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Instructor: Erol Şahin
Evolutionary Robotics -2 Karl Sim’s seminal work CENG585, Fall Instructor: Erol Şahin Acknowledgement: Most of the slides are adapted from the ones prepared by Ozgen Canan.
Motivation Overcome the trade-off between control and complexity
Motivation Overcome the trade-off between control and complexity Co-evolution of morphology and control Benefit from the fact that survival depends on other creatures in the environment
Creature Morphology Genotype A directed graph
Creature Morphology Genotype A directed graph May have all sorts of connections (recursive, cyclic, multiple) There is a defined root node Phenotype Hierarchy of 3D parts
Creature Morphology
Creature Morphology Nodes Dimensions Joint-type Joint-limits
Creature Morphology Nodes Dimensions Determine the shape Joint-type Defines the number of degrees of freedom of a joint and the movement allowed for each degree of freedom Different joint-types are rigid, revolute, twist, universal, bend-twist, twist-bend, spherical Joint-limits The point beyond restoring spring forces are exerted
Creature Morphology Nodes (cont’d) Recursive limit Local neurons
Creature Morphology Nodes (cont’d) Recursive limit Number allowed for replicating oneself Local neurons Part of the control system Control the joints between this node and the parent node Connections Define the placement of a child part realtive to its parent Parameters are position, orientation, scale and reflection
Creature Control A neural system accepts input sensor values and provides output to the effectors Signals are continuous variables which may have positive and negative values
Creature Control Sensors Joint angle sensors Contact sensors
Creature Control Sensors Joint angle sensors Give the current value for each degree of freedom Contact sensors Return 1.0 for if there is contact, -1.0 otherwise In every face of every part Photosensors Provide the cordinates of the normalized light source direction relative to the orientation of the part They are specialized for the competing behavior Sensors are included in the control system if they are related with the behavior
Creature Control Effectors Each control a degree of freedom of a joint
Creature Control Effectors Each control a degree of freedom of a joint Exert a joint force Bound with a maximum-strength proportional to the cross sectional area between parts
Creature Control Neurons Compute diverse functions
Creature Control Neurons Compute diverse functions Sum, product, divide, sum-threshold, greater-than, sign-of, min, max, abs, if, interpolate, sin, cos, atan, log, expt, sigmoid, integrate, differentiate, smooth, memory, oscillate-wave, oscillate-saw The number of inputs depends on the function, and it is at most 3 Some functions retain states and give time varying outputs
Morphology and Control
Morphology and Control Neural nets related to the movement of a joint are contained in the related morphological element Each duplicated segment has a similar control system Connections are allowed from adjacent parts in the hierarchy
Morphology and Control
Morphology and Control Part-independent neurons Copied once into the phenotype Achieve global synchronization or centralized control
Unassociated (central)
Unassociated (central) body flipper
Physical Simulation Articulated body dynamics Collision tests check the intersection of parts, which are defined as world-space bounding boxes Connected parts are permitted to interpenetrate to some degree, adjusted boxes are used Collision response is accomplished by a hybrid model using both impulses and penalty spring forces Viscosity effect for swimming For each surface a viscous surface resists the normal component of velocity, proportional to its surface area and normal velocity magnitude
Behavior Selection Fitness values are assigned after a fixed duration of simulation Creatures are assigned a zero fitness value, if they have More than a specified number of parts Persistent interpenetrating parts Simulations are stopped beforehand if creatures Fail to move at all Move “somewhat” worse than minimum fitness of the previous generation
Behavior Selection Swimming Gravity is turned off
Behavior Selection Swimming Gravity is turned off Viscous water resistance effect is on Swimming speed is used as a fitness value Distance traveled by the creature’s center of mass per unit time Continuous movement is rewarded over that from a single initial push (final phase velocity has a stronger weight)
Behavior Selection Walking Any kind of land locomotion
Behavior Selection Walking Any kind of land locomotion Gravity is turned on Viscous water resistance effect is turned off A static ground plane with friction is added Horizontal speed is the fitness value Simple fall over must be eliminated Initially bring the height of center of mass to a stable minimum with simulation runs, where there are no friction and effector forces
Behavior Selection Following (a light source) Photosensors are enabled
Behavior Selection Following (a light source) Photosensors are enabled Average following speed of several runs, in which the location of the light source is changed, is used as a fitness value Creatures can be evolved for both water and land environments
Creature Evolution Initial population Population size is 300
Creature Evolution Initial population Random generation from scratch A genotype from a previous evalutation can be used as a seed A seed can be designed by hand Population size is 300 Survival rate is 0.2 If 20% of the population have no non-zero fitness values, the gap is filled with genotype generation Rest of the population is created by Mutation, 40% Mating, 60% Only survivors generate the offspring, proportional to their fitness values
Mutation The internal parameters of each node are changed
Mutation The internal parameters of each node are changed Each parameter has a mutation probability If the parameter has a set of legal values, a new value is picked (boolean, function type) If the parameter is a scalar, a random number from a Gaussian-like distribution is added to it A new random node is added (left unconnected) Connection parameters are changed, connections can be made point elsewhere
Mutation Connections are added or removed
Mutation Connections are added or removed Only applied to morphological nodes as the neurons require a fixed number of inputs Unconnected elements are garbage collected Mutations are inversely proportional with the size of the creature Nested graphs are mutated in a top-down fashion
Mating Align nodes of the parents as a row Crossover Grafting
Mating Align nodes of the parents as a row Crossover Switch the copying source at some crossover points Start to copy nodes of the first parent to the child Grafting Split and merge the parents from a random node
Mating Copy the connections and rearrange them if necessary
Mating Copy the connections and rearrange them if necessary 30% of the next genration is produced by crossover, 30% by grafting Offspring has fewer mutation probabilities
Parallel Implementation
Parallel Implementation Genetic algorithm is implemented on a Connection Machine CM-5 A single processor performs the genetic algorithm Fitness tests are performed on other processors It might take 3 hours for 100 generations on a 32 processor CM-5
Results A population converges through homogenity
Results A population converges through homogenity However different runs produce different populations Most successful creatures from many seperate evolutions are inspected
Swimming Symmetrical flippers Snake-like multi-segmented creatures
Swimming Symmetrical flippers Snake-like multi-segmented creatures
Walking Wag up an appendage and rock back and forth
Walking Wag up an appendage and rock back and forth Push or pull (inchworm style) Leg-like appendages
Following Jumping Performed in land and water
Jumping Following Performed in land and water Some relative locations make some creatures fail Some swimming creatures used steering fins, some adjust the angle of their paddles
The Contest Photosensors for two different colors
The Contest Photosensors for two different colors The source of one color is the center of a cube The other is located at the center of mass of the opponent Hence there are “cube sensors” and “opponent sensors” Light sources are visible even if they are blocked
Prevent simple falling over strategies
Prevent simple falling over strategies Creatures must start with stable states with respect to gravity
The Contest The aim is to gain the most control over the cube
The Contest The aim is to gain the most control over the cube The creature’s final distances to the cube are used to calculate their fitness values Let d1 and d2 be the final shortest distances to the cube f1 = 1.0 + d2 + d1 d2 - d1 Surrounding the cube is rewarded by assigning shorter distance values, when a creature is touching the cube on the side that opposes its center of mass
The Contest “All versus best” competition pattern is used for fitness calculations Both single-species and two-species evolutions are performed
Results Rate of evolutionary progress varies
Results Rate of evolutionary progress varies Counter strategies were developed Varying strategies Push opponent away Move the cube, then approach Cover the cube and block opponent’s access Not all survivors can follow the cube wherever it moves
Future Work [for Karl Sims]
Future Work [for Karl Sims] Experiment with additional types of fitness evaluation method A changing world can be physically simulated Use genotypes of creatures that could actually be used as robots Shape details and external materials, such as fur, hair, eyes tentacles, could be added Other types of contests may be defined Cooperative behavior and teams of creatures can be simulated Larger number of species can be evolved A more realistic environment in which, many creatures may compete and cooperate, can be built
Discussion Subjective conclusion, completely commented on behavior techniques, advance in travelling speeds could be given Many aspects discussed throughout the papers were not mentioned in the results, e.g. competition strategies Or were not discussed in conclusion, e.g. usage of multi-species
Discussion Poor design and evolution of neural system
Discussion Poor design and evolution of neural system Topology is not changed Replicated nodes exhibit similar behavior Why are so many functions needed? There are better genetic algorithms for neurons Does it have to be genetic? Gradient descent may be used in hybrid. Physical simulation has unrealistic shortcuts, e.g. interpenetrating boxes High complexity, can trade some aspects of the creatures, like joint-types
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