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1 @ProStart /ProStartProgram /ProStartProgram

2 2017 Culinary Competition JUDGES’ WORKSHOP

3 Welcome Judges! Thank you!
There are more than 300 students competing at NPSI this year. To them, you are more than judges. You’re role models and experts who are giving time and talent to help these students succeed. The impact you have on these young people will outlast their memories of this event. Thank you!

4 What is NPSI about? Hospitality – the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers Sportsmanship – ethical, appropriate, polite and fair behavior while participating in a game or athletic event Opportunity for Students to showcase the skills, the passion and the creativity they have developed in their ProStart program Opportunity for NRAEF to demonstrate the support and commitment the industry has for young people and to encourage them to consider careers and post-secondary education in our industry.

5 How should we evaluate the students?
Use scoring rubrics as a guide Written scores should be based on objective observation. Record clear and descriptive sentences on the rating sheet. Maintain thorough note taking based on judging criteria. It is suggested that judges compare notes and comments.

6 Judges Scoring Ensure scores are entered for all areas on sheets
Points can be split, i.e. 3.75, 4.25 (but not smaller than .25) Judges’ written comments are required DO NOT circle points in columns Write in actual numerical score and circle Must submit score sheets for all teams or we cannot use any

7 Culinary Team Consists of:
A minimum of 2 members and maximum of 4 members An optional Team Manager One ProStart Educator One optional Restaurant/Foodservice Mentor

8 Team Members Only current high school students enrolled in a confirmed ProStart recognized by the NRAEF are eligible All members must participate in the execution of the menu A Team Manager is allowed to be used as an expediter only and as a substitute in the event of injury/illness Team manager replaced the former alternate position Note that once a team member is replaced by the team manager, the original team member may not return to the competition. p. 4, Eligibility section

9 Team Manager Can act as the expediter and communicate with team members. Allowed to fully participate in Product Check-In and Station Clean up May assist in transporting equipment and food products to the competition area May not assist in any unpacking or set-up p. 9, Role of the Optional Team Manager

10 Team Manager cont. During the Station Set-up, Production Mise en Place and Cooking segments: Must stay on the outside of the L of the tables May not touch any equipment, food, or any other item on the table or production area May talk to the team at any time and may have any printed materials, including timelines, recipes or notes to assist in keeping the team on track May not have any verbal or non-verbal communication with anyone outside the competition area p. 9, Role of the Optional Team Manager

11 Team Manager cont. May taste food if they bring their own supply of tasting spoons May accompany the team to the tasting area, but may not carry plates There are no provisions for teams without a team manager. The team manager will wear a colored arm band indicating their position.

12 Educator & Mentor May not verbally or nonverbally communicate with the team during competition Designated teacher, mentor, and state coordinator are allowed to be present to observe only during the Tasting & Menu critique sessions p. 10, rule #4

13 Culinary Station A. Teams must keep all materials inside designated area. Teams may store equipment under the tables or on the provided speed rack. B. Two 8ft tables set up in “L” formation C. Floor judges and the team’s timer will also have access to this space. D. No team equipment should be in this area. Floor judges have access to this space. p. 15, Exhibit A

14 3-Course Menu Starter Entrée with center of the plate item, accompaniments, sauce Dessert p. 6, Menu Planning… #2

15 Cooking Methods Teams must use at least two cooking methods from list: Poach, Shallow Poach, Braise, Pan Fry, Steam, and Sauté. The use of liquid nitrogen is not allowed. Dry ice is allowed Molecular gastronomy (i.e. spherification and foams) is allowed p. 6, Menu Planning… #3

16 Sterno Model 50108 15,000 BTU burner
Equipment Students will cook on two portable butane burners provide by Event Organizers No electric, batter-operated or compressed air/compressed gas appliances may be used with the exception of battery-operated or manual timers/clocks, thermometers and digital scales. Sterno Model ,000 BTU burner p. 6, Workspace and Equipment # 7-8

17 Exceptions to the compressed gas rule:
Handheld whipped cream chargers Hand-held propane burners for caramelization only p. 7, Workspace and Equipment # 8

18 Equipment The use of metal, stone or other types of plates or apparatus to extend the cooking surface of the burners by extending between and covering both burners simultaneously is not allowed p. 6, Menu Planning and Preparation for Culinary #3

19 Equipment Event Organizers provide 1 speed rack per team. No additional speed racks are permitted. Large units of the speed rack equivalent fall under the same category. p. 7, Workspace and Equipment # 8

20 Communication Devices
No cell phones, tablets, or communication devices are allowed on the competition floor Teams are allowed to bring a recording device to record the critique and feedback sessions. The device must be given to the team’s timer during the competition segments, and may only be used during critique times. p. 7, Workspace and Equipment #8

21 Scoring Product Check-In - 5 points Knife Skills – 5 points
Team Presentation / Work Skills / Organization – 20 points Safety and Sanitation – 15 points Product Taste / Finished Product – 50 points Menu and Recipe Presentation – 5 points Total Points - 100


23 Evaluating the Teams Areas to be evaluated Product Check-In
Knife Skills Team Presentation / Work Skills / Organization Safety and Sanitation Product Taste / Finished Product Menu and Recipe Presentation

24 Product Check-In 10am – 4pm Friday 9am – 3pm Saturday
Teams will prepare five (5) soft bound folders with the state name clearly shown on each cover. Each folder must contain a copy of (a) menu with prices, (b) color plate photographs, (c) recipes, (d) recipe costing, (e) menu pricing, and (f) knife skills form. The (5) folders will be given to the judges at Product Check-in. p. 11, Product Check-in #6

25 Product Check-In Each container must have a complete printed product inventory list on the inside and outside of container. Items missing from list will be available but result in a penalty. Team must be able to fit all checked in product on the provided speed rack. p. 10, Product Check-in #1-3

26 Product Check-In Teams will receive their dishes – they should review dishes and make changes if desired Vegetables may be pre-washed, but manipulation of the vegetable is limited to steps required to ensure food safety. This includes separation of leaves on greens, splitting leeks, or removal of celery stalks or similar items from their base for cleaning purposes. No other cutting or shaping is allowed.

27 Teams are allowed to pre-prep
Pre-made Products Teams are allowed to pre-prep Clarified Butter Stock Cannot be thickened or reduced Dry beans and mushrooms may be pre-soaked in water only. They cannot be further processed in any manner. No other pre-prepping of product is allowed p. 11, Product Check-in #7

28 Product Check-In Commercially manufactured food (convenience) items such as jams, jellies, and mayonnaise are allowed if they are used as an ingredient and not as a finished product. Commercially manufactured food products must be presented at Product Check-in in the original container.

29 Product Check-In Judges be aware of:
Temperature of potentially hazardous foods Cross contamination Correct storage procedures Leakage Crushing

30 Disallowed Products If any product fails to meet temperature or cross contamination criteria, it must be discarded The team’s teacher or mentor can present a replace for the product to the product check in judges up to the start of the team’s Meal Production time. Penalty points will be assessed. p. 10, Product Check-in #2

31 Two Teams Start every 20 Minutes
Culinary Flow Two Teams Start every 20 Minutes

32 Impact of Two (2) Team Start
Benefit: Complete competition in two manageable days Potential issues: Judges’ split attention - Allowing diminished level of scrutiny Mixing up teams – scoring on wrong score sheet – wrong critique Comparing teams What comes to your mind?

33 Competition Flow Team Reports to Product Check-in (30 Minutes in advance of assigned start time) Team & Menu Introduction (5 Minutes) Production Mise En Place (20 Minutes) Cook (60 Minutes-can present 3 minutes early) Skills & Organization Critique / Judges’ Tasting (10 minutes – 5 Minutes is S&O Critique) Judge’s Tasting Critique (10 Minutes) Recipe & Menu Critique (5 minutes) Station Clean-Up (20 Minutes) Sanitation Critique & Dismissal (5 Minutes)

34 *NEW* Team & Menu Introduction
Informal segment for teams to describe their menu and who is in charge of what. No points associated. Floor judges may rotate introduction duty. The intention is for students to demonstrate full understanding of their menu and settle them into the competition. p. 12, Team & Menu Intro

35 Knife Skills Now incorporated into the 60 minute cooking period. Knife Skills judges will use the Knife Skills form to see which students are performing the cuts. It is encouraged to communicate both with fellow judges and the teams to facilitate judging. The cuts should be evenly distributed. 2 person = 2 cuts per student 3 person = 1 cut for 2 students and 2 cuts for 1 student 4 person = 1 cut per student p. 13, Meal Production #3

36 Info on Knife Skills form: Designated Team Member
Team selects 4 of 11 Knife Cut options During Production Mise en Place, Teams should place the Knife Skills form on the table next to their framed presentation menu. Info on Knife Skills form: Cut Ingredient Dish Featured Designated Team Member Batonnet Sweet Potato Entrée Andrew p. 12, Production Mise en Place #4

37 Knife Cut Options Rondelle: ¼” thick disc shaped slices
Diagonal: ¼” thick oval shaped slices Batonnet: Cut into long, thin, rectangular pieces ¼” x ¼” x 2” Julienne: Cut into long, thin, rectangular pieces. 1/8” x 1/8” x 2” Large Dice: Cube shaped ¾” x ¾” x ¾” Medium Dice: Cube shaped ½” x ½” x ½”. Small Dice: Cube shaped ¼” x ¼ “ x ¼” Brunoise: Very small dice. 1/8” x 1/8” x 1/8” Paysanne: Square cut ½” x ½” x 1/8” Chiffonade: Leafy green vegetables such as spinach or basil that are stacked, rolled tightly, and then cut into long thin strips. Approximate width is 1/8”. Tourne: football shape, ¾” diameter, 2” long, seven equal sides and flat ended

38 Knife Skills Consistency
Look for a good representation of the cut and consistency throughout. We are not looking for a perfect cut. Accuracy Does the student know and understand the cut and the process to achieve it? Safety Safe knife use and product sanitation Waste Acceptable waste and a plan for its use or disposal

39 Knife Skills Things to look for: Correct knife for the job
Safe and secure placement of cutting board Proper grip Proper placement of guiding hand Execution and understanding of basic knife cuts

40 Team Presentation/Work Skills/ Organization
Areas of Evaluation Team Appearance – 5 points Work Organization / Teamwork – 5 points Proper Cooking Procedures – 5 points Level of Difficulty – 5 points

41 Team Presentation/Work Skills/ Organization
Team Appearance White Chef Coats w/ long sleeves Accent colors and Sponsor logos are acceptable Black or checkered pants Uniform clean & presentable Non-slip, non-porous black shoes Hats & Aprons Team Uniformity p. 9, Uniform

42 Team Presentation/Work Skills/ Organization
Organization/Cooperation Utilization of a team plan Mastery of skills required for individual tasks Workload evenly distributed Team cohesiveness Communication Professionalism Proper Station/Production Pre-Set Proper time management

43 Team Presentation/Work Skills/ Organization
Proper cooking procedures Appropriate for: Product Time Application/mastery Proper utilization of knife cuts

44 Team Presentation/Work Skills/ Organization
Proper cooking procedures Use of a minimum of two of the required techniques: Poach, Shallow Poach, Braise, Pan Fry, Steam and Sauté Waste

45 Team Presentation/Work Skills/ Organization
Proper use of Equipment and Tools Appropriate for: Product Time Application/mastery Safety

46 Team Presentation/Work Skills/ Organization
Level of Difficulty Define difficulty as increasingly greater demand for exact execution of basic skills and inclusion of a greater number of basic skills to achieve the end result. Look for “stacked” fundamental skills. However, remember as Judges: Match the level-of-difficulty-expectation to the competitors (These are High School students) Key on fundamental skills, not intricacy or exotic

47 Plates down, Hands up! Timer officially stops when all team members raise their hands   

48 Safety and Sanitation Areas of Evaluation
Follows Safety and Sanitation Procedures – 5 points Proper Food Handling - 5 points Work Area Cleaned – 5 points

49 Safety and Sanitation Personal Hygiene Knife and Equipment Safety
Proper Glove use Station is clean throughout

50 Does the Team have control throughout the competition of:
Safety and Sanitation Does the Team have control throughout the competition of: Time Temperature Cross-Contamination

51 Product Taste Starter - 10 points Entrée – 15 points
Dessert – 10 points

52 Product Taste Is it apparent that they achieved:
Fully developed flavors Carefully built flavors resulting in clarity not confusion Appreciation of the various flavors Harmony of flavors amidst diversity Utilization of aroma, as well as, taste in development of flavor Patience to reach the ultimate flavor in their dish

53 Product Taste Did they: Apply heat, not just cook
Consider carry over cooking Go for quality not quantity Go for quality not flash Let the ingredients get married, not just live together!

54 Plate Appearance Starter – 5 points Entrée – 5 points
Dessert – 5 points

55 Did the plate presentation enhance the appeal of the food?
Plate Appearance Did the plate presentation enhance the appeal of the food? Arrangement Plate Size Colors Shapes Textures

56 Do not put 10 pounds of stuff in a 5 pound bag!
Plate Appearance Do not put 10 pounds of stuff in a 5 pound bag! C. Sinkledam, CMPC, CEC, AAC, HOF

57 The Physical Menu and Recipe
Soft bound-no hard side 3 ring binders Professional quality printing and presentation Appropriate recipe structure Does the recipe make sense? Correct food costing and menu price calculation (33% food cost / maximum of $75.00 menu price)

58 Menu and Recipe Source and acknowledgements listed
Aggregate price for each course Presentation menu professional and easy to read

59 Penalty Points Station left in unsanitary manner 3 pts
Finishing late – ¼ point per 15 seconds ¼ -10 pts After 10 minutes team is disqualified Starting early - 1 point per minute pts Use of disallowed pre-prepared ingredients pts Two meals not identical pts Use of unauthorized dishes/glassware pts Failure to submit recipes at product check-in 2 pts Knife cuts not utilized in final plates 2 pts Replacement product did not meet requirements 2 pts Alternate touches or handles any equipment or food when not allowed pts

60 Disqualification Did not attend pre-meeting
Did not arrive on time to compete Misconduct – refer to rules page 4-5 Team did not competent in all segments of competition Team received coaching of any kind during the event Use of electric or battery powered equipment, or additional burner Team did not produce two (2) complete meals Team starts more than 10 minutes early, or finishes Meal Preparation more than 10 minutes late

61 Critique and Feedback Goal of Critique Provide constructive input
Reduce and eliminate confusion and uncertainty Reinforce and celebrate successes Encourage and inspire for accepting future challenge-make them want to come back Positive while still being honest

62 Something to keep in mind during Critique
Critique and Feedback Something to keep in mind during Critique There is a desirable balance of protecting the students by noting the positive aspects of their performance and not squelching their dreams while still providing accurate and educational feedback on areas of improvement.

63 Brilliant but Succinct
Critique and Feedback We know you will be: Brilliant but Succinct “Sage Like” but Brief “A source of wisdom practicing the wisdom of brevity.”

64 Questions?

65 We appreciate you sharing your talent and time with these students!
Thank You! We appreciate you sharing your talent and time with these students!

66 Get Involved! Call (800) 765-2122, ext. 5316

67 @ProStart /ProStartProgram /ProStartProgram

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