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Mid-West Electric Consumers Associations 2017

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1 Mid-West Electric Consumers Associations 2017
Kiel Weaver Republican Staff Director House Water, Power and Oceans Subcommittee

2 Subcommittee Jurisdiction
Bureau of Reclamation Four Power Marketing Administrations WAPA, BPA, SWPA and SEPA U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service NOAA Fisheries U.S. Geological Survey

3 Water, Power and Oceans Subcommittee
Membership: Doug Lamborn (R-CO) -- Chairman Daniel Webster (R-FL) – Vice-Chairman Jared Huffman (D-CA) – Ranking Democrat 11 Republicans, 8 Democrats

4 Making Water and Power Infrastructure Great Again
March 1 Subc Hearing on “Modernizing Western Water and Power Infrastructure in the 21st Century” Witnesses: Andy Colisimo, Colorado Springs Utilities Andy Fecko, Placer County Water Agency Bob Lynch, Attorney, Phoenix, Arizona New legislation on: One Stop Shop Permitting Hydropower at BOR Facilities BOR, WAPA Transparency

5 Federal Hydropower Federal hydropower usually a source of revenue for other things. “Beneficiary Pays” rule should apply Capacity has been lost due to various federal laws and regulations


7 Non-federal Hydropower
Subject to Federal Power Act (licensing and relicensing) Allows Federal Natural Resources Agencies to impose “Mandatory Conditions” 12,600 additional MW at existing non- powered dams Non-federal hydropower (conduits, hydropower) can be built at federal projects. But barriers and outdated regulatory regimes remain.

8 Electricity Rights of Way on Federal Lands
Almost 90,000 linear miles of electricity rights of way on Forest Service and BLM lands. Issue is inconsistent federal management of rights-of-way. Liability also an issue Bipartisan bill passed the House last year; Senate interest.

9 Debate Topics on Infrastructure
What is the Federal nexus? If there is a federal cost, how is it paid for? Does it apply to the “beneficiaries pay” rule? How do we incentivize non-federal parties on infrastructure? What is the Future of the BOR and the PMAs?

10 The PMAs PMAs provide wholesale “at-cost” power to 1,200 public power entities in 33 states. Successive Administrations have proposed elimination/reforms for PMAs. The “Chu Memo” in the last Administration was the latest effort

11 Turnover on Capitol Hill
42% of House Members are new since the election 36% of Senators are new since the election High staff turnover in personal offices and committees

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