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Welcome Bears! Chad Beaver Tiffany Reagan Mark Frey Chad.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Bears! Chad Beaver Tiffany Reagan Mark Frey Chad."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Bears! Chad Beaver Tiffany Reagan Mark Frey Chad

2 To Be Successful Make Good Choices Be Wise with Social Media Be Kind
Be Respectful of Your Surroundings and School Use Your Resources Manage Time Get Involved Leave a Positive Legacy Chad

3 Attendance When a student is going to be absent, for any reason, call the Attendance Office at (available 24 hours) Absences not cleared within 24 hours will be unexcused Excused absences Illness Family Emergencies Funerals Religious Holidays **Oversleeping, weather, missing the bus, working, etc. are not excused absences or tardies. Signing in/out Whenever a student is leaving for any reason or coming in late (after first five minutes of class) they must check in and out at the attendance office. Chad

4 Attendance Leaving Early
If not feeling well, students must go to the nurse’s office to be excused to go home. The nurse will call parents. If student must leave early for a Dr./Dentist appointment, call attendance office. They will send a pass to the student to leave. Bring a Dr./Dentist note back to attendance office when return. Arriving Late (after first five minutes of class) Students must check in at the attendance office to receive a pass to class. - Tardies- you must be in the classroom to be on time If not in attendance, cannot be on school grounds for any reason during day or attend school events in evening. Please refer to student handbook for more information. Chad

5 Scanners and IDs Students must have their IDs at all times.
Students will need their IDs to: Gain access into: the resource centers the library the testing center Purchase lunch Chad

6 CELL PHONES Phones may be used during unscheduled times (before/after school, lunch, passing periods). Misuse will result in phone being confiscated and turned into Dean’s Office. Confiscated phones may be picked up at the end of the school day (3:11). Parents should call the attendance office when needing to contact their student. Chad

7 iPads IPads may be used in the classroom at teacher discretion.
Lost or missing iPads should be reported to the Deans office immediately iPads should be must kept in the district provided case Damaged iPads will be confiscated and turned into the Deans office District 95 will not tolerate any sexting, harassment, bullying behavior Chad

8 Lake Zurich High School Student Dress Expectations

9 Our Rationale In order to accomplish the mission of LZHS, the faculty is committed to providing our students with a learning environment that is safe, healthy, and free from distraction or disruption. We want our students to feel comfortable and confident in the classroom so that learning can be the primary focus of their time spent at the high school. Our school community prides itself on our academic success. The fashion industry may dictate what is “in style” for social settings, however, we believe more conservative choices will allow for greater success in our school setting. The dress regulations highlighted in this presentation are general guidelines. The administration reserves the right to make final decisions on appropriate dress. On judgments of appropriateness, LZHS will error on the side of modesty. Tiffany

10 Hats, bandanas, hoods, or sunglasses will NOT be permitted in the building at any time.
Tiffany Garments that are a necessary part of a recognized religious organization will, of course, be permitted.

11 Unacceptable shirts include:
strapless, backless, spaghetti straps, revealing midriffs, low-cut styles, cut-off tshirts, sleeveless tops with less than a 2 inch diameter on the shoulder. Tank styles must fit neatly under the arm of both boys and girls. Tiffany Cut too low under arms

12 While these tops may be fashionable, they are distracting to the learning environment; avoid items that are sheer or revealing. Undergarment exposure is always inappropriate. Sheer; bra exposure Straps < 2 in.; bra exposure Low-cut; revealing Tiffany Backless

13 General Rules of Thumb:
Shorts that are excessively tight or revealing will not be permitted in school. Upward cut; short and revealing General Rules of Thumb: Shorts that are cut “upward” from the inseam to the outer leg will not fit in a manner that is acceptable in school. Tiffany No material below the pockets; too revealing

14 Skirts and Dresses that are excessively short, tight, or revealing will not be permitted in school.
Keep in Mind… Just because you can pull your skirt down it does not mean that it will retain that length when walking up the stairs or sitting in class. Tiffany– going up the stairs

15 Pants are too low and underwear is exposed.
Pants may not be worn to sag. All pants must fit around the waist and be properly fastened. Tiffany Pants are too low and underwear is exposed.

16 Clothing may not contain messages that are vulgar, offensive, or degrading to others. Clothing that promotes drug use, alcohol, tobacco, or violence is unacceptable at school. Tiffany Clothing or jewelry associated with gangs or cults are also not permitted.

17 Important Notes The LZHS dress expectations are intended to create an environment where learning is the primary focus, with as little distraction as possible for our students. We hope to maximize the effectiveness of each student’s educational experience by maintaining a culture of hard work and integrity, which includes appropriate dress. Should a student make an error in judgment with regard to dress, they will be asked to remedy the situation immediately through the following process: If the student has a substitute clothing item available, they will be asked to change immediately and return to class. If the student does not have alternate clothing, they will be required to change into a PE uniform for the rest of the day, or until a parent drops off an appropriate change of clothes. *NOTE: Students will NOT be excused from class to wait for parents to drop off clothes; they will either change promptly into a PE uniform, or choose to sacrifice their class time for the In-School-Suspension Room) Tiffany

18 Helpful Tips for Students and Parents…
Repeat disregard of the dress expectations will result in consequences defined by the student handbook. Helpful Tips for Students and Parents… We certainly do not want students to miss class time for any reason, especially inappropriate dress. If a clothing item is in question, opt for another choice! The deans are always available to answer questions about dress expectations. Keep a light sweater or sweatpants in your locker. The easiest way to fix an inappropriate or revealing outfit is to cover it up! Be prepared: this presentation was designed to clarify the unavoidable ambiguity that exists in most dress codes. Inappropriate dress issues are not up for debate. Refusal to remedy a dress situation will result in your choice to miss class; these absences will be unexcused. Tiffany

19 Dance Attire You must be able to dance in your dress comfortably without exposing yourself No backless dresses lower than the natural waistline No dresses cut below the bust line Cut below waistline Cut below Bust line Tiffany No cut outs that expose any skin from the bust line down

20 Choose a comfortable dress that allows you to ENJOY the dance! 
These dresses are very short; if you are at risk of exposing more than what is seen here, we will ask you not to dance! Choose a comfortable dress that allows you to ENJOY the dance!  Tiffany

21 All of these styles ARE appropriate …

22 Social Media Etiquette: Safety and Security

23 Etiquette and safety for students
Network and iPads are educational property of the district. Responsible with what you post. Careful with online conversations. Know the laws on social media. TIFFANY

24 When Online… never respond to any communication that makes you feel uncomfortable. be respectful of other people. never download anything from anyone you don’t know. never share personal information (birth year, address, etc.). don’t post any information someone could use against you. only become friends with those that are your friends. TIFFANY 24

25 If you wonder whether or not you’re writing/posting things that are appropriate, always ask yourself… Is what’s said harmful, or helpful to others? How would I feel if someone did the same thing to me, or to my best friend? What would my mom, dad, grandparents, or other trusted adult think or do if they read this? Would I violate any agreements, rules, or laws? How would I feel if my actions were reported in a newspaper? Would it be okay if I did this in real life? Tiffany 25

26 What is Cyberbullying? Cyberbullying occurs when an individual is embarrassed, humiliated, harassed, tormented or otherwise targeted by another using the internet or other form of digital communication. Any bullying that happens via technology. Tiffany 26

27 Where is Cyberbullying done?
iPads (air drop, kick, etc) Cell Phones (Text, Photos) Instant Message Web Pages Web Logs (blogs) Chat rooms or discussion groups Social Networking site (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat) TIFFANY 27

28 Some examples of ways kids bully online are:
Sending someone mean or threatening s, instant messages, or text messages. Tricking someone into revealing personal or embarrassing information and sending it to others. Breaking into someone's or instant message account to send cruel or untrue messages while posing as that person. Creating websites, or posting pictures to make fun of another person such as a classmate or teacher. Using websites to rate peers as prettiest, ugliest, etc. Writing cruel and hurtful words/phrases on a facebook wall Tiffany 28

29 What if I am Cyberbullied?
1. DON’T RETALIATE! DON’T WRITE ANYTHING YOU WILL REGRET 2. Save the evidence and try to figure out who the cyberbully is. 3. Tell an adult. Steps to try first... Calmly and strongly tell the cyberbully to stop and to remove any harmful material or you will take further action. Ignore or block the communications and remove friendship links. Get help from your school dean, counselor, resource officer, or parent/guardian. File a complaint with the Web site, ISP, or cell phone company. Tiffany 29

30 What is sexting??? Sexting is a term coined by the media that generally refers to sending, receiving, or forwarding sexually suggestive nude or nearly nude photos or sexually suggestive messages through text message or . CHAD

31 Sexting is NEVER worth it!
Once you send a message, you have NO control of who will get their hands on it! * Middle school students charged in 'sexting' case Police said Valparaiso boy, girl sent nude pictures to each other - NW Indiana Times CHAD * Teen ‘sexting’ case goes to trial in Fairfax County - Washington Post 31

32 Consequences for Cyberbullying and Sexting.
LZHS Student Handbook: Level 2 and 3 Behaviors Cyberbullying Sexting Level 2 and 3 Interventions (include, but not limited to) Parent/guardian conference with school personnel Up to 5 days of In and/or Out-School-Suspension Up to 10 days of In and/or Out-of-School-Suspension Referral to Police Saturday Study Withdrawal of privileges Recommendation for expulsion CHAD 32

33 How do you want to be remembered by your peers and teachers?
As the BULLY? As a FOLLOWER? As a BYSTANDER who just watched and did nothing about it? As a LEADER that stood up for what’s right? THE CHOICE IS YOURS!!! CHAD 33

34 SRO Here to help Weapons Lock your lockers (spin the dial) Mark

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