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Info Trafford

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1 Info Trafford

2 Introduction Data Observatory has been a vision of the current acting chief executive for the last 3 years Trafford an advocate of open data Joint venture across Greater Manchester called Data GM Info Trafford A data observatory in Trafford has been a vision of the acting chief executive for the last 3 years. Trafford has also been an advocate of open data, this started in May 2010 with numerous data sets placed on the Trafford website. However, we wanted to use the data more effective and efficiently embarking on a joint GM venture called Data GM. This initiative provided a platform to share open data sets across the Greater Manchester region. Data GM provided a tool to store the different datasets, Trafford also wanted a tool to allow the public, commissioners and our partners to utilise the data in a easy to use tool allowing them to manipulate the data into the different neighbourhoods in Trafford. We tendered for a data observatory in Trafford and info Trafford was born. Trafford and instant atlas worked closely with the core objective to make non personal and statistical data around the delivery of public services available to the public so they can engage with the outcomes of the decisions made by the Council The site is a partnership initiative across the different organisations in Trafford with a key feature of the site to be user friendly The site went live in July 2011 allowing partners to start populating with information ready for its official launch on 25th January 2012

3 Welcome to the Info Trafford home page (www. infotrafford. org
Welcome to the Info Trafford home page ( users are able to navigate to different data sets and analyses through this page The page is split into a number of areas, the top of the page has the main menu links, home, about, resources and help, these remain on the screen as the user works through the system so they can always get back to the home page easily. In this part of the page there is also a search box which allows the user to search based on their own key word, such as benefits, all data sets concerning benefits are shown. The left hand menu allows the user to navigate to different analyses and the different data sets in the system. The middle section are preset themes for the user to quickly obtain detailed information, the next slide shows what is displayed to the user if one of these themes is selected. (Benefits) The map at the top right of the screen allows the user to see on a map different assets in Trafford, such as trees, children centres, hospitals, schools, libraries etc… Slide 4 – shows all the trees mapped in Trafford and the types of tree.

4 Launch – 25th January 2012 The launch prompted partners to think how they could use the site What data they could share and add to the site How we can develop the site further outside Trafford.

5 Stake holders OSCI (Data Packs) Police Health Trafford Council
Housing Trust Voluntary / community Sector Public

6 This screen is displayed when the user clicks on the data view page, the user is presented with hundreds of data sets ordered by theme, clicking on the crosses by the themes they expand to show the different data sets the user can view. The user follows the wizard through that asks the demographics eg ward and then displays the data in a table that can be exported, Excel, CSV, XML

7 Audience / Users Community and Voluntary Groups Public
Media organisations Council staff including commissioners Councillors Council Executive Initial feedback from users is very positive “People love that the data is accessible, user friendly site that is engaging” In making the site user friendly we want to create a level playing field for voluntary and community groups so they have access to detailed information on communities providing a level playing field across Trafford for services being commissioned. We also expect the site to be used by the public and news groups to obtain their required information to reduce the number of FOI requests on the Council.

8 This screen is displayed when the benefits button is pressed on the themes section of the front page. The user can click on the arrows against the data sets to choose different benefits data to show (top left box), the maps, charts and tables then automatically change to that dataset. The user can hover over the map and get the information for the ward. The time line at the bottom automates the data showing the dataset over time, this is achieved by clicking on the play button on the left of the timeline.

9 These are all the highway trees in Trafford, on this section users can also plot other Trafford assets, the current sets are schools, children centres, libraries, parks and open spaces, polling stations, allotments, bus stops, leisure centres You can click on the symbol and see information concerning the chosen asset.

10 Clicking on custom data view allows the user to design the data view they want choosing the demographics, this can be borough wide or just a specific area, eg Altrincham ward, the user then picks their data set and can have it displayed in different formats, table, chart and report or can export it. This slide shows the table format of the data, the next slide is the data displayed in a report style which is similar to the preset benefits report seen earlier.

11 The reports are interactive allowing the user to add layers, hover over areas, especially if more than one area was chosen in creating the report. Other layers such as GP practices can be added as shown on this slide allowing the user to compared information in an easy and simple way. When using the custom data view selection the use when choosing the report selection can set the maps as single or double maps, the double maps allow the user to compare two different data sets. The next 3 slides show the two different report types.

12 This is a single view map, the slide shows how a user has highlighted the Hale Barns area.

13 This is a double map allowing the user to compare data sets in the case of this slide the user is comparing children in out of work families with job seekers allowance claimants, the chart in the bottom right shows the correlation between the two data sets

14 Similar to the single maps the user can highlight a point or area and obtain the detailed information.

15 Benefits Improved intelligence for commissioners to focus services at the right communities Reduce the number of FOI requests Provides voluntary and community organisations detailed information for bidding for services Trafford residents are better informed of why we are undertaking initiatives in their neighbourhoods Cost saving in data management and analysis

16 In addition to the performance and information pages comparing different performance measures the site also shows key strategy information, the Joint Strategic needs assessment highlights future health and well being needs in Trafford. The information from the needs assessment is logged on this site and mapped allowing services, commissioners and the public an understanding of the needs in the different areas of the borough and why we are focusing different services within these areas.

17 Future Plans Info GM Promote the info trafford site to all partners
Build on the neighbourhood themes Benchmark the savings Want to work in collaboration with other GM authorities to create Info GM, which links the observatories in the different GM LA’s to create a region wide data observatory while alos keeping the local aspects Look at neighbourhoods differently – Multi agency areas, Wards, Community budget areas to create detailed statistical profiles within the system

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