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The Farlingaye Pyramid School Offer
What will happen after it is agreed my child needs something extra to help them learn? How does the school know if my child needs extra help? The Farlingaye Pyramid School Offer SANDLINGS What should I do if I think my child has SEN? What will the school do if they think my child has SEND? What are the arrangements for the resolution of disagreements? What support is available for a child with SEND at this school? JARGON BUSTER How will the school keep me informed if my child has SEND? What does this school do to prepare SEND children for the future? Where else can I find support and information? What are the school’s expectations for children with SEND? How will my child be supported during school transitions?
How does the school know if my child needs extra help?
Liaison with feeder schools Child performing below age expected levels We notice differences in behaviour, listening skills, self esteem and confidence compared with other children Concerns raised by parents Advice from existing outside agencies Advice from existing health care professionals
What should I do if I think my child has SEND?
Arrange to have a chat outlining your concerns with your child’s class teacher initially Arrange to have a chat outlining your concerns with the SENCo and/or Headteacher as required Ensure the school is kept informed of any relevant background information/ changes/ concerns you have about your child
What will the school do if they think my child has SEND?
The school will use simple tests as appropriate to assess your child Class teacher will have a dialogue with parents/carers and child
What support is available for a child with SEND at this school?
Quality First Teaching – At Sandlings, we strive to ensure that all our teaching meets the highest standards for all students and work is appropriately differentiated to allow access and challenge for all. Additional intervention programmes are sometimes appropriate to support children’s progress and our staff have been trained to deliver the following programmes. Fischer Family Trust Max’s Marvellous Maths Dancing Bears / Apples and Pears Acceleread, Accelerwrite Nessy Booster Maths and Literacy Phonics Extra, Additional and Further Literacy Support TEACHH Talking Partners Talking Maths Speech and Language Power of 1/2 Nurture Group Keyboard skills Gym Trail
Outside agency support which may be available
County Inclusive Resource - CIR Behaviour Support Services – BSS Special Schools Outreach Speech and Language Therapy ( both Suffolk County Council and NHS) SpLD Outreach Thomas Wolsey Outreach Educational Psychologists School Nursing Team Occupational Therapists Advisory Teachers Suffolk County Council Youth Justice Team Suffolk County Council Learning and Improvement Services SENDIASS – (PARENT PARTNERSHIP) Suffolk County Council Local Offer
Where else can I find support and information?
SENDIASS Access Unlimited Access and Assessment Team for Norfolk and Suffolk Autism Suffolk The British Dyslexia Association Suffolk County Council Local Offer
What will the school do after deciding with me that my child needs something extra and special to help them learn? Class teacher will take responsibility for the daily education of your child and will be supported and advised by the SENCo where necessary Learning is appropriately differentiated to allow access and challenge for all Deployment of a Teaching Assistant/ Learning Support Assistant may be appropriate Children will have access to the right tools to support them in the classroom (please see our accessibility policy) Specific programmes of work may be used if appropriate Class teacher (after consultation with SENCo as required) will set targets for your child’s learning, tracking provision as well as progress
How will the school keep me informed once it has been agreed my child has SEND?
Class teacher will meet with you at least termly to discuss your child’s progress, (this could be at a Parent Consultation Evening) Meetings with external agencies where necessary Annual Review meetings where necessary Other forms of communication may include: -Home/school diary -Telephone conversations -Letters home -Contact with class teacher/school staff
What are the school’s expectations for children with SEND?
Learners have increased confidence and are self-assured Children are encouraged to become independent learners Children have increased self-esteem about their place in the world Children are aware of their own needs and the strategies that help them learn Children will enjoy a balanced, well-rounded curriculum with lots of fun opportunities
How will my child be supported during school transitions?
Liaison with pre-school prior to starting at the school and home visits Liaison with external agencies to aid transition Reception Sharing knowledge about your child so we can plan together New intake days All year groups Liaison with class teachers as your child moves through the school Year 6 Additional meetings with High School/visits to High School
What are the arrangements for the resolution of disagreements?
Contact: Miss Toal - Headteacher Mrs White - Chair of Governors SENDIASS – formally Parent Partnership
What does this school do to prepare SEND children for the future?
E-Safety awareness Sexual Health and Relationships Education
JARGON BUSTER Abbreviation Description LSA
Abbreviation Description LSA Learning Support Assistants who work in and out of the classroom with pupils TA Teaching Assistants who work with pupils SEN Special Educational Needs SEND Special Educational Needs and Disabilities CoP Code of Practice – Legal Statutory guidance for organizations who work with young people with SEN SENCO Special Educational Needs Coordinator LA Local Authority LA Local Offer States what the LA will be offering schools and other providers in terms of SEN EP Educational Psychologist SALT Speech and Language Therapist CAF Common Assessment Framework TAC/TAF Team Around the Child/Team Around the Family YSW Youth Support Worker EWO Educational Welfare Officer BSS Behaviour Support Service CIR County Inclusive Resource OPPP One Page Pupil Profiles AT Advisory Teacher ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder VI Visual Impairment PD Physical Disability SpLD Speech and Language Difficulty (Dyslexia) MLD Moderate Learning Difficulty ASD Autistic Spectrum Disorder EHC plan Education and Health Care plan – these are replacing Statements of SEN. They require a formal assessment by the LA and may result in ‘top up’ funding to help support a child’s needs.
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