your PI or lab manager to arrange for in-house training and, if possible, attend a cryogenic gas safety course. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) MUST be worn when dispensing liquid nitrogen minimum PPE is a lab coat, cryogenic gloves and safety visor Cryogenic gloves give limited protection but must NEVER be immersed in liquid nitrogen. Open shoes must NEVER be worn when handling liquid nitrogen. Only use equipment and sample containers suitable for use with liquid nitrogen. Check all dewers and equipment for signs of damage that may pose a risk when used to contain or control liquid nitrogen. Concentrate on the task in hand to reduce the possibility of spills and splashes due to carelessness or lack of concentration. Anyone found dispensing or using liquid nitrogen without training, or wearing adequate PPE as previously mentioned will be reported. If in doubt about anything to do with liquid nitrogen contact: Ruth Rose – tel: x 7603/4620, room 4.33/4.36 or Steve Pestaille – tel: x 5034 room 3.04a Potential risks associated with liquid nitrogen: ASPHYXIATION – Liquid nitrogen is an odourless gas that rapidly evaporates to a much larger volume of gas that is heavier than air. In an enclosed space this will displace the oxygen present causing asphyxiation. At low oxygen concentrations unconsciousness and death may occur in seconds and without warning. CRYOGENIC BURNS AND FROSTBITE: Caused by touching a metal surface that has been in contact with liquid nitrogen. Touching the surface will cause the skin to stick and the flesh will tear when you attempt to withdraw away from it SOFT MATERIAL BREAKAGE – Soft materials such as plastics and rubber may become brittle and break causing spills and presenting a hazard. Be aware of the limits of your containment vessels and the materials that make them. Also, be aware of the amount of pressure that can build up in screw top vials when freezing samples. Procedure if the low oxygen alarm sounds: If you have set the alarm off during a normal nitrogen fill then it can be re-set and muted at the control panel once the O2 level is above 16.0 %. If there is a major spill or the dewar fails, then the area and the building must be evacuated immediately by activating the fire alarm at the far end of the corridor by the SBCS lift lobby. The building should not be re-occupied until oxygen levels have returned to normal and the all clear has been given by the fire crew. In case of emergency, please contact: Sam Court – tel x 6639 or

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