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Conference and workshop, Vienna, 3-5 December 2012 Will Bartlett, LSE

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1 Conference and workshop, Vienna, 3-5 December 2012 Will Bartlett, LSE
ETF regional project ”Mapping VET Education Policies and Practices for Social Inclusion and Social Cohesion: the role of VET in promoting employment, equity, social cohesion and active citizenship in Western Balkans, Turkey (WBT) and Israel” VET Education Policies and Practices for Social Inclusion and Social Cohesion Conference and workshop, Vienna, 3-5 December 2012 Will Bartlett, LSE

2 Mapping VET Education Policies and Practices for Social Inclusion and Social Cohesion: the role of VET in promoting employment, equity, social cohesion and active citizenship in Western Balkans, Turkey (WBT) and Israel Aims of the Project • To understand the barriers and opportunities for building inclusive and equitable VET systems in the Western Balkans, Turkey and Israel • To provide new evidence on the role of VET in combating social inclusion and contributing to building more cohesive societies • To assist national stakeholders to enhance the role of VET in promoting skills, socialisation, civic values, social inclusion and social cohesion

3 Quarterly GDP Growth (%)

4 Unemployment rates,

5 Methodology • Participatory action research (PAR)
Mapping VET Education Policies and Practices for Social Inclusion and Social Cohesion: the role of VET in promoting employment, equity, social cohesion and active citizenship in Western Balkans, Turkey (WBT) and Israel Methodology • Participatory action research (PAR) • Mapping policies for vocational education in relation to social inclusion and social cohesion at national level • Analysing practices of vocational education at local level relating to social inclusion of disadvantaged groups in 3 case study schools / communities in each country • Exploring the relationship between vocational schools and their local communities, including local government, employers, parents, community groups, and trade unions

6 Methodology (Continued)
Mapping VET Education Policies and Practices for Social Inclusion and Social Cohesion: the role of VET in promoting employment, equity, social cohesion and active citizenship in Western Balkans, Turkey (WBT) and Israel Methodology (Continued) In-depth interviews and focus groups with key stakeholders at national level In-depth interviews with school staff and key stakeholders in 3 local communities in each country Student and teacher questionnaires in 3 schools in each country Comparative analysis of data on social inclusion and social cohesion at national level

7 Mapping VET Education Policies and Practices for Social Inclusion and Social Cohesion: the role of VET in promoting employment, equity, social cohesion and active citizenship in Western Balkans, Turkey (WBT) and Israel Research Tasks • Research Task 1: Mapping policies towards VET, social inclusion and social cohesion and assessing their relationship • Research Task 2: Mapping the influence of selection and tracking on social inclusion • Research Task 3: Mapping the extent of drop-out from VET and assessing the influence of drop-out on social inclusion • Research Task 4: Mapping patterns of school-based vocational education and apprenticeship systems and assessing their influence on social inclusion

8 Research Tasks (Continued…)
Mapping VET Education Policies and Practices for Social Inclusion and Social Cohesion: the role of VET in promoting employment, equity, social cohesion and active citizenship in Western Balkans, Turkey (WBT) and Israel Research Tasks (Continued…) • Research Task 5: Mapping the transition from vocational education to work, and assessing how this transition affects social inclusion among different social groups • Research Task 6: Mapping the role of vocational education in promoting social cohesion in the countries of the Western Balkans, Turkey and Israel

9 Work of the Research Team as a Whole
Mapping VET Education Policies and Practices for Social Inclusion and Social Cohesion: the role of VET in promoting employment, equity, social cohesion and active citizenship in Western Balkans, Turkey (WBT) and Israel Work of the Research Team as a Whole • Nine country research teams collaborate with a group of researchers from LSE in this research project • Phase 1: Country studies - country reports will provide analysis of the issues and policy recommendations for national policy makers and school directors • Phase 2: A comparative analysis of all 9 countries and will deliver the final comparative report in December 2013 • The research is intended to be a participatory process, with the active input of school directors and key policy makers and practitioners

10 Mapping VET Education Policies and Practices for Social Inclusion and Social Cohesion: the role of VET in promoting employment, equity, social cohesion and active citizenship in Western Balkans, Turkey (WBT) and Israel Next Steps • So far, National Advisory Boards have been established in each country • Initial in-depth interviews with national stakeholders have taken place • Next steps are to: • Establish Local Advisory Boards • Carry out local in-depth interviews • Implement teacher and student surveys • Write up country reports by March 2013

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