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Teaching the Personal and Social Capability
Nerida Matthews Curriculum Manager, Health and Physical Education
Agenda The importance of Personal and Social Capability
What is in the curriculum? Planning for implementation Relationship to other curriculum areas Progressing learning Whole school planning Explicit teaching and assessment Questions
to survive and thrive in a radically altered economy.”
“In the new work order, young people will need excellent enterprise skills – digital literacy, critical thinking, creativity, financial savvy, flexibility, the ability to collaborate, self sufficiency – to survive and thrive in a radically altered economy.” The Age, 3 May 2016
“For unless students are creative, curious, resilient and resourceful they will neither be prepared for a lifetime of learning new things nor be able to thrive in a fast changing world.” The Age, 15 March 2016
Importance of social and emotional learning
Source: Cahill, H et al, University of Melbourne, accessed from The Personal and Social Capability provides the social and emotional learning curriculum for Victorian Schools.
Understanding the intent
Introductory materials will assist teachers to understand the specific purpose and features of the curriculum: Rationale and aims Structure Strands - Key organising elements within each curriculum area. Sub-strands - Supplementary organising elements within some curriculum areas. Scope and Sequence Glossary
Structure Strands and Sub-strands Achievement standards
Self-Awareness and Management Social Awareness and Management Recognition and expression of emotions Relationships and diversity Development of resilience Collaboration Achievement standards The first achievement standard at Foundation and then at Levels 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. A curriculum for students with disabilities has been developed in this learning area.
True/False Quiz True or False
True or False Equal time should be spent on each content descriptor. 2. The Victorian Curriculum describes a progression of student learning. 3. All content descriptors must be taught in a 12 month period. 4. All elaborations must be taught. 5. All teachers are required to explicitly teach all Capabilities.
True/False Quiz - answers
True or False Equal time should be spent on each content descriptor. False 2. The Victorian Curriculum describes a progression of student learning. True 3. All content descriptors must be taught in a 12 month period. 4. All elaborations must be taught. 5. All teachers are required to explicitly teach all Capabilities.
Curriculum Planning Schools can decide how to structure their teaching and learning program. Content descriptions across the learning areas and capabilities can be combined to create teaching and learning programs. Schools will design teaching and learning programs to: reflect local resources, expertise and contexts, and allows for specialisation and innovation ensure every student has the opportunity to learn the knowledge, understandings and skills defined in the curriculum Personal and Social Capability resources, including Curriculum Mapping Templates:
Victorian Curriculum F-10
Revised curriculum planning and reporting guidelines Specific sectoral requirements related to curriculum provision and reporting are the responsibility of and published by the relevant sectoral authorities
Four interrelated layers
By School – a high-level summary of the coverage of all the curriculum areas, reflecting the school’s goals, vision and any particular areas of specialisation or innovation By Curriculum Area – the sequencing of key knowledge and skills across the years of schooling to support a progression of learning By Year Level – a coherent program from a student perspective that enables effective connections across curriculum areas By Unit / Lessons – specifying Victorian Curriculum F–10 content descriptions and achievement standards, activities and resources to ensure students of all achievement levels are able to progress Summarise the four interrelated layers of curriculum planning – why all are important but give a different perspective
How to implement the capabilities
The Victorian Curriculum F–10 includes capabilities, which are a set of discrete knowledge and skills that can and should be taught explicitly. It is expected that the skills and knowledge defined in the capabilities will be developed, practised, deployed and demonstrated by students in and through their learning across the curriculum.
How and where to teach this?
Possibilities – Where will it be: introduced/developed practised deployed demonstrated An example Level 5-6 Content descriptor: Describe the various causes of conflict and evaluate possible strategies to address conflict. Achievement standard (part of): Students identify causes and effects of conflict and explain different strategies to diffuse or resolve conflict situations.
How and where to teach this?
Introduced/ developed Practised Deployed Demonstrated English Maths The Arts History Geography Civics and Citizenship Economics and Business Languages Health and Physical Education Science Digital Technologies Design and Technologies
Reflection – How and where to teach this?
Use the following questions to stimulate a discussion about the results shown in the “How and where to teach this?” table on the previous slide. What are the implications if every learning area was to explicitly introduce the content (knowledge and skills)? How would you decide which is the “best” learning area to introduce the content? Could it be more than one? Does it need to be the same learning area for all of the content from the Personal and Social Capability? What are the advantages of having the learning area that introduces the content also assess the content? Why would it be important to map the units of work where students would be asked to practise the content? Why is it important to build consistency across the school?
Curriculum connections
Learning in Personal and Social capability is strongly connected to many other areas of the curriculum, especially those that explore human relationships. Health and Physical Education, in particular, enables students to develop knowledge of recognition of personal qualities, awareness of identity and establishment and maintenance of respectful relationships Respectful relationships A teaching and learning program for respectful relationships may include: the importance of a range of social relationships, including within families, peer groups and the community identifying and managing emotional responses in a range of contexts developing knowledge and skills to promote safe and respectful relationships.
Continuum of learning – Poll Identify the levels for the following content descriptors
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 Use basic skills required for participation in group tasks and respond to simple questions about their contribution to group tasks Identify the characteristics of an effective team and develop descriptions for particular roles including leadership, and describe both their own and their team’s performance when undertaking various roles Evaluate own and others contribution to group tasks, critiquing roles including leadership and provide useful feedback to peers, evaluate task achievement and make recommendations for improvements in relation to team goals Name and practise basic skills required to work collaboratively with peers Demonstrate skills for effective participation in group tasks and use criteria provided to reflect on the effectiveness of the teams in which they participate Perform in a variety of team roles and accept responsibility as a team member and team leader, assessing how well they support other members of the team
Continuum of learning – Poll Identify the levels for the following content descriptors
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 Use basic skills required for participation in group tasks and respond to simple questions about their contribution to group tasks X Identify the characteristics of an effective team and develop descriptions for particular roles including leadership, and describe both their own and their team’s performance when undertaking various roles Evaluate own and others contribution to group tasks, critiquing roles including leadership and provide useful feedback to peers, evaluate task achievement and make recommendations for improvements in relation to team goals Name and practise basic skills required to work collaboratively with peers X Demonstrate skills for effective participation in group tasks and use criteria provided to reflect on the effectiveness of the teams in which they participate Perform in a variety of team roles and accept responsibility as a team member and team leader, assessing how well they support other members of the team
Explicit teaching and assessment
The Personal and Social Capability describes social and emotional learning as discrete knowledge, understandings and skills, rather than a statement of pedagogy For example, just because a student completes a task as part of the team, this does not mean that they acquire the knowledge, understandings and skills necessary to work collaboratively with others. The knowledge, understandings and skills for working collaboratively, such as communication, negotiation, time management and conflict resolution, need to be explicitly taught and assessed. Successful social and emotional learning programs move beyond giving information to explicitly teaching and providing opportunity for students to practise interpersonal skills.
Planning for progression in learning
Content description Identify the characteristics of an effective team and develop descriptions for particular roles including leadership, and assess both their own and their team’s performance when undertaking various roles What will you explicitly teach to progress the student’s learning? Perform in a variety of team roles and accept responsibility as a team member and team leader, assessing how well they support other members of the team Achievement standard By the end of Level 6- They contribute to groups and teams suggesting improvements for methods used in group projects and investigations. What will the students be able to demonstrate as they are progressing towards the standards? By the end of Level 8 – They explain the extent to which individual roles and responsibilities enhance group cohesion and the achievement of personal and group objectives.
How would you assess this?
An example Level 7-8 Content descriptor: Recognise the impact of personal boundaries, intimacy, distribution of power and social and cultural norms and mores on the ways relationships are expressed Achievement standard (part of): They identify indicators of respectful relationships in a range of social and work-related situations. Possibilities – Case studies Group discussion Test Roleplay Reflective writing Assignment Story boarding Mind mapping Other ideas?
DET Teaching and Learning Materials
Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships Mapped to the Victorian Curriculum Foundation to Level 10
DET Teaching and Learning Materials
Topics covered: Emotional literacy Personal strengths Positive coping Problem solving Stress management Help seeking Gender and identity Positive gender relations
Victorian Curriculum Resources
Personal and Social Capability VCAA work in progress: Development of assessment strategies and rubrics to support the DET Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships teaching and learning materials Work samples to illustrate achievement of the standards
Nerida Matthews Curriculum Manager, Health and Physical Education VCAA
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