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Biolabs Safety Committee MCB, MCZ, OEB, HEB

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Presentation on theme: "Biolabs Safety Committee MCB, MCZ, OEB, HEB"— Presentation transcript:

1 Biolabs Safety Committee MCB, MCZ, OEB, HEB

2 Agenda Announcements Roles and Responsibilities Lab Safety Award
Peer Inspections Sharps Safety Review Harvard Training Portal

3 -Sarah Elwell -Facilities -EH&S
Announcements -Sarah Elwell -Facilities -EH&S

4 Welcome New Safety Officers!!!
- Jenelle Wallace (Murthy Lab) Derek Lessing (Dulac Lab) Morgan Furze (Richardson Lab)


6 Roles and Responsibilities Lab Safety Advisor
Works with laboratories to integrate safety into lab operations and promotes safe work practices Conduct inspections, compliance reviews, and hazard assessments Assist laboratories in performing risk assessments for new projects, and make recommendations on appropriate lab safety practices. Prepares and conducts Lab Safety trainings Responds to, and investigates laboratory-related accidents and exposures. Prepares, updates, and drafts policies, guidelines, and procedures for biological, chemical, and physical hazards and processes

7 Roles and Responsibilities Lab Safety Officer (LSO)
Report all accidents / incidents to Principal Investigator, EH&S staff. Update LabPoint Door Signage Assist your PI in assuring that your lab group complies with the Chemical Hygiene Plan and develops Standard Operating Practices. Attend local safety committee meetings and assist EH&S representatives as needed.

8 Roles and Responsibilities Lab Safety Officer (LSO)
Weekly Conduct or delegate weekly Satellite Accumulation Inspections – 11 Inspection Points Test emergency eye wash stations Ensure that new lab members are taking required EH&S trainings and document the lab-specific orientation Disseminate information between EH&S and your lab group. Monthly Attend safety committee and Be sure to send a substitute if you are unavailable. Work on follow-up items between meetings. Disseminate information between EH&S and your lab group Annually Accompany EH&S staff and on-site vendors during lab audits. Provide follow up to recommendations after your lab has been inspected. Conduct and host peer lab inspections. Report on peer lab inspections that you performed. Provide follow up to recommendations after your lab has been inspected. Disseminate information between EHS staff / Safety Committee and your lab group Update PPE assessment

9 Roles and Responsibilities LSA and LSOs
An Approachable and Comfortable Environment An Assurance that Items of Concern Will Be Addressed and Followed Through On A Continual Desire to Learn and Build Knowledge An Attitude and Sense of Responsibility by Everyone Recognizes the Accomplishments and Efforts Made Towards Safety

10 Key Documents Chemical Hygiene Plan / SOPs (i.e. Phenol Chloroform)
Emergency Response Guide Peer Review Lab Inspection Form Laboratory Safety Orientation Checklist PPE Assessment Report Accident Report Form *Exposure Control Plan* LabPoint Emergency Evacuation Plans *Laboratory Equipment Decon Form*

11 Laboratory Equipment Decon Form
Two Copies Affixed to the Equipment Delivered to EH&S

12 Satellite Accumulation Areas Test your knowledge?

13 Satellite Accumulation Areas
Do containers have an affixed Harvard Hazardous Waste Tag? Do containers have a hazard box checked? Do containers have the correct hazard box checked? Are containers labeled with words and not formulas or abbreviations? (no abbreviations, IUPAC nomenclature or structures) Are containers in secondary containment? (i.e. a plastic tub) Are containers in adequate condition for transport? Are containers properly closed, no funnels left in place or caps left off? Are containers with incompatible materials separated? Are containers of virgin chemicals stored separately from waste, are research chemicals not stored in same plastic tub with waste chemicals? Ensure there are no duplicate undated waste containers. Ensure there are no containers past the MA three day rule. The waste label should be dated when the container becomes filled or otherwise ready for disposal.  The container must be removed from the satellite area within 3 days of this date.

14 Lab Safety Award Criteria Eligibility
Lab Initiatives (events, practices, procedures, etc.) that result in a safer working environment. Collaboration with EH&S partners is allowed and encouraged Standard EH&S requirements don’t apply Eligibility Lab member has to have been in attendance at the two previous committee meetings (Waived)

15 Lab Safety Award Winner! Manisha Patel

16 A Safer Working Environment
Lab Initiative Manisha has been very proactive in establishing a strong “Culture of Safety” at the Harvard Forest. This is evident in the pristine / well-managed lab spaces that are accessed by multiple users, the maintenance of detailed site specific safety policy content on the Harvard Forest web site, the establishment of local EH&S policies that are adhered to and enforced and a thorough onboarding program for new laboratory users. EH&S Collaboration Although >65 miles from the main campus, Manisha has worked with and formed a strong relationship with multiple members of EH&S. As the Lab Safety Advisor responsible for supporting the Harvard Forest, it is comforting to know that Manisha has everything well under control, especially given the challenge of having to coordinate EH&S and relevant support services at a remote facility. A Safer Working Environment Absolutely!



19 Peer Inspections What are they exactly?
LSO teams performing safety inspections of peer laboratories. Not an annual EH&S inspection (different checklist)

20 Peer Inspections Why are we doing this?
Successful exercise that has promoted a culture of safety SEAS and PEL have been performing peer inspections for years Recently expanded to SCRB EH&S / DOS planning to expand to other departments A fresh perspective through the lens of a researcher

21 Peer Inspections Why are we doing this?
Recognize best practices Network Clean house Promotes a culture of safety

22 Peer Inspections Who and When?
Who - Labs and LSOs located in Biolabs only at this time When - Starting in October with the goal of having 3-4 peer inspections completed and ready to present at the November committee meeting

23 Peer Inspections How does it work?
20 Lab Facilities to be inspected 2 Member LSO Inspection Teams (accompanied by EH&S) 2 Non-Associated Host Labs INSPECT

24 Peer Inspections How does it work?
LSO Inspection Teams Coordinate and schedule inspections Provide inspections results to EH&S and the inspected peer lab Present inspection results at the Biolabs Committee meeting LSOs from host Labs Review corrective actions taken on any findings Goal 3 – 4 inspections reviewed per meeting

25 Sharps Safety 10 Needle sticks reported from June 1st – September 1st.
5 Needle sticks involving lab procedures 3 Needle sticks involving animal work 2 Needle sticks involving needles in trash

26 Sharps Safety Training – Be familiar with techniques involved in the protocol. Review your work in a controlled setting before performing a procedure. “Know Your Work Environment” Minimize or Eliminate – Identify sharps used in a procedure and determine if an alternative is available. (Example: use of a blunt needle) sharps/sharps.html No Recapping Needles – This is an unsafe practice. If special circumstances warrant this practice, it must first be reviewed by EHS.

27 Sharps Safety Two Handed Techniques – Eliminate these techniques whenever possible (Examples: Tissue Collection – use forceps, Animal Injections – use restraint devices) Know the Risk of the Materials – In the event of a sharps injury, know if human cells/tissues have been tested for pathogens. Keep product information with the Exposure Control Plan.

28 Sharps Safety Proper Sharps Disposal – It is your responsibility. Do not put custodial staff, technicians in harms way! Always make sure your sharps are properly contained to eliminate injury and exposure to ancillary and unsuspecting staff. Post the EHS Biological Sharps Disposal Guide

29 Biological Sharps Disposal
Collect biologically-contaminated physical sharps in a red sharps container Physical Sharp - Any item capable of puncturing or cutting the skin that is biologically- contaminated goes into red sharps containers. For biological labs, place both biologically contaminated and clean sharps into red sharps containers. For non-biological labs refer to non-biological sharps disposal guidance. Single-Use Containers: Close when full and place in Biowaste Bin Reusable Containers (HMS/HSDM Only): Collected and replaced by waste vendor Never Overfill. Replace container when 3/4 full. For Longwood questions, call EHS: (617) For Cambridge questions, call EHS: (617) V1 – 9/2016

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