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Sylvia Spruill, Hillgrove High School and

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1 Common Core = Common Sense: Increasing Literacy Expectations in the ELA Classroom
Sylvia Spruill, Hillgrove High School and Annette Tucker, Hillgrove High School

2 Agenda EQ: How can I increase the literacy expectations in my ELA classroom? Defining literacy Engaging with the Text (Images, Purpose, Marking Text) Text Rendering

3 What is literacy? On a sticky note, jot down your thoughts about the term literacy. What are your thoughts about it? To what does it refer? How would you define it?

4 Defining Literacy “[T]he largest barrier to all students reaching their educational potential is failure to become literate—to read for knowledge, write, use technology proficiently and think critically about what is read.” -- International Dyslexia Association

5 Marking the Text (handout)
Do I know my purpose for reading? V.I.P. = Very important information; key concepts (text evidence to answer reading purpose) ? = Information you are confused about or doesn’t make sense. ! = Wow! Aha! Things you find interesting, hard to believe, unexpected, etc.

6 How can teachers increase the literacy expectations in their classrooms?
*Reading selected portion of the article Use 4-8 mini sticky notes to mark the following: V.I.P. = Very important information; key concepts (text evidence to answer reading purpose) ? = Information you are confused about or doesn’t make sense. ! = Wow! Aha! Things you find interesting, hard to believe, unexpected, etc.

7 When you finish reading…
VIP, ?, or ! (Write on your mini sticky notes) For every V.I.P explain how your V.I.P. relates to the reading purpose For every ? write a question to express what confuses you or doesn’t make sense For every ! summarize what/why you found this interesting. . . Note: keep these markers in your text; they will be helpful when you review When you finish your markers . . . Transfer the information from your markers onto the Coding Text Worksheet

8 The Human Condition As you watch the video, respond to the following on a sticky note: 3 – words that come to mind 2 – images that stick out 1 – phrase that comes to mind

9 The Human Condition Discussion Partners (discuss the following and be prepared to answer): Share your responses After viewing the video and sharing your responses, work collaboratively to define the human condition. (concisely and clearly)

10 “One Today” How do the words of Richard Blanco reflect the Human Condition?
Listen and follow along as Richard Blanco presents “One Today” We will go back and mark the text.

11 Application: Marking the Text
How do the words of Richard Blanco reflect the Human Condition? V.I.P. = Very important information; key concepts (text evidence to answer reading purpose) ? = Information you are confused about or doesn’t make sense. ! = Wow! Aha! Things you find interesting, hard to believe, unexpected, etc.

12 Marking the Text How do the words of Richard Blanco reflect the human condition? Grouping Strategy (Birthday Line-Up)/Groups of 3 In your new group of three, share and discuss your markings. Be sure everyone in your group has a solid understanding of how the poem reflects the human condition.

13 Marking the Text How do the words of Richard Blanco
reflect the human condition? Large group sharing— Be prepared to share something that someone else in your group shared with you. (i.e Antonio liked the words…. Dale marked ____________ as V.I.P./evidence…)

14 Next Steps… With your group, use the Y note organizer to analyze the two texts (video and poem). After completing the Y note organizer, respond to the following questions: What does the video reveal that the poem does not? What does the poem reveal that the video does not? What is the benefit of looking at both?

15 Tying it all Together Based on evidence discovered in the poem and video and through discussion, write a paragraph synthesizing your learning about the human condition. Your paragraph should answer the following question: What is the human condition?

16 Tying it all Together Struggling Students: The human condition is defined as______________________. In the poem, “One Today,” Richard Blanco uses images such as ______________________________ to express the human condition. In addition, he refers to _______________________________________ which further explains ___________________ __________________. In the video, the images of ________________________ illustrate ______________________________ about the human condition. Finally, the human condition reflects ______________________________________ _______________________.

17 READING LITERARY (RL) Key Ideas and Details
ELACC10RL1: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Craft and Structure ELACC10RL4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language evokes a sense of time and place; how it sets a formal or informal tone)

18 Writing (W) ELACC10W2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.

19 Stop and Reflect Coding the Text Setting Purpose
Using Images/other visuals How can I use these in my classroom to increase the literacy expectations? How could I differentiate for my students?

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