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History in the Making: As soldiers returned from World War II, we had:

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Presentation on theme: "History in the Making: As soldiers returned from World War II, we had:"— Presentation transcript:

1 History in the Making: As soldiers returned from World War II, we had:
No heart surgery No defibrillator No pacemaker Few drugs No CCU And no effective treatment for Congenital heart disease Valvular heart disease Coronary heart disease How we emerged from the Dark Ages of Cardiology is one of the greatest scientific stories of our times

2 Three Great Paradigm Shifts Drove Our Revolution Prior to Andreas Gruentzig
Creation of Cardiac Surgery Development of Electrophysiology Rx of Coronary Disease

3 Disclosure Statement of Financial Interest
I, James Forrester DO NOT have a financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with one or more organizations that could be perceived as a real or apparent conflict of interest in the context of the subject of this presentation.

4 Our Story Begins with Dwight Harken
A surgeon who tries to suture a heart wound deserves to lose esteem of his colleagues Theodore Billroth

5 What the Battlefields of Europe Wrought
Shrapnel Closed Heart Surgery What Happened Next? The world is not only stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine Heart Lung machine Valvular heart surgery Cardiac transplantation Congenital heart surgery

6 The Complications of Heart Surgery Created The Modern Cardiology Subspecialties

7 Three Great Paradigm Shifts Drove Our Revolution Prior to Andreas Gruentzig
Creation of Cardiac Surgery Development of Electrophysiology Rx of Coronary Disease

8 Cardiac Structures Prior to Surgery
Surgeons Needed To See Cardiac Structures Prior to Surgery Forssmann Cournand Richards Good can exist without evil, but evil cannot exist without good St Thomas Aquinas Catheterization Angiography Hemodynamics

9 Rx of Stable Coronary Disease
1st coronary angio Favaloro & Sones 1st coronary bypass

10             Medical Therapy of Acute Myocardial Infarction by Application of Hemodynamic Subsets James S. Forrester, M.D., George Diamond, M.D., Kanu Chatterjee M.R.C.P., and HJC Swan M.D., Ph.D. “The CCU is the single most important advance in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction.” E. Braunwald

11 The Past Informs theFuture: Advances on the Horizon

12 The Golden Age of Cardiology: Told in The Heart Healers
Amazon reviewers’ comments [score 4.8] “A heart-pounding, gripping read” “An amazing story” “I could hardly put the book down” “A page turner” “An incredible but true story of a medical revolution” “It’s The Emperor of All Maladies for heart disease” “Medical book of the year” #1 new release on; upper 0.5% of sales

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