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Destination Imagination

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1 Destination Imagination
Team Manager Basics Destination Imagination Please ask questions as we go………

2 You agreed to be a Team Manager….

3 Register with DI and get your Team Number

4 DI Team Number 147-xxxxx

5 Claim your team at










15 Team Formation Rising Stars preK – 2nd grade*
Elementary Kgn-5th grade (6/15/05)** Middle 6th-8th grade (6/15/02)** Secondary 9th-12th grade (6/15/98)** University 2-7 team members * Non competitive ** No student born before this date


17 Register for local tournament with WIN at
IN DECEMBER Register for local tournament with WIN at After your team has chosen a Challenge

18 WIN Regional Tournament Registration
Website isn’t up yet…..


20 You will receive / download
Team Challenges Rules of the Road Roadmap DI website Team resources

21 Read Team Challenges, Rules of the Road, Roadmap
My recommendations: Find a Co Team Manager Read Team Challenges, Rules of the Road, Roadmap Learn from experienced team managers Come to trainings Provide a fun positive environment for team to work together Know what motivates your team Don’t sweat the small stuff Divide and conquer Don’t interfere – talk to parents about interference Communication with team members/parents Enjoy

22 Time Commitment ? Teams meet at their own convenience with an adult volunteer, Team Manager, making it easy to work around other activities. Team Managers are given a Roadmap resource to guide them as they lead the team and have great support from other Team Managers, DI University and local DI officials. Team Managers help the team stay on track but do not directly help develop their solution. Teams usually meet through the winter months for about an hour and a half each week, with time commitment increasing for extra practice and preparation time as they draw closer to tournament. Teams meet at homes, schools and community centers

23 How Do We Get Started?

24 Team Challenges

25 Team Challenge Details (240 points)*
*Improv Challege (300 points) Budget Time Limit Team Sign Central Challenge with detailed instructions Definitions Presentation Area Team Choice Elements (60 points) Reward Points Tournament Data Forms Instant Challenge (100 points)

26 Misc……. Rules of the Road Expense Reports Safety Guidelines Declaration of Independence Site Specific Restrictions at KSS helium balloons fog machines / dry ice CKSD weapons policy – theatrical performances kid produced theatrical in nature obviously benign CKSD drug, alcohol, tobacco policy Clarifications team issued general 10 clarifications between now and 2/15/17 response in 24 hours.

27 Interference! What is it?
Elementary, Middle, Secondary interference You can: help the team acquire Skills and Knowledge Understand Challenges and Rules You cannot: Do it for them

28 Remember it’s a Process!
You are the “facilitator” Team work can be tricky DI should be fun! Stages of Teams Forming Storming Norming Performance Adjourning Roadmap has tips for dealing with each stage

29 Stages of Team Development
Forming Getting to know one another, polite, shy, scared, discovering how they fit in the team Storming Competitive, arguments, loud, interruptions, still “me” not “We” Norming work together, quick to agree, defined roles, TRUST, still need a Team Manager to keep it all together Performing Team identity, willingly sacrifice for the team, team goals, friendships developing, dividing work, Team Manager becomes a supporting role. Tournaments and performance Adjourning Celebrate accomplishments, reflections, sadness, good-byes

30 Creative Process Recognize – and understand the Challenges and Team’s strengths Imagine Solutions - CPS, generate lots of ideas Initiate and Collaborate - focus ideas and move forward as a team Assess Progress and Prepare - review soln, re-evaluate, changes? Evaluate – Tournament performance and celebrate afterwards Look at Team Choice Element Inventory pg 26-28 Interference Contract for team members and parents pg 31

31 How Parents Can Help… Become a Team Manager. Guide your team through this year’s Challenge. It’s the greatest gift you can give your child. Help out as a Co-Team Manager. By having more than one Team Manager, you can split up some of the work, alleviate some of the pressure and have more fun. Become a Tournament Appraiser or other volunteer. DI is a volunteer-run organization. Without our amazing volunteers, we wouldn’t be able to develop Challenges or host tournaments. Bring Snacks or Instant Challenges

32 ?

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