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An Ideal Teacher in 21st centaury medicine

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1 An Ideal Teacher in 21st centaury medicine
Dr tabinda hasan Jazan university faculty of medicine

2 Two Orienting Questions
What do we know about highly effective teaching? What Makes a Good Teacher?

3 Highly effective teaching is one which leaves a lasting impression.

4 A good teacher ‘goes beyond the books’.
mere imparting of stereotype theoretical concepts or the routine protocol of clinical skills. He frames the personal /professional growth among medical students and instills the requisite ethical standards for fulfilling the Hippocrates Oath of physicians.

5 The expectations from the 21st century teacher of medicine are often too many and unrealistic .

6 The art of teaching More than a cocktail “recipe” of skills.
A continuous “quality improvement” learning process.

7 Why can’t they all be a- like?
Different disciplines Different histories Different cultures Different people … resulting in … Different Teaching ‘BIAS es’/perceptions

8 What are the common qualities of Highly Effective Teachers?
Key competencies

9 Motivation “wants the student to learn”
is motivated to “excel as a teacher” (Motivation is Internal desire not to shy away & NOT a departmental requirement)

10 Enthusiasm, Energy Stay “up to date” regardless of age.
The ardent researcher - experiments with teaching strategies to find out the best way to reach for the students. Stamina to be Flexible; in keeping what works and discarding what doesn't. Good memory power. Highly knowledgeable in their area of expertise “ Maintains that knowledge base life long”.

11 The “class personality”
The provider of good educational climate: unrestrained, cheerful classroom environment with freedom for thought and doubt expression for all. Foundation for active, participant driven learning. Encourages imagination/ Encourages questions Refrains from negative, offensive criticism and gently motivates the students and boosts their morale. Teacher -student Relation is characterized by mutual admiration rather than ostracism .

12 Survivor of daily challenges
F0rgotten lectures Failed computers Power blackouts Noisy /Rude students prior familiarizing with the equipment, keeping some supplementary backup and reconstructing the lecture if everything else fails. Though not usually recommended; Roles of ranks and power play may sometimes help.

13 Most powerful recall stimulator
Designer of ‘interesting learning’ (uses the occasional joke/audiovisual aids/ latest web based technology to get his message through) The master of good communication. Performer Involve all the senses in the learning process Hearing + Seeing+ Direct use of knowledge

14 The constant evaluator
Evaluating the Outcomes Student outcomes / performance in formal testing. Self Evaluation peers students self directed reflective feed back

15 Goals of a Good Teacher Setting Expectations
- Clearly defined Learning objectives Providing experience to students – With supervision – With feedback

16 To sum up these qualities
Tolerance (self control) Dedication (passion) Innovation (interest + intelligence) Steadfastness (firmness in character) Popularity (social &personal skills developed) Intrigue (eagerness to learn)

17 Remember the three A’s Able (worth) Affable (taskmaster # facilitator)
Available (just be there )

18 Understands the “ultimate purpose of medical education”
Teach the knowledge Promote the art of life long learning Develop the skills Inculcate the values Make the students responsible for their own education in becoming compassionate and professional doctors.

19 Thank you

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