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Optical Fibre Communication Systems

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1 Optical Fibre Communication Systems
Lecture 4 - Detectors & Receivers Professor Z Ghassemlooy Northumbria Communications Laboratory Faculty of Engineering and Environment The University of Northumbria U.K.

2 Contents Properties and Characteristics Types of Photodiodes Receivers
PIN APD Receivers Noise Sources Performance SNR BER

3 Optical Transmission - Digital
The design of optical receiver is much more complicated than that of optical transmitter because the receiver must first detect weak, distorted signals and then make decisions on what type of data was sent. analogue receiver But offers much higher quality than analogue receiver.

4 Optical Receiver – Block Diagram
Photo- detection Amplification (Pre/post) Filtering Signal Processing Converting optical signal into an electrical signal Limiting the bandwidth, thus reducing the noise power To recover the information signal Optical signal (photons – hf) Information signal

5 Photodetection - Definition
It converts the optical energy into an electrical current that is then processed by electronics to recover the information. Detection Techniques Thermal Effects Wave Interaction Effects Photon Effects

6 Photodiode - Characteristics
An electronics device, whose vi-characteristics is sensitive to the intensity of an incident light wave. Po Dark current V I Forward-biased “Photovoltic” operation Reverse-biased  “photoconductive” Short-circuit Small dark current due to: leakage thermal excitation Quantum efficiency (electrons/photons) Responsivity Insensitive to temperature variation

7 Photodetector - Types The most commonly used photodetectors in optical communications are: Positive-Intrinsic-Negative (PIN)  No internal gain Low bias voltage [10-50 = 850 nm, 5-15 = 1300 –1550 nm] Highly linear Low dark current Most widely used Avalanche Photo-Detector (APD) Internal gain (increased sensitivity) Best for high speed and highly sensitive receivers Strong temperature dependence High bias voltage[250  = 850 nm, = 1300 –1550 nm] Costly

8 Photodiode (PIN) - Structure
electron hole I Photons RL (load resistor) Output Io Bias voltage p n electron hole I Depletion region No carriers in the I region No current flow Reverse-biased Photons generated electron-hole pair Photocurrent flow through the diode and in the external circuitry The power level at a distance x into the material is: Where  is the photon absorption coefficient

9 Photodiode (PIN) - Structure
Depletion region width The capacitance of the depletion layer Cj (F) is:

10 Photodetector - Reponsivity
PIN: APD: R = Io/Po A/W RAPD = G R Io = Photocurrent; Po = Incident (detected) optical power G = APD gain;  = Quantum efficiency = average number of electron-hole pairs emitted re / average number of incident photons rp Note: rp = Po/hf and re = Io/q l is the length of the photoactive region Io = qPo/hf Thus normally  is very low, therefore = 0. So  = 99% ~ 1

11 Photodetector - Responsivity
Silicon (Si) Least expensive Germanium (Ge) “Classic” detector Indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) Highest speed G Keiser , 2000

12 Photodetector - Equivalent Circuit
Photodiode Contact leads Rs L RL Rj Cj Io Rs = Small, (i.e s/c) L = Large, (i.e o/c) Amplifier Ramp Camp Output CT = Cj + Camp RT = Rj || RL || Ramp The transfer function is given by:

13 Photodetector - Equivalent Circuit
The detector behaves approximately like a first order RC low-pas filter with a bandwidth of:

14 Photodiode Pulse Responses
Fast response time  High bandwidth At low bias levels rise and fall times are different. Since photo collection time becomes significant contributor to the rise time. G Keiser , 2000

15 Photodiode Pulse Responses
Small area photodiode Large area photodiode Due to diffusion of carrier from the edge of w Due to carrier generated in w w = depletion layer s = absorption coefficient G Keiser , 2000

16 Photodetetor – Typical Characteristics
0.1-2 0.5-1 Rise time (ns) 1-5 - 10-500 50-500 0.1-1 1-10 Dark current (nA) <30 5 20-35 6-10 220 45-100 Bias voltage (-V) 2-5 55-75 2.5-25 50-55 Ge PIN APD 0.5-2 1.3-2 1.2-3 Capacitance (pF) 60-70 77 65-90 Quantum Efficiency (%) 50-120 Responsivity (A/W) (1550) (1550) Wavelength range Peak (nm) InGaAS PIN APD Si Parameters Source: R. J. Hoss

17 Minimum Received Power
Is a measure of receiver sensitivity defined for a specific: Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), Bit error Rate (BER), Bandwidth (bit rate), at the receiver output. Po Pr Detector Amplifier Power loss MRP = Minimum Detected Power (MDP) – Coupling Loss

18 MRP Vs. Bandwidth MRP (-dBm)  =1300 Bandwidth (MHz) SNR (dB) 50 30 10
-70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 MRP (-dBm) Bandwidth (MHz) 50 30 10 SNR (dB)  =1300

19 Selection Criteria and Task
Optical Optical Sensitivity for a given BER and SNR Operating wavelength Dynamic range Simplicity Reliability and stability Electrical Data rate Bit error rate (digital) Maximum Bandwidth (analogue) Signal-to-noise ratio (analogue) Task: To extract the optical signal (low level) from various noise disturbances To reconstruct the original information correctly

20 Receivers: Basics The most important and complex section of an optical fibre system It sensitivity is design dependent, particularly the first stage or front-end Main source of major noise sources: Shot noise current Thermal noise: Due to biasing/amplifier input impedance Amplifier noise: Current Voltage Transimpedance noise

21 Receiver - Bandwidth A range of frequencies that can be defined in terms of: Spectral profile of a signal Response of filter networks Equivalent bandwidth: Defines the amount of noise in a system Types of Bandwidth Ideal Baseband Passband Intermediate-Channel Transmission Noise

22 Ideal, Low-pass and Band-pass Filters
-3 Ideal Bbp Blp Band-pass filter Low-pass filter Higher order filter Frequency

23 Noise Equivalent Bandwidth (NEB) B
-3 dB B3dB B Filter response NEB Defines as the ideal bandwidth describing the point where: Area under the response cure = Area under the noise curve.

24 Optical System Optical drive circuit Light source m(t) Photodiode
Amplifier Fibre ip(t) P(t) Photocurrent Average photocurrent (DC current) Io Signal current io(t) + Photocurrent =

25 Optical Receiver - Model
The received digital pulse stream incident at the photodetector is given by:

26 Optical Receiver - contd.
For m(t) = sin t The mean square signal current is For a digital signal The mean square signal current is

27 Optical System - Noise Is a random process, which can’t be described as an explicit function of time In the time domain – Can be characterized in probabilistic terms as: Mean - correspond to the signal that we are interested to recover Variance (standard deviation) - represents the noise power at the detector’s output Can also be characterized in terms of the Root Mean Square (RMS) value Time average

28 Optical System - Noise The electric current in a photodetector circuit is composed of a superposition of the electrical pulses associated with each photoelectron The variation of this current is called shot noise

29 Optical System - Noise Sources
At the receiver: Additive Signal dependent Modal noise Due to interaction of (constructive & destructive) multiple coherent modes, resulting in intensity modulation. Photodetector Noise  Preamplifier (receiver) Noise  Distortion due to Non-linearity Crosstalk and Reflection in the Couplers

30 Noise - Source Noise - contd.
LED: Due to: In-coherent intensity fluctuation Beat frequencies between modes LD: Due to: Non-linearities Quantum noise: In the photon generation Mode hopping: Within the cavity Reflection from the fibre back into the cavity, which reduces coherence Difficult to measure, to isolate and to quantify Most problematic with multimode LD and multimode fibre

31 Noise Currents Let noise current be defined as: Shot-noise:
inoise(t) = i(t) - IDC (Amps) IDC = Photocurrent Io Noise current from random current pulses is termed as shot-noise. Shot-noise: Quantum Dark current

32 Quantum Shot Noise The photons arrive randomly in a packet form, with no two packets containing the same amount of photons. Random generation of electron-hole pair, thus current. Variation of the total current generated, about an average value. This variation is best known as QUANTUM SHOT NOISE.

33 Quantum Shot Noise The average number of electron-holes pairs per bits is: Where  the time period. The probability of detecting n photons in a time period  is follows the Poisson Distribution: Incoherent light Y Semenova, DIT, Ireland Coherent light

34 Quantum Shot Noise The rate of electron-hole pairs generated by incident photons is: With an ideal receiver with no noise we have: Note that, the minimum pulse energy of the quantum limit is:

35 Shot Noise - PIN The mean square quantum shot noise current on Io
The mean square dark current noise (also classified as shot noise) Where Id = surface leakage current, and B is the electrical bandwidth of the system Q is the electron charge. Total shot noise current ITs = Dark current + Photocurrent The total mean square shot noise

36 Noise Power Spectrum I2o ITs2 Power spectrum Shot noise Frequency B
Modulation bandwidth

37 Shot Noise - APD The mean square photocurrent noise where
F = The noise figure = Gx for 0<x<1 G = The optical gain hf RL Av Vi Bias voltage Vo

38 Noise Currents - contd. Thermal Noise Total Noise PIN APD
RL = Total load seen at the input of the preamplifier K = Boltzmann’s constant = 1.38x J/K T = Temperature in degree Kelvin = Co + 273 Total Noise PIN APD

39 Electrical Amplifier Noise
Amplifier type BJT JEFT - Voltage Noise - Current Noise Total amplifier noise

40 Receiver Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)
iT iA hf PIN APD Note: SNR cannot be improved be amplification

41 SNR - Quantum Limit Shot noise Poisson
The mean square quantum shot noise current on Io Shot noise Poisson

42 Type of Receivers - Low Impedance Voltage Amplifier
Simple Low sensitivity Limited dynamic range It is prone to overload and saturation hf CT RL Av Vi Vo RC limited bandwidth RL = Rdetector || Ramp. Ramp= High

43 Type of Receivers - High Impedance Voltage Amplifier with Equaliser
High sensitivity Low dynamic range hf CT RL Equaliser Vi Vo Av Rdetector is large to reduce the effect of thermal noise Detector out put is integrated over a long time constant, and is restored by differentiation

44 Type of Receivers - Transimpedance Feedback Amplifier
The most widely used  Wide bandwidth High dynamic range No equalisation Greater dynamic range (same gain at all frequencies) Slightly higher noise figure than HIVA hf CT RF Av RL Vi Vo Bandwidth

45 Transimpedance Feedback Amplifier
Vi -A Where is the noise power spectral density, and RT = RL||RF

46 Optical Receiver - Analogue
Employ an analogue preamplifier stage, followed by either an analogue output stage (depending on the type of receiver). Comms. Special. Inc.

47 Optical Receiver - Digital
1st stage is a current-to-voltage converter. 2nd stage is a voltage comparator, which produces a clean, fast rise-time digital output signal. The trigger level may be adjusted to produce a symmetrical digital signal.

48 Optical Transmission - ISI
Optical pulse spread after traversing along optical fiber Thus leading to ISI, where some fraction of energy remaining in appropriate time slot, whereas the rest of energy is spread into adjacent time slots.

49 Receiver Performance Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) Bit Error Rate (BER)

50 SNR In analogue transmissions the performance of the system is mainly determined by SNR at the output of the receiver. In case of amplitude modulation the transmitted optical power P(t) is in the form of: where M is modulation index, and m(t) is the analogue signal. The photocurrent at receiver can be expressed as:

51 And for large signal level
SNR The S/N can be written as Note, F is the amplifier noise figure. For PIN: G = 1 So we have Low input signal level And for large signal level

52 SNR Vs Receiver Sensitivity
Po(dBm) Note: Io =RPo G Keiser , 2000

53 Bit Error Rate (BER) Variance 2on bon 1 vth boff Variance 2off
Probability of Error = probability that the output voltage is less than the threshold when a 1 is sent + probability that the output voltage is more than the threshold when a 0 has been sent 1 bon boff Variance 2on Variance 2off vth where q1 and q0 are the probabilities that the transmitter sends 0 and 1 respectively. Note, q0 = 1- q1.

54 Bit Error Rate (BER) BER = No. of error over a given time interval/Total no. of bits transmitted If we assume that the probabilities of 0 and 1 pulses are equally likely where

55 Bit Error Rate (BER) - contd.
For off = on =  RMS noise bon = V, and boff = 0 Thus vth = V/2 and Q = V/2 Therefore: In terms of power signal-to-noise ratio (S/N)

56 BER Performance Minimum input power depends on acceptable bit error rate Many receivers designed for 1E-12 or better BER G Keiser , 2000

57 Basic Receiver Design Optimized for one particular
AGC -g Bias Clock Recovery Decision Circuit 0110 Remote Control Temperature Monitors & Alarms Optimized for one particular Sensitivity range Wavelength Bit rate Can include circuits for telemetry Agilent Tech.

58 Optical Receivers - Commercial Devices
28 GHz Monolithic InGaAs PIN Photodetector 100 kHz- 40 Gb/s DC - 65 Gb/s InGaAs PIN Photodiodes 100 GHz Dual-Depletion InGaAs/InP Photodiode

59 Wide-Band Optical Receiver (40 Gb/s)
Bandwidth: 100 KHz to 35 GHz Responsivity: 0.6 A/W Wavelength response: nm Operating current 75 mA Power dissipation: 400 mW Power gain: 8 dB Linearity response Sensitivity response Typical eye diagram

60 Wide-Band Optical Receiver (DC - 65 Gb/s)
InGaAs PIN Photodiodes Reverse bias voltage: +3V Responsivity: 0.5 A/W at 1300 and 1550 nm wavelength. Opto-electronic Integrated Circuits (OEICs) which combine optical, microwave, and digital functions on the same chip Application: Ethernet fiber local area networks Synchronized Optical Network SONET, ISDN, Telephony Digital CATV).

61 Regenerator (3R) Receiver followed by a transmitter
No add or drop of traffic Designed for one bit rate & wavelength Signal regeneration Reshaping & timing of data stream Inserted every 30 to 80 km before optical amplifiers became commercially available Today: reshaping necessary after about 600 km (at 2.5 Gb/s), often done by SONET/SDH add/drop multiplexers or digital cross-connects Fibre

62 Summary Photodiode characteristics Types of photodiode: PIN and APD
Photodiode responsivity & equivalent circuit Minimum received power Optical receiver: Types Bandwidth Noise Signal-to-noise ratio Bit error rate Receiver design Regenerator

63 Next Lecturer Optical Devices

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