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E-learning – Your Flexible Friend

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1 E-learning – Your Flexible Friend
Angela Clarke Knowledge Services Manager North & East Yorkshire & Northern Lincolnshire WDC I was appointed on April 1st 2003 to this post. My background includes 2years in Northern Lincolnshire working as Knowledge Services manager and 11 years in Further Education running Learning Resource services including Managed Learning Environments.

2 What is e-learning? Generally defined as “Learning using a computer, computer network, Intranet or Internet…..” For the WDC, it is “Learning over the Internet using a Managed Learning Environment (MLE).”

3 Jargon busting VLE (Virtual Learning Environment)
The “classroom” where Trainers can add and develop courses and Learners can access those courses. MLE (Managed Learning Environment) the VLE plus a whole range of information systems that contribute to the management of learning, e.g. allows administrators to keep track of who is doing what and when, report on training activity and monitor assessments. Sometimes referred to as an LMS (Learning Management System)

4 Strategic Drivers National: To meet stated objectives under “Working Together Learning Together” Local: To progress the E-learning Strategy for all health communities within the NEYNL WDC using “joined up thinking” with other national/local initiatives i.e. NHSU, HYMS, NPfITetc. The NHS Lifelong Learning Framework, Working Together – Learning Together, published in November 2001, charged all NHS employer organisations, supported by Workforce Development Confederations (WDCs) to have developed a local 5 year e-learning strategy and capability in line with national Information for Health and NHS Information Authority plans and targets. The North & East Yorkshire, North & North East Lincolnshire WDC initially held meetings of key stakeholders, primarily within Human Resources and Information departments, to consider how it could best support organisations to meet this target. Organisations were unanimous in asking for an ‘umbrella’ strategy to be created, within which they could determine their own implementation plans at local level. Although a few organisations had already gained experience of e-learning, the majority had very limited knowledge and skills in this area, and were keen for guidance and support. The strategy aims to deliver that guidance and support in conjunction with developments both in the local community (Hull York Medical school coming on line for instance) and in the National arena such as the NHSU.

5 Why introduce e-learning?
Martini-effect – anytime, anyplace, anywhere Advantages to the organisation Advantages for the training function Advantages for the learners

6 Advantages for the organisation
Access to training for greater numbers of staff Reduction in travel time and costs Share knowledge and expertise across organisations Reporting on training delivery (can support CHAI, CNST, etc.)

7 Advantages for the trainers
Course management & reporting Tailor courses to individual needs Blended approach to training delivery Another method of training delivery – adding variety Consistent

8 Advantages for the learner
Self-paced/own pace Consistent Interactive (use of videos, audio, quizzes, etc.) Flexible Accessible Access to wider range of materials (web sites, online library services, etc.)

9 NEYNL E-learning Environment
This diagram is intended to explain the proposed structure of an E-learning environment which will be purchased and hosted by the WDC for the use of any Health Trust who agrees to join the “E-Learning Club” shown at the centre of the illustration. This club is formed from Trusts who sign up to the strategy which explicitly explains the role of the WDC and the role of Trusts within the scheme. These roles are discussed in subsequent slides. At the top is an E-Learning Portal which leads directly in to the Managed Learning Environment or administrative area (Blue Layer) this leads to the Virtual Learning Environment or Virtual Classroom area (Green layer). At the centre is the repository, quality assurance and authoring team which ensures that materials are of a good standard and are shareable among all club members. To this end materials are tagged at this point with E-learning questions and re-usable learning objects. Supporting the delivery are trained tutors/mentors and deliverers who are assigned by health communities.

10 Role of WDC: Technology
Procured an Internet-based MLE for the health communities in the WDC Roll out of MLE to early adopters to start in May 2004 Initially fund licences (4000 Yr 1, 8000 Yr2) Support/commission the authoring of materials for inclusion in the MLE Set up reporting procedures Technology supplied by the WDC comprises of the purchase of the E-Learning Environment. The hosting of materials probably on an external server to encourage the “Martini” effect (any place any time anywhere). The WDC will also undertake the purchase of initial licences.

11 Role of WDC: Supporting Change
Provide a lead focus and start-up funding Appointed 3 E-learning Co-ordinators Initial funding for training the trainers and administrators Initial funding for “facilitating online learning communities” course with University of Hull Set up networks for E-learning developments via online and face-to-face forums Commission a research report with University of Hull In order to support the change process within the Trusts the WDC will create the E-Learning portal The WDC will also facilitate both real and virtual forums for debate and consultation purposes around E-learning. Three E-learning co-ordinators will be appointed for a fixed term of two years to provide a focus for e-learning development within the areas of North Yorkshire, Hull and East Riding and Northern Lincolnshire. Training for tutors, mentors and administrators will also be supported within this initiative.The authoring of materials identified to be of a high priority within the trusts will be re-authored using funds initially provided by the WDC so that they can be delivered as soon as possible within the selected E-learning environment.

12 Role of Trusts : Technology
Identify appropriate delivery points/work areas Ensure adequate connectivity Provide appropriate IT equipment Local IT support As part of their role within the strategy, Trusts are being asked to provide appropriate areas for learners to work in. They are also asked to ensure adequate connectivity to these designated work areas, PCs of an appropriate minimum standard (PC 3 with 120mgb RAM) are a crucial element within these areas. Finally IT technicians need to be involved in understanding the technical issues in supporting users to use this resource.

13 Role of Trusts: Supporting Change
Identify local priorities for delivery by E-learning (complete the WDC state of readiness toolkit) Release staff to collaborate on producing materials content Identify trainers Identify administrators Release identified staff for training Trusts need to work with co-ordinators to clearly identify the priorities they have for delivering learning by this method. Staff may need to be released to work on materials content if no content is yet available for re-authoring. Trainers/mentors and administrators will need training to support this initiative, they will need identified time to do this.

14 Issues Management/organisational support
Organisational/learning culture Access to IT & the Internet E-tutor skills IT skills (learners and tutors) Time/expertise needed to develop courses Socialisation and face-to-face communications Motivation by individual learners

15 Questions for the workshop
Technology Infrastructure Leadership and Change Management Supporting learners Sustainability These questions are for you to consider as part of the consultation process: Technology infrastructure - Do you have any comments on the approach by the WDC on purchasing a Managed Learning Environment - How do you plan to develop the Technology Infrastructure in your Community (IT Equipment and facilities) Change Management - Do you have any comments on the approach being taken to support change (i.e. appointment of Co-ordinators by the WDC?) -How do you plan to build the commitment and skills in e-learning locally? -How could the WDC E-learning Co-ordinators help you best at local level? Development of e-learning materials -What are your priorities for developing/delivering e-learning programmes? -Do you have any e-learning programmes/materials already? -Would you be willing/able to share these within the wider health community?

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