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Ballistics Frank & Tony.

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Presentation on theme: "Ballistics Frank & Tony."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ballistics Frank & Tony

2 History Who were the first to use guns and/or gunpowder?

3 History China= 800s, used gunpowder
But ancient Greek writings of 200s reference “shooting powder”

4 History First Gun Load gunpowder down a tube
Put a projectile down tube Ignite powder with wick

5 History Oldest pic of around 1326 Vase-shaped barrel

6 Modern-day guns

7 Grooves and Lands put spin on bullet

8 Lands and Grooves create striations on bullet

9 No two rifled barrels, even those manufactured in succession, will have identical striation markings
Slight imperfections during rifling

10 Caliber What is caliber?

11 Caliber Diameter of gun barrel between opposite Lands
Recorded in hundredths of inch or millimeters Ex: .22 inch, .38 inch, 9mm NOT exact .38 Cal may have barrel range of

12 Bullet-Gun Connection
Need bullet from crime scene and suspected gun Shoot gun to recover undamaged bullet

13 Bullet to Bullet to Gun Comparison

14 Things to compare Number of Land and Groove Markings
A 5 Land/Groove bullet does not come from a 6 land gun Width of Lands and Grooves Direction of twist A right twist bullet can’t come from a left twist barrel Striation specifics

15 FBI General Rifling Characteristics Files

16 Problems Perfect Land/Groove Markings Reality:Frags, Grit, Rust

17 Why can’t we get striation markings from shotgun ammunition?


19 Shotgun Ammunition Weigh and measure diameter of shot pellets

20 Shot

21 Shotguns and Gauges What is a shotgun’s gauge?

22 Gauge Diameter of barrel Ex. 12 gauge=diameter of 0.730 inches

23 Ballistic Mechanics

24 Ballistic Mechanics Trigger Pulled Activates Firing Pin Hits Primer

25 Ballistic Mechanics 4. Gunpowder ignited
5. Gases propel bullet through barrel 6. Spent casing bashed against breechblock Striations breechblock

26 Ballistic Mechanics 7. Spent Cartridge removed from barrel by an Extractor 8. Spent Cartridge thrown out of gun by the Ejector Both are sources for markings!

27 Ammunition

28 - Semi-Automatic Rifle or Shotgun

29 Databases IBIS DRUGFIRE

30 Gunpowder Residue Why is it important to know the range of gun to victim?

31 Gunpowder Residue Suicide (-at long range?)
Self-defense (-but shot close & side of head?)

32 Gunpowder Residue

33 Gunpowder Residue

34 Shot Distance Determinations
Need victim clothing with bullet holes Need the weapon Need identical clean clothing Need to fire shots at various distances at clean clothing to reproduce markings on clothes

35 Shot Distance Determinations
Muzzle fire burns or melts cloths Concentrated burn marks and shot residue immediately around hole Close Range, less than 6”

36 Shot Distance Determinations
Halo of smoke-soot around hole Shot 12” away

37 Shot Distance Determinations
Scattered specks of shot residue with less soot around hole About 18” Away

38 Shot Distance Determinations
Weapon fired more than 3 feet from subject, no visible powder on subject Can do a ”Bullet Wipe” Around hole will be carbon, dirt, lubricant, primer residue and lead from bullet passing

39 Determining the presence of powder residue on clothes
Greiss Test Press a treated photo paper against questioned surface with an iron Nitrate residue stuck and chemically enhanced Lead Test Spray Sodium Rhodizonate and then acids Residue develops blue-violet color

40 Determining the presence of powder residue on hands
Old School: Nitrate Test on hands Wax hands, lift wax Stain wax with diphenylalanine Get blue color Problem with false positives!

41 Determining the presence of powder residue on hands
Detect: lead styphnate barium nitrate Antimony sulfide Swab hands to collect residue

42 Determining the presence of powder residue on hands
Atomic Detection Devices Neutron Activation Analysis Atomic Spectrophotometry VERY Expensive technology!

43 Determining the presence of powder residue on hands
Collect samples from hands for Scanning Electron Microscopy Problem with hours to scan for particles

44 Determining the presence of powder residue on hands
Overall Problem?

45 Determining the presence of powder residue on hands
Intentional and Unintentional washing off of residue Have a 2hr window to get accurate results.

46 Serial Numbers Functions and Problems?

47 Serial Numbers Stamped into metal History of individual gun ID Owner
Track crimes committed Can file down number!

48 Serial Number Restoration
Stamped metal area weaken When acid is applied to filed area, the strained area will burn at a faster rate than surrounding metal


50 Don’t want to disturb powder
Don’t want to disturb rust and dirt Will destroy or alter future striation marks Unload gun and handle by trigger guard and grip area

51 Ammo Collection Protect striations
Bullets in wall may become more damaged if removed improperly. Wrap in paper Put into pill box

52 Bullet Trajectory Analysis

53 Bullet Trajectory Analysis

54 Bullet Trajectory Analysis

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