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Camp Kaitawa.

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1 Camp Kaitawa


3 Introductions Camp 1 Room 10 and 6 Cathy/Sarah/Gary 27th – 31st March
Camp 2 Room11 and 12 Gary/Terry/Sandy 3rd – 7th April

4 Camp Kaitawa History Camp Kaitawa is an outdoor education set on the edge of the Urewera National Park It was a school previously, established to cater for the families working on the hydro electric power station It consists of a separate boys’ and girls’ dorm, a dining room and a kitchen area which are all connected with a long corridor. An ablution block consisting of showers, toilets, drying room and vegetable store is connected to the main building. A group of retired principals and current teachers formed a Trust, in association with the Greenmeadows Rotary Club , to administer the whole complex. There is a small lake at the back of the camp where we may go kayaking in very safe conditions, should parents give their consent. This activity is optional but written consent must be given before going to camp. Camp Kaitawa is a wonderful facility which is well maintained and has been the source of many happy memories for most Arthur Miller parents and students since the school began.

5 FUNDRAISING The cost to parents will be $130 per child.
This fee can be paid to the office at any time or on-line Camp Shop Day and Walkathon are the two main fundraising activities. Money collected by individual children as sponsorship for the walkathon is counted toward the total of $130. Moneys raised during the Camp Shop Day go toward the collective Kaitawa Fund.

6 Raising funds on Shop Day in pouring rain!

7 FITNESS It is critical that each child and parent attending Camp Kaitawa is “Tramping Fit” It is ultimately parents’ responsibility to ensure this happens. There are a number of local walks that parents can take children on including Ball’s Clearing, Blowhard Bush, White Pine Bush, Tironui and Boundary Stream to name a few. A walkathon is held early on to provide pupils with a benchmark for fitness. The walkathon is about 10kms long. All children going to camp are expected to go on this walk which is carried out during school time. Used track shoes are the best form of footwear rather than tramping boots. These can often give children blisters. Children need to wear socks with shoes during walks. They need to take a 1 litre drink bottle, a snack and a coat in case of rain. Water is the best drink as juices tend not to be thirst-quenching.

8 View taken from Lou’s Lookout

9 TRANSPORT & SAFETY We travel to camp in private cars
All children are seated in cars with correctly fitted safety belts at all times. Children travel in the same cars during the week as they travelled to camp in. If children are prone to car-sickness, please provide them with necessary precautions. We ensure we have enough parents to cover all safety ratios. All parents attending camp need to come on all tramps to make sure this happens. There will be at least one adult per trip who has their First Aid Certificate or is a registered nurse. We are in constant contact with local authorities and the local police for advice and filing plans of intent.

10 GEAR LIST Warm sleeping bag Under blanket or fitted sheet
1 pillow and pillow case. 2 named towels Back pack, (school bag) 1 named plastic drink bottle 1 torch 1 plastic bag for dirty clothes 1 heavy plastic raincoat 1 pair of pyjamas Named underwear (polyprop is excellent) 2 warm jerseys, bush shirts or polar fleeces 4-5 pairs of socks (woollen socks or thermals are best) 1 pair casual shoes 1 pair stout walking shoes 1 pair of gumboots Shirts, skivvies, shorts, track pants and jeans Personal toilet gear Woollen or polar fleece hat and gloves


12 DAILY PROGRAMME 6.30 Wake-up 7.00 Run/Confidence Course 7.30 Breakfast
Duties & dorms. Organise gear for the day’s activities Leave for the planned activity We nibble and drink at regular intervals Lunch 4.00 Return from day’s activities Afternoon tea Free time There is a degree of flexibility during this time depending on programme and schedule Showers and free time Instruction time in dining room Tea Duties/ Free time Into pyjamas and have supper Lights out

13 WEEKLY PROGRAMME DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 Leave school at
Arrive at Camp Lunch Confidence Course Lake Waikareiti National Park H.Q First stage of the Great Lake walk Lou’s Lookout Caves Intake No confidence Course Tidy up/pack up Pack-up time Tuai Power Station Green Lake Walk Introduce the confidence course Papakorito Falls Rata Tree Night Ropes Walk Kayaking/Team activities Lake Kiropukae The Redoubt Concert in the evening after tea Lunch in Wairoa Return home as close to 3pm as possible

14 HELPFUL HINTS Be assured that we can cope with most circumstances that arise. Bedwetting, homesickness and medical conditions can be easily overcome. One adult male and one adult female sleep in the respective dormitories with the children each night. This does not include any male or female teacher. We prefer that parents do not phone children at camp. Parents can phone and speak to a teacher if they are concerned and receive a progress report. If there is any concern, be assured we would contact you immediately. Children are not able to phone home. There is a toll-bar on the camp phone The menu is comprehensive and delicious. Children are able to choose which food they don’t want to eat but there is ample for all. We ensure that all children have had plenty to eat especially for breakfast. Any child with food allergies is catered for. Teachers work closely with parents to ensure dietary requirements are met and all safety procedures are followed. Bedtime is approximately pm. A teacher reads a story in each dorm with lights out and stay until the last child is asleep. Parents accompanying us on camp do not have to pay the camp fee. A small donation of $60 will be paid to those taking own vehicles. Parent need to provide their children with their own packed lunch and drink on the first Monday of camp week.

15 Please trust that we teachers and parents want your child to have the most amazing experience at Camp Kaitawa and will be working really hard to ensure that happens.

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