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Bank Audit through CBS CA. Kiran Kunte

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Presentation on theme: "Bank Audit through CBS CA. Kiran Kunte"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bank Audit through CBS CA. Kiran Kunte
B. Com, FCA, DISA, Cert. IFRS, LL.B

2 Theme: Audit objectives do not change … Methodology does …

3 Sec. 143 (9) of Companies Act 2013: AUDITING STANDARDS
Background: Sec. 143 (9) of Companies Act 2013: AUDITING STANDARDS Sec. 143(12) of Companies Act : FRAUD SA 315 OF ICAI: Risk Assessment SA 240 OF ICAI: CIS Environment Amendment to Sec. 194 A of Income Tax Act - Union Budget 2015

4 CORE BANKING SOLUTION CORE means … Technical Definition BOD / EOD SOL, Data Centre, DR Site

5 Practical Difficulties:
Auditing with Computer  Not possible, CAAT Auditing AROUND the Computer


7 Payments / Settlements:

8 Myths about CBS: Requires software knowledge in detail No data can be made available in the branch, except disclosed by the branch ‘suo moto’.

9 LFAR: Level of computerisation
Whether advances against Lien of deposits have been properly granted and Lien has been ‘marked’? Are there any ‘overdue’ deposits? Whether the branch has a system to compute discrepancies in interest and timely adjustment thereof? Suspense account / Sundry assets

10 CBS Products: FINACLE and BANC

11 CBS Products: FINACLE and BANC
Some banks using FINACLE

12 CBS Products: FINACLE and BANC
Some banks using FINACLE

13 CBS Products: FINACLE and BANC
Some banks using BANC

14 CBS Products: FINACLE and BANC
Some banks using BANC

15 Parameters as a tool of input control:
e.g. Cash Credit (garbage in - garbage out)

16 Parameters as a tool of input control:
e.g. Cash Credit (garbage in - garbage out)  Sanctioned limit  Margin %  DP Mode  Stock statement frequency  Trigger for slippage  Interest Rate Continued …

17 Parameters as a tool of input control:
e.g. Cash Credit (garbage in - garbage out)  Linkage of interest rate to credit rating  Linkage to BPLR  Credit rating  Incremental rate  Penalty parameters  Security code Continued …

18 Parameters as a tool of input control:
e.g. Cash Credit (garbage in - garbage out)  Sector code  Scheme code  CGTSME Flag

19 Parameters as a tool of input
control: e.g. Housing Loan

20 Parameters as a tool of input
control: e.g. Housing Loan  Male / Female  Basis of Rate  Moratorium Period

21 Parameters as a tool of input
control: e.g. Fixed Deposit

22 Parameters as a tool of input
control: e.g. Fixed Deposit  Auto Renewal Flag  TDS Flag

23 Some useful features of Finacle are …

Account ledger Inquiry ACM MASTER Parameters ACLHM Account Limit History maintenance INTTM Interest Table master maintenance

25 Account turnover Inquiry ATOR Account turnover report AINTRPT
Menus UTILITY ACTI Account turnover Inquiry ATOR Account turnover report AINTRPT Interest report for the account SRM Security Register maintenance

26 Account Lien maintenance GI Guarantee enquiry BI Discounted bills
Menus UTILITY ALM Account Lien maintenance GI Guarantee enquiry BI Discounted bills Purchased bills ISRA Inventory status report activity

27 Inquiry on transactions. Sundry assets/Suspense/
Menus UTILITY IOT Inquiry on transactions. Sundry assets/Suspense/ TDSIP TDS Enquiry report INTFLRRPT Interest failure report

28 Exceptional Transactions Report
Menus UTILITY EXCRPT Exceptional Transactions Report CTRL + E You can view the second effect of transaction CTR + D Page down

29 Account Temporary Overdraft maintenance
Menus UTILITY F3 Back to original CUMM Customer master ACINT Interest calculation ACTODM Account Temporary Overdraft maintenance

30 Limit tree look up. Report on limit utilisation
Menus UTILITY LTL Limit tree look up. Report on limit utilisation BRCR Balancing report on bills sent for collection DCQRY Report on LC and other documentary credits DCREG Documentary credit register

31 Menus UTILITY AFI Audit file inquiry.To see changes in data base for non financial transactions like change of status of a/c from Dormant to active

32 BANC by TCS  BGL and CGL  VPIS: Valuable Paper Instrument System
 BGL > Inquire > Account > Account No. > Transaction Enquiry > Search by Client > Search by CIF > Search by Name  Exim Module Exceptional Transactions Report

33 Cases  Migrated Accounts  Current Accounts opened as accounts with OD  Same Borrower - Multiple Id  Same Depositor - Multiple Id  BPLR

34 Interaction Please feel free to share your views.

35 My sincerest thanks to you
for sparing your time …

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