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Aristotle Chapter 12 SOUTHERN EUROPE Julius Caesar

2 Ch. 12:1 - Physical Geography of Southern Europe
Landforms Southern Europe is made up of three peninsulas: Spain and Portugal on the Iberian Peninsula, Italy on the Italian Peninsula, and Greece on the southernmost part of the Balkan Peninsula. Mountain ranges like the Pyrenees and the Alps form a natural border with Northwestern Europe. The Apennines run along the spine of the Italian Peninsula.


4 Swiss Alps

5 Ch. 12:1 - Physical Geography of Southern Europe
Water Systems Although important to the ecology of the region, Southern Europe’s shallow rivers are not viable transportation or trade routes. Italy’s Tiber River is the primary water source for the capital city of Rome.


7 Climate, Biomes, & Resources
Ch. 12:1 - Physical Geography of Southern Europe Climate, Biomes, & Resources The subregion is well suited for growing grapes, olives, shrub herbs, and raising livestock. Most agriculture occurs along the coastal plain region b/c it has higher amounts of rainfall and rich, sedimentary soil conditions.


9 Italian Farm near the Mediterranean Sea

10 History and Government
Ch. 12:2 - Human Geography of Southern Europe History and Government The civilizations of ancient Greece laid the foundation for Western civilization. Greece introduced the concept of democracy. The Renaissance marked a period of cultural revival and enlightenment. It was a resurgence of the arts. Spain and Portugal became leaders in the Age of Exploration, establishing new empires. Nationalism led this region to transition from city-states and ethnic regions into modern countries.

11 Ancient Athens

12 The Acropolis, Athens, Greece

13 Ancient Rome

14 Roman Forum

15 Italian Renaissance Painting

16 1400’s – 1700’s A.D.

17 Ch. 12:2 - Human Geography of Southern Europe
Population Patterns Southern Europe is one of the most populated regions of the world. As the populations of Greece, Italy, and Spain age and the birthrates fall, care for the elderly is straining the social welfare systems.

18 Society & Culture Today
Ch. 12:2 - Human Geography of Southern Europe Society & Culture Today Education in Southern Europe is mandatory for all children. The Greeks and Romans developed many important elements of art and architecture.


20 Italian Family

21 Economic Activities Spain and Italy continue to face challenges.
Ch. 12:2 - Human Geography of Southern Europe Economic Activities Spain and Italy continue to face challenges. As one of the least developed in the area, Greece’s economy remains weak as it grapples with high public spending, low productivity, and tax evasion. The region is a popular destination for tourists b/c of its warm, dry summer climate. Manufacturing has decreased and the service sector has increased.

22 Ch. 12:3 - People and Their Environment: Southern Europe
Managing Resources Large algae blooms are damaging the delicate marine biomes of the Adriatic Sea.

23 Typical Algae Bloom

24 Ch. 12:3 - People and Their Environment: Southern Europe
Human Impact Manufacturing and tourism cause pollution that is a major threat to surrounding seas and agricultural resources. Pollutants and other human impacts have led to pollution hot spots, the extreme damage or even death of the local ecosystem.


26 Air Pollution in Athens, Greece

27 Ch. 12:3 - People and Their Environment: Southern Europe
Addressing the Issues The EU created the European Environmental Agency to effectively deal with environmental issues. This is the gov’t effort to protect the environment.

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