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2 Purpose Higher Education possibilities
2. The UCAS Application Process: Student, Parent, and School’s responsibilities

3 Higher Education Possibilities Where can the OIB take me?

4 STUDIES IN FRANCE The OIB is recognised as being a very demanding program and attests to the level of native speaker of English (level C1 or 2 on the European Framework). Increase in bilingual programs in France Post-Bac Application (APB) An LV1 grade is given throughout 1e and Te to validate student’s level of English as a Foreign Language. Teacher references include the following links explaining OIB expectations. from French Education Ministry: from ASIBA (Association des Sections Internationales Britanniques et Anglophones):

5 STUDIES ABROAD : As the OIB exams are first language level exams certified by the French Ministry and Cambridge International Examinations, additional language requirements are unnecessary. In Australia, Canada, and many European countries, admissions depend on each university’s admissions system. Applications are completed online. -In the US, Ireland, and the UK, there are centralized systems: US: The Common Application Ireland: The Central Applications Office (CAO). UK: Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS)

6 Why apply to the UK? 7 British universities ranked in top 50 worldwide (3 in top 10) Low drop-out rate (selective system) Good student-teacher ratios Student-centred approach Excellent graduate opportunities The university/campus experience

7 Important points to note
- There is only one possibility : universities Entry to university in the UK is selective & highly competitive Increasing cost, however students can pay in arrears British degrees Bachelor’s: 3 years 4 years with year abroad or work experience Master’s: further 1-2 years Doctorate: further 3 years

8 2. The UCAS Application Process
Student, Parent, and School’s Responsibilities

9 Applying to universities in the United Kingdom
UCAS Step 1: Should I study in the UK? Step 2: What and where should I study? Step 3: Do I know the requirements Step 4: Filling in the UCAS application

10 UCAS Application: Step 1
SHOULD I STUDY IN THE UK? Why do I want to study in the UK? Do I fully understand the UK university system? Have I considered what my degree will be worth, what I can do with it and where? Do I (and my family) understand the financial implications of studying in the UK? Am I prepared to live in the UK for at least three years?

11 Finance: tuition costs
If you are a UK or EU citizen an English university will charge £9,000 per year tuition fees. So a three year degree course will cost £27,000 tuition plus living expenses. If you are admitted to a degree course your fees can be paid for you by the UK government through a loan program. You will repay the money once you have qualified and you are earning more than £21,000 per year Scottish and Welsh universities have lower fees, but are therefore more competitive. If you are not a UK or EU citizen all universities will charge at a higher rate than £9,000

12 Finance: Loan Repayment
Each year you will pay 9% of the money you earn above £21,000 to repay your loan For instance: You earn £22,000 per year. You will pay 9% of £1,000, that is £90 You earn £121,000 per year. You will pay 9% of £100,000, that is £9000 A UK teacher earns on average £31,000 approx, so will pay £900 pounds per year You pay each year until the debt is repaid The repayments do not affect your credit rating (for mortgages etc)

13 UCAS Application: Step 2
WHAT DO I WANT TO STUDY AND WHERE? Have I thoroughly researched the course and universities to which I am about to apply Have I consulted UCAS Course Search? Have I spoken with former OIB students at the universities I am considering? Have I read any independent reviews about my chosen universities? Have I visited any of the universities? Have I a good idea of the location of my choices and the logistics of travel?

14 UCAS Application: Step 3
DO I KNOW THE REQUIREMENTS? Do I fully understand the application process and key dates? Have I understood the requirements of the personal statement in my application (watch the video!) Do I know the entry requirements for my chosen courses/universities? Do I have to take any special entry tests and/or attend an interview for my chosen course/university? If so have I checked dates and considered the travel/accommodation costs? Am I being realistic? Will I achieve the grades required?

15 Entry Requirements: approximate equivalences
Most selective schools such as Oxbridge, St Andrew’s,...require a minimum of 16.

16 UCAS application: Step 4
FILLING IN THE APPLICATION October 15th deadline for Oxbridge, Medecine, Veterinary January 15th deadline for all others You can chose up to five courses to which to apply Application based on 3 important elements: Predicted Overall Grade on the OIB Personal Statement Teacher Reference You will need to pay the application fee (24£) on-line by credit card

17 University Applications: Personal Statement
The goal of your personal statement is to convince schools that you would be a positive addition to the course for which you are applying and to their student body. Your enthusiasm and commitment need to shine through, and you want to try and stand out from the crowd. To do so, you need to think about including the following things: what course you are applying to and why, your situation in the international section and your series as not every school will know about the system, your qualities as a student including examples, extracurricular activities and their influence on you and how they will be pertinent for the course you need to let your personality shine through, - always be positive, yet modest

18 University Applications: Teacher Reference
A comment on your academic achievement to date and potential A comment to the personal qualities that you possess which make you a qualified applicant. A predicted grade (overall mark in the OIB/bac)

19 Student and Parents’ Responsibilities
- Students, with the help of their parents, will be expected to do all research concerning course and school choices. - Students will be responsible for providing detailed information concerning their school history, their future plans, as well as information about their interests, extracurricular activities, etc. in order to help teachers in the writing of references. Parents will be responsible for all translating of documents, including references from French-speaking teachers, as required by specific schools (US universities in particular). - Students will be responsible for filling in all application forms in a timely manner. - Students will be responsible for gathering all necessary information concerning entrance tests or required supporting documents.

20 School’s Responsibilities
The school will be happy to discuss choices made with students in an attempt to finalize their decisions. The school will provide all necessary references. The school will be expected to give advice concerning personal statement writing. The school will stamp all documents and their translations with the official school stamp after verification. - The school will be responsible for sending documents as required by specific universities and will make the final verification and send all UCAS applications.

21 UCAS application: step 5
For applications for Oxford, Cambridge, Medical and Veterinary schools, the application must be sent off by October 15th at the latest You will also have to take tests in November (check on the test and location of examination centre) and if successful attend an interview in December For all other applications the deadline is January 15th Some university courses (ie law) require you to take a test. Make sure that you know the dates and location of the tests. You can apply to UK universities and to others in any country at the same time

22 Additional Entrance Tests
Law: LNAT (Paris, Lyon...) Medicine: BMAT (Paris, Lyon)/UKCAT (Paris) - Oxford (early November, Paris, Lyon): HAT (History) ELAT (English) PPE/Economics & Management Mathematics & Computer Science Physics Cambridge: Thinking Skills Assessment (some colleges, Cambridge) UCL: Thinking Skills Assessment - Check registration deadlines!

23 Interviews Oxford Cambridge Medical courses
- Some other universities e.g. UCL

24 Offers - Conditional or unconditional - Conditions usually include:
Overall bac mark: generally 12/ /20 but up to 17/20 Individual subject requirements: generally 12/20 – 18/20 - Entry requirements reflect competition

25 UCAS application: Step 6
Wait for replies…Narrow choices down to 2! Work hard in order to reach your offer



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