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I finished washing the dishes, put on my coat, and walked onto the porch. I looked up to the sky and said to myself, “There sure is a beautiful Earth out.

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Presentation on theme: "I finished washing the dishes, put on my coat, and walked onto the porch. I looked up to the sky and said to myself, “There sure is a beautiful Earth out."— Presentation transcript:

1 I finished washing the dishes, put on my coat, and walked onto the porch. I looked up to the sky and said to myself, “There sure is a beautiful Earth out tonight.”

2 In-Class Creative Writing
Write the first sentence on your paper. Continue the story for five minutes, until I say stop. Pass your paper to the person on your right; receive a paper from the person on your left. Continue around the circle until everyone has written on your paper and you get your paper back. Finish the story.

3 In-Class Creative Writing
If you are absent, write the sentence on you paper and then write a two page story that begins with the prompt. Submit your writing to me as soon as possible.

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