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Writing for the general public

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1 Writing for the general public
09/26/16 Writing for the general public Massimiliano Razzano Università di Pisa & INFN-Pisa UGIS & SWIM MUSE General Meeting Pisa, 29 September 2016

2 Do we need a to write? “...nine daughters begotten by great Zeus,
09/26/16 Do we need a to write? “...nine daughters begotten by great Zeus, Cleio and Euterpe, Thaleia, Melpomene Terpsichore, and Erato and Polyhymnia and Urania and Calliope , who is the chiefest of them all” (Hesiod, Theogony, II , 76-79)

3 09/26/16

4 The science communication process
09/26/16 The science communication process

5 09/26/16 Communication? The message should arrive!

6 Who are you? Scientist vs Journalist
09/26/16 Who are you? Scientist vs Journalist Scientist that writes/does outreach Science journalist

7 The (scientist) writer
09/26/16 The (scientist) writer Is a scientist, who writes Is “the expert” Writes mainly on her/his field Mainly books, but also articles, radio, TV Minor activity She/he is mainly a scientist (it is our case here!)

8 09/26/16 Carl Sagan Stephen Hawking, Brian Cox, etc…

9 The science journalist
09/26/16 The science journalist Is a journalist that writes on science (and the rest) Usually it is not a scientist Professional journalistic career/formation Mainly stories, books Writing it is the main activity She/he is mainly a journalist

10 The audience “who you are talking to?”
09/26/16 The audience “who you are talking to?”

11 Knowing your audience is crucial !
Who are you talking to ? 09/26/16 How would you explain a neutrino to: A school kid Your neighbour A fellow (non physicist) researcher etc… Knowing your audience is crucial ! Other scientists General public Politicians and/or funding agencies School Journalists

12 Know your audience ! 09/26/16

13 Know the audience ! 09/26/16 Americans+Facebook

14 Journalist/science writer
09/26/16 The audience Scientist -Other scientists -Committees -Politicians Journalist/science writer -Readers (various kinds, from kids to adults -Different backgrounds and educations -Other journalists (interview/press release)

15 The “location” “where are you writing?”
09/26/16 The “location” “where are you writing?”

16 Science journals vs magazines
09/26/16 Science journals vs magazines Science magazine General science (some exceptions) Style: informative, creative and “catchy” Timeline different: news/stories can be written in <hours Newspapers (NYT, Times) High-level general (Scientific American) Broad audience general (Focus, etc…) Specialistic (Sky & Telescope, etc…)

17 09/26/16 Writing: magazines

18 A key point: The message “what is important?”
09/26/16 A key point: The message “what is important?”

19 Is your news “sexy”? A.k.a. newsworthyness
09/26/16 Is your news “sexy”? A.k.a. newsworthyness For a science paper, the key is a scientific advance (discovery, new measurement, etc) For a news/outreach text, it depends: on the audience on the magazine paper or online?

20 Catchy Titles for scientists
09/26/16 Catchy Titles for scientists

21 Catchy for the rest of the world
09/26/16 Catchy for the rest of the world

22 Titles, titles, titles 09/26/16

23 The content “what are you writing?”
09/26/16 The content “what are you writing?”

24 Paper vs story Some similar points But... Perform an initial research
09/26/16 Paper vs story Some similar points Perform an initial research Look for sources Present different points of view But... Need to validate sources No need to do original research Very tight schedule (it's the market..) Need to catch the reader, always!

25 09/26/16 What comes first?

26 Some small tips to keep in mind...
09/26/16 Some small tips to keep in mind... Oriented to the readers Has to be clear Has to be simple Tell, inform, engage, shock, amuse Different from creative writing Although, you can use some help Various forms Short shorty/news Long/featured story Comment Review Again…the target is the reader

27 09/26/16 Basic structure Title/head Subhead Lead

28 Write a text on the same subject, but…
09/26/16 Try it ! Write a text on the same subject, but… ...on a full page (e.g characters) ...on 2 paragraphs (e.g characters) ...on a couple of lines (500 paragraphs) If it is on a poster, what would you change?

29 09/26/16 The KISS Principle 03/03/16

30 Seven C of Communication*
09/26/16 Seven C of Communication* Correct - Don’t add weight… Clear -Find an honest critic Concise - Don’t make me wonder, don’t make me wait Comprehensive - Q&A Compelling - Photos, animations, etc… Concrete - Examples! Concentrated Your job is outreach. So reach out. Call us *R.R. Britt, Senior Science

31 And the famous 5 Ws of journalism
09/26/16 And the famous 5 Ws of journalism Start with a “hook” The 5 Ws Who? (did the research) What? (is the result) Where? (was done) Why? (is important) When? (was done/published) (How?) – possibly in the background

32 09/26/16 The famous 5 Ws

33 09/26/16 The famous 5 Ws

34 09/26/16 The famous 5 Ws

35 Do you want to start a blog?
09/26/16 Do you want to start a blog? Oriented to the readers Has to be clear From “weblog” Offers an “expert” point of view On researcher’s life On a science field On pratical tips (e.g. computing, cooking) Writing style Informal Diary form Periodic (hopefully) Interaction with readers/followers Interaction with social networks

36 Preposterous Universe
09/26/16 Preposterous Universe

37 09/26/16 Bad Astronomy “Bad Astronomy”

38 09/26/16 Quantum Diaries (2005)

39 Too many things to remember? Start with the rule #1:
09/26/16 Too many things to remember? Start with the rule #1:

40 Too many things to remember? Start with the rule #1:
09/26/16 Too many things to remember? Start with the rule #1: Think about your reader !

41 Thanks for your attention! @maxrazzano
09/26/16 Thanks for your

42 09/26/16

43 What if… ...i have to write an (outreach) poster?
09/26/16 What if… ...i have to write an (outreach) poster?

44 TOO MANY FONTS! 09/26/16

45 09/26/16 USE 2 or 3 GREAT FONTS

46 Which one? 09/26/16

47 Other good fonts 09/26/16

48 Other good fonts 09/26/16

49 Other good fonts 09/26/16

50 ..and some worst… 09/26/16

51 ..and the most beloved by physicists 
09/26/16 ..and the most beloved by physicists 

52 Bad color choices This text is hard to read This is quite hard as well
09/26/16 This text is hard to read This is quite hard as well What about this one????

53 Or this This text is hard to read And this? What about this one????
09/26/16 This text is hard to read And this? What about this one????

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