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Greek Traditions 2 An introduction to Greek Culture and Civilization

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1 Greek Traditions 2 An introduction to Greek Culture and Civilization
Chatzigiannaki Sofia

2 The geographical position of Greece in the world map
8&client=firefox- a&channel=sb&q=greece+maps&ie=UTF- 8&hq=&hnear=0x135b4ac711716c63:0x363a1775dc9a 2d1d,%CE%95%CE%BB%CE%BB%CE%AC%CE%B4%CE%B1&gl =sk&ei=YOgFU7HNHoiMswbA4ICgAQ&ved=0CDYQ8gE wAA Greece is located on: the south-east end of Europe the south end of the Balkan Peninsula the point where Europe meets Asia and Africa

3 Neighbor-countries Albania FYROM Bulgaria Turkey

4 PHYSICAL BORDERS Evros River (Turkey)
Rhodope Mountain Range (Bulgaria) Doiran Lake (FYROM) Big Prespa Lake (FYROM-Albania) Small Prespa Lake (Albania) Ionian Sea (Italy) Mediterranean Sea (Libya & Egypt) Aegean Sea (Turkey)

5 Characteristics of the Greek landscape
Total area: km2, of which 0,86% is WATER Approximately half of the total area is covered by ISLANDS Most of the mainland of Greece is mountainous Fishery, “international” trade (besides agriculture and cattle-breeding) Colonization all around the Mediterranean Sea

6 Geographical regions of Greece
Greece is divided in 9 geographical regions: Thrace Macedonia Thessaly Epirus Central Greece Peloponnese Aegean Islands Ionian Islands Crete …& 51 prefectures

7 Characteristics of the Greek population
of which 91,6% are Greek, 4% Albanians and 2% other ethnic groups Official Language: Greek Religion: Orthodox (88,1%) Muslims (5,3%) others (0,5%) Atheists (6,1%) (2015) Lingual & religious homogeneity

8 Characteristics of the Greek state
Polity: Presidential Parliamentary Republic Member of the United Nations Member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (1951) Member of the European Union (EU) ( ) Member of the Euro Zone – Replacement of drachma with euro (2001)

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