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Ancient America before 1500 ad

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1 Ancient America before 1500 ad
Ahmed M. Al-khalawi Ali Al-Sultan Fawwaz -Aldossary

2 OutLine History of north america.
History of middle america (mesoamerica). History of south america.

3 North America (Ahmed M Al-khalawi)
Before the European explorers arrived, the descendants of the prehistoric pioneers and later migrants - the Native Americans - had formed a wide variety of tribes in North America. Clearly, they were all related. But some of them were simple nomads, roaming the dry plateaus and deserts of the West, while others were forest dwellers who sustained themselves as hunters and fishermen. In the Southwest lived the farming people of the Pueblo country, inhabiting substantial cities of stone or clay. In the Four-Corners area of the present Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico states was the heartland of the Anasazi people - the "ancient ones". Their culture began taking on its distinct characteristics about 100 B.C., but it became by the time of its climax the most extensive and influential by far in the Southwest. Along the Mississippi were the villages of the Mound People who built giant earthworks atop which they worshipped their gods. By this time the Native Americans spoke many different languages, some as different from each other as Italian from English. More than 200 languages and dialects developed. There were great variations in customs and traditions from place to place and tribe to tribe.

4 Mesoamerica (Ali Al-sultan)
The first major civilization of Mesoamerica (what stretched from Mexico’s central plateau south to Costa Rica) was that of the Olmecs, the enigmatic people who inhabited the jungles along Mexico’s Gulf Coast as long ago as 1200 B.C. Their rulers built impressive temples and spread their influence throughout Middle America, among them to the Maya, Toltec, Aztec, as well as other peoples far to north and south.

5 South America (Fawwaz al-dossary)
Native Americans spread out quickly in South America. They inhabited the hot and humid jungles just like the cold Andes high above the sea level, and adopted their lifestyle perfectly to the given climate and circumstances. The most spectacular culture of the area was the Inca. The Inca civilization arose from the highlands of Peru sometime in the early 13th century. 

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