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Alan Hurst Formerly, Professsor,

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1 Developing Inclusive Policies and Provision for Students with Disabilities in Universities
Alan Hurst Formerly, Professsor, Department of Education, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, England

2 Introduction The underpinning conceptual/theoretical approach is:
The social/educational/political model of disability instead of the individual/medical deficit model

3 The Legal Position The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (updated 2005) Defines “disability” - a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities Defines “ discrimination” – treating a person less favourably than someone else because of a disability without justification Requires “reasonable adjustments” and anticipatory action The Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001

4 Complying with the Law Through Developing Inclusive Learning and Teaching
The “Teachability” project in Scotland worked with staff from different academic departments, who were asked to do the following tasks :

5 The “Teachability” Project
identify ways in which the subject/course./programme for which you have responsibility or with which you are associated closely is accessible to students with a range of impairments ( i.e. impaired hearing/mobility/vision/intellectual functioning et al) are there barriers to prevent the participation of students with a range of impairments and if so what are they? how might these barriers be overcome? what needs to be done in order to implement the strategies you have identified for overcoming the barriers? how can we draw attention in an honest way to the possibilities and challenges posed by our current subjects/courses/programmes of study?

6 The “Teachability” Project
Experience in Scotland suggests that sometimes staff need some assistance at the start of the task. If this is the case then the key question to be addressed is: What do you consider to be the core requirements/ core skills which all should have on completing the subject/course/programme of study successfully?

7 Provision of Information
Comprehensiveness of pre-entry information Accuracy and honesty of information Easy availability in different formats Images of disability used Language and tenor of information Website and Internet

8 Curriculum Design Attendance Requirements
Fieldwork, Study Visits, Home and Overseas placements Laboratories, Workshops, Studios Special Equipment and Technology Core Non-negotiable Elements of the Course/Programme

9 Learning and Teaching Barriers intrinsic to the nature of the subject
Barriers resulting from chosen methods of teaching and learning Barriers created inadvertently Learning in big groups Learning in small groups

10 Assessment of Learning
Scope for negotiate and flexibility Early and clear information about requirements Early and clear information about criteria Early and clear information about distribution of marks Physical and environmental considerations Modifications and alternatives Allocation of responsibilities

11 Quality Monitoring and Enhancement
Validation of new courses/review of existing courses Disabled students’ involvement and feedback Position of external bodies

12 Closing Comments Some progress made in moving to inclusive learning and teaching but this is very difficult since what is involved is changing cultures and attitudes – and this cannot be done by simply passing new laws

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