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Mrs.Tedeschi’s Literacy class

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1 Mrs.Tedeschi’s Literacy class 2016-2017
Grant Mrs.Tedeschi’s Literacy class

2 Table of contents Slide#3 all about me Slide#4 journal entries
Slide#5 fall is… Slide#6 list of books read Slide#7 a look as me as a reader Slide#8 a look as me as a writer Slide#9 literature circle book entries Slide#10 teacher read aloud

3 All about me Hi my names Grant and I go to United Elementary School. I play football, baseball, and basketball. I live on a farm. We have cows and chickens and we have a big lake. My favorite subject in school is science. My hobbies are hunting fishing, 4-H.

4 Journal entry 1 It was a hot summer day, my friends Curtis, Ryan, and sister Grace were swinging on the swing set. We were trying to see who could jump the farthest off the swings. They jumped off first then it was my turn. I was swinging so high I thought the swing was going to break. I was a little nervous because I was so high in the air, I counted in my head 1,2,3! I jumped and the wind was blowing my hair and body back. When I landed, I rolled down the hill down to the lake. Once I stood up I was dizzy and almost fell in. That gave me the idea of going out onto our paddle boat and jumping off into the water. So, we decided together it would be fun. Once we got in and got used to the water, we got bored. We decided to have a mud war. We were 10 minutes into our war and my mom caught us. She wasn’t very happy because the boat was covered in mud. She told us we had better get cleaning and make the boat shiny again. We did as we were told and got dried off, changed our clothes, and sat by the campfire.

5 Journal entry 2 My sister Grace, cousins Louden, and Wayden and I were all at our grandma’s house because my mom was in the hospital having a baby. We stayed there for 3 days. On the first day, we swam then played basketball for most of the day. On the second day we played football, basketball, and went fishing. On the third day we went out to the garden, picked blueberries and played on the swing set. Later that night we were all getting ready for bed and then my grandma got the call that my little brother Emmit was born. The very next day I was so excited because my Aunt was going to take us to see him.

6 Journal entry 3 It was a cool day in Columbus. Me and my family were going to a water park called King’s Island. Once we got there we parked our car and went into the park. First we went to the locker rooms and got changed, and put sun screen on. Next we went to find chairs to put our towels and drinks on. Once we were settled, my sister Grace and I went into the wave pool and spent half the day there. Finally Grace wanted to go on the biggest water slide at the park. We asked our Dad for permission and he said yes. We grabbed our inner tubes and waited in a huge line. Since time flies when you’re having fun, we were already at the top. The life guard grabbed our tube and told us what to do and sent us down the slide. We went left, right, and then straight down into a big pool. That was our last slide of the day. We packed up and went back to our hotel for some rest. It was fun!

7 Fall is… Football Awesome Leaves Lunch Its hunting season soccer

8 List of Books Read Book 1 Liar, Liar by Gary Paulson
Book 2 My Friend My Enemy by Dan Smith Book 3 Who is Derik Jeter by Gail Herman Book 4 Who Was Christopher Columbus by Bonnie Badger Book 5 Who Was King Tut by Roberta Edwards

9 A look as me as a reader Me as reader, my favorite genre is fiction and fantasy. Sometimes when I don’t want to read its because the book is boring and to hard. My habits are picking war books or biography books.

10 A look at me as a writer Me as a writer, my favorite type of writing is one that you get to make up, because its easy for me to make the plot and the setting up. My habits are stopping when my hand hurts or taking a break.

11 Literature Circle Book Entries
White Fang by Jack London Save Me A Seat by Sarah Weaks We Fought Back by Allan Zullo Lawn Boy by Gary Paulson

12 White Fang Is about these men going on a hunting trip in the woods with there digs sleds. But wolfs were watching them the whole time. So little by little the wolves were taking there sled dogs and a week later all there dogs were gone. But three males and a female. Like to weeks later the female dog got pregnant. Once the puppy was born it was half dog and half wolf. Once it grew up it was a big aggressive dog. And the owner took advantage of it and took white fang to dog fights all around town. And he won every one except one againsed a bull dog and lost everything and white fang was sold to a loving owner and he was raised right. I really liked this book a lot. It teaches valuable lessons about raising and taking care of dogs.

13 Save Me A Seat Ravi moved from India to the America. It was hard because he had different cloths and food so kids made fun of him. So he had no friends but this one bully pretended that he was and made Ravi do stupid stuff because Ravi was desperate. In the middle of the book he wanted to move back to India because of bulling. Weeks later it’s the last week of school and Ravi brought in leeches and dillion opened them and they got into Ravi's pants. But it was the end of the year and Ravi turned dillion in and joe helped. But once joe and Ravi became best friends joe moved away. This book was good, and I would recommend it to future readers.

14 We Fought Back It is about a group of people that try to fight back against the Nazi’s by blowing up their supplies and killing as many of their troops as possible. The group is outnumbered by the Nazi’s. They decided it would be best to break up into smaller groups, but their plan did not work out. The powerful Nazi’s defeated them over time. Soon after the war ended. I do not recommend this book as it is hard to understand.

15 Lawn Boy A boy got an old lawn mower from his grandma and started to mow lawns all around town. A business man learned about his success and wanted to invest in him. They partnered together and bought stock. The boy continues to mow all summer long. At the end of summer he earned over a half million dollars. I liked this book and thought it taught a lot about hard work and success.

16 List of teacher read alouds
On My Honor The Cay Island of the Blue Dolphins Tuck Everlasting

17 On My Honor On my honor is about two boys are going to hike in the mountains on a hot summer day on their way their they seen a river and they were dripping sweat so they went for a swim. The current wasn't to bad so they got in and it felt great. They messed around for a while. Joel saw a sand bar and wanted to race tony to it. When Joel started to beating tony he looked back and tony was struggling but he was catching up so Joel speeded up. And Joel finally was at the at the sand bar. When he looked back tony wisent their. So Joel called his name and their was no response. Joel ran and got dressed to get help but their there was nobody.

18 The Cay The cay is about a boy named Phillip he moved to the Carrabin from the use during ww2 but the Germans are invading their island. And his mom wants him and here to go back to Virginia . So they try to leave on a ship, but it gets torpedo bye a German sub. So one of the crew members save Phillip and throws him and Phillip on a A raft. After Phillip sleep for the night when he wok up and could not see. After a couple days Phillip and timothy woke up and timothy saw a island/cay. Once they got on the cay they built a shelter. But after a while on the cay a huge hurricane through and while timothy was protecting Phillip the storm tour his back to shreds. Once the storm past timothy was dead, so Phillip hand dug a grave and buried him. It took one month for someone to come and save Phillip, don’t forget he was still blind. Once he was home he had surgy and he could finally see again.

19 The Island of the Blue Dolphins
A girl in a village was the daughter of the leader and her brother ramo. But after living well for a long time otter hunters came and made a deal of trade. But once they were all done they lied the whole time and a fight broke out and killed all the men except 5. so Karana dad was died but while the battle was going on the big alute dog ran away with the other wild dogs. So there was a new chief that went out to find a new island while he was gone a new chief took over. After a month the second chief sent a ship to bring them to a new island. So they all went but ramo stayed and has only 8 so Karana jumped off the ship to live with ramo. The next day ramo dies. And she killed the dog who killed ramo but he still lived and she took care of him until he was better. Once he was better he stayed with Karana so she named him rontu. They lived together for a long time so once rontu died he had a son so Karana took him and named him rontu-aru. Then finally a ship came and rescued Karana.

20 Tuck Everlasting This book was not finished in class.

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