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Financing Start Up & Growth Aspirational Companies

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Presentation on theme: "Financing Start Up & Growth Aspirational Companies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Financing Start Up & Growth Aspirational Companies
Martin Carr Financial Programmes Director Exemplas Ltd © Exemplas Ltd

2 My background Consultant with Exemplas
Develop financial solutions for SME s in the UK Developed one of the early Angel Networks in the UK Manage Co-Investment Fund Developed and delivered Understanding Finance programme Founder member British Business Angels Association in the UK Work closely with Business Link

3 Sources of funding Banks Business Angels Venture Capitalists Publicly supported Investment Funds

4 Banks Fine margin Look for track record Dislike risks Seek security
Do not advance risk capital Early stage finance difficult to obtain

5 Equity £25k £50k £250k £1.5m £3m own funds FFF Business GAP VC Stock Angels Exchange

6 Equity What is Equity Finance
Permanent capital in the business – no obligation to pay dividends Raising equity from outsiders involves selling (not giving away) part of the business Potential sources of external Equity Finance Family/friends (love money) Employees Business Angels Venture Capitalists Venture Capital Funds Stock Exchange

7 Business Angels Typically self made, high net worth individuals, who invest their own money directly in unquoted companies Play hands on role in the company, bring skills and contacts Informal end of venture capital market Smart money cash + skills

8 Who are Business Angels?
Entrepreneur Angels Financial Job seeking

9 Understanding Business Angels’ Investment decision making
Initial screen Is there merit in proposal to justify time/effort in making detailed investigation? Angels reject 90% of opportunities they receive at initial screening stage Important to improve this figure

10 What Investors look for in a proposition
Management, management, management Experienced rounded team Rather have a good team and poor proposition than poor team and good product IPR Unique and patented, that cannot be copied Well thought out business, well researched Recognition of strength/weakness : opportunities/threats Good marketing plan Business Plan

11 Business Plan Executive summary
Easy to understand 2 pages Good Business Plan covering all aspects Financials containing balance sheet projection 1-3 years Balance Sheet projection 1-3 years 1 year cash flow Profit & Loss forecast 1-3 years

12 Satisfaction of running successful business
Motivators of Angels Cash returns Satisfaction of running successful business Altruistic – investing back into the economy What do Investors expect? High returns Money back 3-5 years > 30%pa returns Exit 3-5 years

13 Business Angels investment criteria
Enthusiasm of entrepreneur Trustworthiness of entrepreneur Sales potential of the product Expertise of the entrepreneur Investor liked entrepreneur Growth potential of the market Quality of product Perceived financial rewards Niche market Track record of entrepreneur

14 What do Companies expect?
Cash Investors with skills Share the company Typically 40% Smaller share of larger more profitable company Aim to sell 3-5 years

15 Martin Carr Exemplas Ltd

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