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Physics 1 – Nov 17, 2016 P3 Challenge –

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1 Physics 1 – Nov 17, 2016 P3 Challenge –
Draw the freebody diagram for a box on an incline being pulled up the incline with a cord parallel to the incline when a) the incline is frictionless and b) when the incline has friction. Today’s Objective: Review for test Get out the “Multibodies and Inclines” worksheet HMK for check.

2 Agenda, Assignment IB 2.2 Forces Assignment: Agenda Review
Study for test Agenda Practice Problems for simpler cases for test Review of remaining homework problems – led by students.

3 Test outline 11 x 2 pts Multiple choice 4 x 5 pts Drawing FBDs
1 x 10 pts Fnet =ma coupled with kinematics. 1 x 12 pts 2D second law prob (no friction, no angles) 1 x 12 pts 2D second law prob (no friction, with forces at angles) 2 x 12 pts 2D second law probl (friction, no incline)

4 Practice Problem w/ kinematics
The Top Thrill Dragster Stratocaster at Cedar Point Amusement Park in Ohio uses a hydraulic launching system to accelerate riders from 0 to 54 m/s in 3.8 seconds before climbing a completely vertical 128 m hill. Determine the net force required to accelerate an 86-kg man.

5 2nd Law Problem with angles
Determine the three tensions.

6 Friction Practice A 25.0 kg block is at rest on a table with a coefficient of dynamic friction of 0.11 and a coefficient of static friction of 0.18. A) What will happen if a force of 30.0 N is applied? If it moves, find the acceleration. If it doesn’t move, determine the force of static friction? B) What minimum force is needed to make the block start to move? C) What is the acceleration of the block if you continue to push with the force found in part b) while the block is moving? D) What force is needed to make the block slide at a constant rate?

7 Exit Slip - Assignment A block is launched up an incline. Indicate the direction and type of friction for each of it’s phases of motion if it moves up the slope a distance to come to rest sitting on the slope. What’s Due on Nov 22? (Pending assignments to complete.) Study for test on Nov 22 What’s Next? (How to prepare for the next day) Read p57-75 (The text will probably make a lot more sense now!!)

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