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Teachers should make their lessons interesting Teachers must love their job

3 Teachers should have personality
Teachers should have lots of knowledge, not only of their subject A good teacher is an entertainer (in positive sense)

4 Relationship between teacher and student
Teachers must be approachable A good teacher is somebody who has an affinity with the students that they’re teaching A good teacher should try and draw out quiet ones and control the more talkative ones

5 Teachers should be able to correct people without offending him
A good teacher is someone who helps rather than shouts A good teacher is someone who knows our names

6 TEACHER ROLES Controller Prompter Assessor resource

7 RAPPORT Recognising students Listening to students Respecting students
Being even-handed

8 TEACHER TASKS Preparation Keeping records Being reliable

9 TEACHER SKILLS Managing classes Matching tasks and groups Variety

10 TEACHER KNOWLEDGE The language system Materials and resources
Classroom equipment Keeping up-to-date

11 SOURCES How to Teach English (Jeremy Harmer : 2001)

12 SUMMARY Roles of teacher are controller, prompter, assessor and resource Teacher should have good relationship with students, for instance: Recognising students, listening to students, respecting students and being even-handed Teacher tasks are preparation, keeping records and being reliable Skills which should be had by teachers are managing classes, matching tasks and groups, variety and destination Teacher knowledge are The language system, materials and resources, classroom equipment and keeping up-to-date

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