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The Aquatic Safety Assistant

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1 The Aquatic Safety Assistant
Final Presentation Group 2 The Aquatic Safety Assistant Design and Communications 2 Dylan Bastin-DeCoste, Brayden Poirier, Ross Bagnell, Robyn van Zutphen

2 Background Information
90% of children aged 1-4 years who drowned were not intended to be in the water, (Red Cross Canada, 2013). Drowning is the second leading cause of preventable death for children under the age of 10 years, (Red Cross Canada, 2014).

3 Goal To design and prototype a device that would alert a guardian when his or her child had entered the water. To present the differences of the configurations and costs between the prototype and the potential market product.


5 Water sensing design process
Alarm Water sensor Options considered Alarm Signal received by parent unit Data is analyzed

6 Alarm Requirements Alarm Designed Sufficient volume
A pitch different from other household alerts Continuous sound emitted Alarm Designed Tri tone 3.15 kHz 2-5 kHz is in the range that is known to be particularly irritating to the human ear.

7 Circular hard plastic case
Enclosure Design Soft plastic case Enclosure Waterproof Trapezoidal Circular hard plastic case

8 System Configuration Two part system Transmitting and receiving units

9 Wristband Enclosure Components
Missing from pictorial: Various resistors Wiring

10 Hub Components Mini-Breadboard 9 Volt Battery Arduino Speaker
Xbee Module Missing from pictorial: Various resistors Wiring

11 Wireless Transmission
Xbee-Wireless radio module Used to communicate between the armband and the hub Xbee modules support multiple wireless protocols and radio frequencies.

12 Water sensor

13 Arduino Code }} void loop() { if(Serial.available() >= 14) {
if( == 0x7E) { for(int i=1; i<11; i++) byte discard =; analogMSB =; analogLSB =; analogReading = 3.3*(((double)(analogLSB+analogMSB*256))/((double)1024)); Serial.print(analogReading); Serial.print("\n"); if(analogReading<=0.10) //discard glitches{ analogReading=oldReading; Serial.print("discarded reading\n");} if(analogReading<=3.25){ beep(9,3150,50,8);} oldReading=analogReading; }}} int analogMSB; int analogLSB; double analogReading; double oldReading; boolean submerged=0; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); } void beep(int pin, int freq, int ms, int notes){ for(int i=0;i<notes;i++){ if(i%3==0) freq=freq* ; else freq=freq* ; tone(pin, freq); delay(ms); noTone(pin);

14 Armband Design Leg Head Placement on body Arm Wrist Armband
Material Compression Sleeve Silicone rubber Velcro Strap

15 Hub Design Portable Speaker Belt Clip Pager Hub
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16 Financial Analysis Item Number Purchased Price Per Unit Total Price
Arduino Uno-R3 1 $33.45 LilyPad XBee $20.05 Coin Cell Battery 6 $2.60 $15.60 Breadboard-Mini modular (white) $5.30 XBee 1mW Trace Antenna 2 $66.90 Velstrap Velcro Strap $7.99 9 Volt Battery 4 $1.49 $5.96 3D Print of Hub $6.00 3D Print of Enclosure $5.00 $166.25

17 Project Schedule

18 Consultants and resources
Dr. Frank Comeau Craig Seaboyer Petit de Grat 3D printer technician 5th Edition Electronic Devices (Floyd)

19 Recommendations Add a power switch at the hub
Replace velcro strap with 3D printed silicon plastic strap Improve child safety of product Add rechargeable batteries Reduce size of both enclosures

20 Questions?

21 Thank you

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