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Grow organise main features and benefits communicate.

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Presentation on theme: "Grow organise main features and benefits communicate."— Presentation transcript:

1 grow organise main features and benefits communicate

2 Overview: The Unique Neighbourhood Alert Approach
Central secure joined-up database overview Huge capacity, secure, scalable and robust system Data terms enabling Social Media flexibility in a secure trusted system End user dictates and controls data sharing permissions White label solution grow System supports multiple brands, sites and member administration areas Users join a local or National trusted site but receive a joined up service Enable engagement with hard to reach groups/areas with locally marketed systems Shared administration system benefits organise Multiple (vetted and trained) administrators work on the same user data Segregated databases per organisation, centralised user updates Centralised end-user and administrator support from VISAV. Pool resources, administration, marketing and communication costs where required comms Social media enabled Broadcast Tweets automatically where required, share on FaceBook, provide RSS feeds but all closely controlled, feeding back to your own sites and carefully measured networks social Data ownership passed to registered users Users have 24/7 access to account profile and message archive Most F.O.I. queries are instantly satisfied with online provision Users update own , phone numbers, address and interests present & future State of the art communication tools Send and receive , text and recorded voice messages Users rate messages on quality, content and relevance Customisable information reporting tools built in (ASB, Graffiti etc) Delivery failure systems ease data validation admin questions

3 Overview: The story so far:
Unprecedented database growth overview 165,000+ registered users in two years 4000+ self registrations a month: pure generic growth 70+ separate websites powered by Neighbourhood Alert grow Communication growth Over 1.4 Million community and Police messages a month Official communication system for eight Police forces covering ten counties 1500 trained administrators sharing workload and managing central user database. system benefits organise Neighbourhood and Home Watch Network (England & Wales) Biggest growth in a central database in 30 year history 110,000 new registered users in just two years Nearly 120 trained administrators manage and promote their own neighbourhoods comms User Satisfaction networks social Consistent positive feedback for system and messages: Unprompted additional comments: 33% System is fantastic 50% Messages are excellent 1% Combination of all negative issues present & future 88% overall message score (Quality, Content and Relevance) questions

4 Overview: The story so far:
Cumbria Evaluation Exercise results: Perception of partners (237 returned surveys, Oct 2012) overview grow system benefits organise comms networks social present & future questions

5 system benefits grow Nottinghamshire Police
Mansfield Strategic Partnership Lincolnshire Police overview Wakefield District Council Northamptonshire Police Cumbria Fire & Rescue Notts Trading Standards grow Cumbria County Council Demographic profiling Community interests Data export system benefits organise Instant mapping , Voice Text messaging Two way, engagement tool comms Outstanding action lists High capacity distribution Auto data validation & cleansing NHWN scheme tools networks social Live scheme coverage mapping Vetted, trained support network Ongoing development present & future Secure, Live, Resilient Db Optimised back to ie6 Web Marshall friendly questions

6 system benefits grow overview organise comms networks social present
& future questions

7 Grow: Increase media coverage
overview grow system benefits organise comms networks social present & future questions

8 Organise: Maps, Charts and Graphs
Various instant user maps are available and can be used to display Schemes, Business Watches Farm Watch members as well as any other group of user that you have highlighted in the Community Contacts area overview grow system benefits organise comms networks social present & future questions

9 Organise: Maps, Charts and Graphs
overview Demographic analysis for your areas grow system benefits organise comms networks social present & future questions

10 Sending and receiving messages
Communicate: Agenda Sending and receiving messages overview grow Send messages by drawing a circle on a map Send messages based on location system benefits organise Send messages by Neighbourhood Watch participation communicate Send messages by Community Group membership networks social Send messages by Demographic groups present & future Send messages by Search questions Next >

11 Communication tools: intelligent messaging
overview Messages sent by , text and recorded voice can all be replied to instantly. grow Responses are stored in the users Communications log and listed in the “Message Replies” report system benefits organise The Administrator who sent the original message is notified that there has been a reply communicate “Delivery failures”, “Out of office replies”, “Deleted un-read”, “Dead phone numbers” and other notifications are recorded in the users Communications log. networks social Two consecutive failures suspends further messages and Alert attempts to make contact with the user in other ways to notify them of the problem. present & future questions

12 system benefits overview grow organise comms social networks present
& future questions


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