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Driving Change from Fragmentation to Integration:

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1 Driving Change from Fragmentation to Integration:
North Manchester Macmillan Palliative Care Support Service (NMMPCSS) Chris Mathewson, NMMPCSS Programme Manager Alicia Waite, NMMPCSS Service Manager Janette Hogan, Palliative Care Nurse Advisor (commissioning)

2 WiFi name: WifiLoveMCR Password: internet Join the conversation on Twitter using #DrivingChange

3 Why North Manchester? The base
Higher than national average no. of deaths in hospital No Hospice in the geographical location of North Manchester Higher no. of deaths from cancer and highest lung cancer death rate in the country Crisis Driven Macmillan Team – due to sickness and under resourcing and nurses and therapists working as separate teams District nurses struggling with high no’s of complex palliative care patients – also crisis driven GP’s referring patients in crisis – registers not populated, no meetings

4 Key Ingredients

5 The Integrated Model layer by layer – not a soufflé!!

6 How to ‘bake’ the perfect team
A great team is more than the sum of its parts. Staff are unique in what they can contribute Critical role of leadership and culture should not be under estimated Have a team that feels safe is a great start The team goal needs to be clearly articulated New staff members are hired with the team’s goals in mind

7 The North Manchester Macmillan Palliative Care Support Service (NMMPCSS)
Nursing and Therapy Team working as one Enhanced team (Service Manager, Nurses, Therapists, Assistant Practitioners, Volunteer Coordinator, Admin) 8am-8pm – 7 day a week service Medical Consultant led service Single point of access – triage clinician

8 Primary Care Development
Palliative Care Registers populated – all life limiting illnesses and care homes Re-establishment of palliative care meetings Attendance of NMMPCSS member and District Nurses at palliative care meetings. MCIP Local Commissioned Service – Cancer and end of life facilitators Standards for General Practice - including palliative care GP – one day a week with NMMPCSS Enabled more supportive care, proactively for a greater amount of patients.

9 Community Services District nursing review – enabled attendance at daily triage meetings with NMMPCSS District nurse link role – enabled safer/timely discharge/increased hospital staff’s knowledge District nurses key members on hospital Multi Disciplinary Team (MDT) Crisis response team collaboration (frail elderly) Intravenous Therapy Team (pathways for antibiotics, rehydration) Respiratory Team, Cardiac Team – education and joint working Work with Social Services – to ensure timely access

10 Acute Sector Providers of NMMPCSS employed by Pennine Acute Hospital Trust – enabled the following redesign: Redesign and development of acute Multi Disciplinary Team District Nurse Link worker, new role – worked with ward staff and discharge team Community Consultant in-reach – hospital consultant outreach Spiritual team out reached to community – patient and staff support One team approach to education and governance

11 Hospices 3 Hospices located outside Manchester border – commissioned
St Ann’s Hospice - Enhanced 24 hour helpline Development work with Dr Kershaw's to reduce delayed discharges Springhill Hospice – liaised with re. changes and how to access/liaise with NMMPCSS NMMPCSS Developed a ‘Patient management system’ enabled them to ‘follow patients’ into hospices and hospital

12 Enhanced Support – The Icing on the cake
1. Volunteer model established Phase 2 developments: Complimentary Therapy Lymphodema Service Social groups developed


14 Impact – the difference made






20 Challenges Turning strategy into an operational model
Data – Gathering relevant data to demonstrate how the new service impacted on palliative care outcomes. Many staff appointed at the same time – tight deadlines for implementation.

21 Key messages Establish correct structures – with effective user involvement. It is hard work and requires continuous commitment from all. Don’t feel like you have to do it alone – matrix work – utilise all skills. Its great when it all comes together and feedback demonstrates how well it is working for patients and staff.


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